Sunken WW2 Montevideo Maru Found

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Moderator Emeritus
Oct 31, 2011
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Torpedoed during WW2 off Philippines, the Montevideo Maru, a Japanese ship carrying, unknown of course to Allied vessels on patrol, over 1000 POWs and other captured Allied personnel, has at last been been located.

Presumably it will be left as is,a protected war grave, like the Japanese mini subs sunk off Sydney after their attack. But it must bring comfort and closure to the relatives of all those lost in the sinking.
Not if the Chicoms think it has value. Of course the heavily armored steel and other metals is what they are looking for.

U.K. Royal Navy ‘Distressed and Concerned’ by Illegal Chinese Salvage of WWII Wrecks - USNI News

The world's biggest grave robbery: Asia’s disappearing WWII shipwrecks

Governments fear other unmarked graves are at risk of being desecrated. Hundreds more ships – mostly Japanese vessels that could contain the war graves of tens of thousands of crew killed during the war – remain on the seabed.

The rusted 70-year-old wrecks are usually sold as scrap but the ships also contain valuable metals such as copper cables and phosphor bronze propellors.

Experts said grave diggers might be looking for even more precious treasures – steel plating made before the nuclear testing era, which filled the atmosphere with radiation. These submerged ships are one of the last sources of “low background steel”, virtually radiation-free and vital for some scientific and medical equipment.

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This one is sitting at 13,000+ feet below the surface.
That would be a good reason no one is going to touch it.
HMS Repulse is in 180 foot deep water
HMS Prince of Wales is in 225 foot deep water

Not the same as 10,000+ foot deep water

The difference between the shallow end and the deep end of the pool.

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