Raymarine Sirius XM weather and LH 4.07 problems

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Apr 26, 2018
I installed the SR200 received and paid for the plan 4 weeks ago, everything seemed to work. I returned to the boat and tried this yesterday, after updating the Axiom to 4.07. Now I get most of the data, but not wave forecasts or Marine Zone forecasts for the USA (curiously I get them for Canada). Perhaps some other stuff missing too like I don't see the high res wind I don't think.

Does someone have the SR200 and running LH 4, can you see if you get the US marine zone forecasts? I'm in Washington but it doesn't seem to have them for anywhere. Also in your Chart app Settings>Subscription does is say "Unsubscribed"? this is suspicious, didn't say that 4 weeks ago, the (idiots) at Sirius claim they have nothing to do with this and it is a Raymarine problem.
Hmmm.. I downloaded the iso file to downgrade and followed their instructions, but these instructions do not work. You are supposed to swipe right to left following power up to get into recovery mode, but this apparently does nothing at all.
Never pays to be the early adopter.

But what is early? I asked around and people seemed to be running it. I upgraded the system on the sailboat, didn't see any issues. Don't know if the issues I am seeing are related, but it is suspicious. I only did it because of the claim that the 3D sonar was more stable, have yet to test that.
But what is early? I asked around and people seemed to be running it. I upgraded the system on the sailboat, didn't see any issues. Don't know if the issues I am seeing are related, but it is suspicious. I only did it because of the claim that the 3D sonar was more stable, have yet to test that.
At $dayjob, I take care of modest computer networks, and "sit near" folks who handle huge networks. Many times we choose the lowest version that gives us the features we NEED and gets us past the security vulnerabilities we don't want to have. Essentially the minimum necessary to get the job done.

In my eyes, latest is not the greatest.

Did Sirius send a new authorization to the receiver? If I recall a software update could result in a receiver losing authorization. If you have a Sirius account you can log in a send a new authorization to it.

DDW- I am on the boat and I am receiving weather reports throughout the US with the upgrade on my Axiom. It has to warm up for about five minutes to receive them but then does so. I have not taken the boat out yet and am downloading the old software on a card just in case. It does seem a bit glitchy until it warms up but then everything seems to work. We will see….
OK, if you go to settings while on the weather page, then subscriptions, what does it say? Mine says "Unsubscribed" which is clearly wrong since I am getting most of the weather data, the things that are missing are Marine Zone forecasts for the USA (tab is there but contents are empty), and wave data of any kind. Perhaps other stuff I haven't noticed. I am getting the Canadian zone forecasts. Doesn't matter how long I leave it on - they transmit the slower changing stuff periodically so it take awhile for the receive to accumulate it. They've sent numerous subscription refresh signals, no change.

Now on regressing to 3.16: good luck. I haven't had any. The directions are very sparse and incorrect, I found some older ones posted on the now defunct support forum there were a little more correct. Basically you turn it on from cold (no power) WHILE swiping continuously from left to right on the power thingy. It turns out the speed of that swipe is all important, too fast or too slow and it won't work. If it works, the LED turns blue (rather than red or green) and you are in recovery mode. This took a couple of hours of searching and trying.

Next you have the opportunity to "Download update from primary sd card slot". I assume that is the one in the back that you can't get to easily, however I tried them all. It will not recognize the file no matter what I try. It mounts the volume ("/mt/external_sd/") then highlights the only line in the directory ("../"). Try loading that and you get an error, no file found. Many tries in many variations, no luck. Gave up after about 4 hours.

On the run over here today I did have the chart app kernel panic and spontaneously reboot. I don't know if that sort of thing are the "performance issues" they reference.

I don't have a terrible problem with Raymarine retracting the update, anybody can make mistakes. But to then have a link pointing to the .iso file to downgrade, but no instructions anywhere about how to do it, how to prepare the sd card etc. is just brain dead.

I have a support request into Raymarine, usually it takes 3 days, will report if anything comes of it.
Got a reply from Raymarine tech support. I won't complain that it is 5 lines of text and a small screen shot, but sent as a PPT file of 3.5MB (downloaded on slow cell connection in this remote marina). In it, he describes an upgrade (downgrade) procedure I have not seen documented:
* Can only be done via SD card
* Perform like a normal update
* When no update found, touch the unit’s listing on the page
* Select Yes when it prompts you that it found an earlier version, then select Update
* Depending on reason for downgrade, the “super” reset with cache clear is probably a wise next step
The super reset described is done via the power up and wipe 5 times left to right.

I checked again in the manual to see where I had missed that procedure, but it seems to be missing still. Tried it, screen goes blank for a scary amount of time but it worked, even keeping all the settings and data (I did not do the super reset). And low and behold, I now have US marine zone forecasts. I hope also the random resets will be gone, will need to wait and see on that.
Now the update promised for May 20 has arrived on time, 4.00.77. I updated, it fixes a couple of problems in the weather app (for example it now reports "subscribed" if you are), but still no USA marine zone forecasts. I get the Canadian ones still, and there is a tab for the US but it is empty for any zone in the US I tried: east coast, west coast, south coast. The update is supposed to address instability problems mainly with the charting app and Navionics. So far I haven't seen those system crashes with the new version, so maybe some progress there.

I put in another request to Raymarine.
Another update for those concerned: I've reverted once again to 3.16. 4.00.77 was having many stability issues, screen freezes followed by reboot, in the weather app but also even in the chart app displaying Navionics.

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