New Guy from Bellingham

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Bob Cofer

Aug 27, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Willard Vega 30
Proud new owners of an old boat! We purchased a 1957 31' fiberglass over wood hulled trawler a while back. Her name is Siren and we will not be changing it. She was built at the Bellingham Shipyard and has been a local boat her whole life. I am a haze grey and underway veteran so the lure of saltwater was impossible to resist. Looking forward to many years of pleasure.
Welcome Bob
Welcome Bob, any pictures of her?
Welcome Bob. We're right down the road from you in Concrete.

I've never heard of anyone describing themselves as a "haze grey and underway veteran" before. I just may have to meet you to see what that's all about. Older Navy man?

I like the name Siren and think I've heard it before. I think it has to do w wind or sea lore of some kind.

Eric Henning with 30' Willard Nomad in LaConner.
I spent ten years in the USN cruising the world. We will post some photos soon. Need to get them uploaded!
In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous and beautiful creatures, portrayed as femme fatales who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island.

The Sirens might be called the Muses of the lower world, Walter Copland Perry observed: "Their song, though irresistibly sweet, was no less sad than sweet, and lapped both body and soul in a fatal lethargy.

So basically the Siren sucks up our will to work and plunges us into an endless need to go tramping about the seas!
I've never heard of anyone describing themselves as a "haze grey and underway veteran" before. I just may have to meet you to see what that's all about. Older Navy man?

Really? The sub version is version is "big, black and never comes back"...
She's an old girl that has needed someone to bring her back to life. That would be us. Breaking out a new bucket of elbow grease! We have enjoyed her everyday so far.

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