I think I'll stay at the dock...

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Oct 15, 2016
Vessel Name
Speedy Charlotte
Vessel Make
Beneteau Swift Trawler 44
Forecast just outside the Golden Gate bridge for Friday. Long period, but still...
That's not sufficient reason not to explore the great San Francisco estuary. Lots of bays, the delta, rivers and sloughs to enjoy.
That's not sufficient reason not to explore the great San Francisco estuary. Lots of bays, the delta, rivers and sloughs to enjoy.

Okay, fair enough...I should have written "I think I'll stay inside of the GG bridge." :)
Yes, every time I've exited the GG in a recreational boat, became very seasick. On a ship: no problemo.
Whoa! When I first looked at your post I thought the picture was of wind speeds. I thought to myself, 'heck, 12-13 is no reason to stay at the dock!'. Then I saw it was wave height. No thanks! Thats a good day to leave the lines on the dock & do boat chores.
Hey man, that's no problem for some folks! Just kidding, that's good looking out.
Looks like the North Pacific coast is getting hammered. Not a good time to be rounding Cape Caution, seas up to 8 meters in QC Sound. Winter storm patterns are setting in. Get ready Murray!
Really long period! The surfs up somewhere.
Yes, the 9' at 18 seconds isn't bad at all. 13' at 17 seconds is a bit rougher, but manageable. Still lots of good boating inside and, for most people and boats, staying inside makes sense.
The period is 15 - 18 seconds. Those are large, long rollers. With a period that long, I doubt they'd even be breaking. I'm not saying it's calm, but it's not exactly the Perfect Storm either. When I was fishing out of Vancouver, that was a typical day.
If you stay ashore, Fort Point at the base of the GG bridge can be entertaining. Those big rollers wrap around the seawall and give unsuspecting tourists free showers!
If we had big, long period rollers like that here in Texas there would be 1000 surfers (80% kooks) in the lineup at every break. [emoji23]
Forecast just outside the Golden Gate bridge for Friday. Long period, but still...

I've been trying to get my head around this fcst.
On first glance it's not really clear what's going on.
Windy does a better job of separating the layers that make the waves, a in swell 1, 2, 3 and wind driven waves.
Then i looked at the Marine Discussion and it was also more clear:

" Wednesday...Compressed marine inversions and an influx of moisture across the coastal waters is resulting in areas of fog that is also extending into the bays. Onshore pressure gradients will increase today causing a general increase in winds over the bays this afternoon into tonight.
A small craft advisory will continue over the southern inner coastal waters today and tonight. A cold front is forecast to move across the waters late Thursday. This system may bring light rain. A moderate to long period mixed northwesterly and southerly swell has arrived with buoys reporting periods of 18 seconds across the coastal waters. Late this week a very large northwesterly swell train is forecast to move across the area. This large swell will create hazardous conditions. "
Buoys off shore of north end of Vancouver Is are showing 15 foot seas and 15 seconds. It is forecast to get worse in the next 24 hours. Appears to be a big system with adverse sea conditions headed south.
Buoys off shore of north end of Vancouver Is are showing 15 foot seas and 15 seconds. It is forecast to get worse in the next 24 hours. Appears to be a big system with adverse sea conditions headed south.

West Sea Otter is 20 feet at 10 seconds!
I must say if you look at Windy right now, the entire world looks to be a mess. Off the coast of BC, I found up to 36' at 14 seconds. Off the coast of FL the worst is 10' at 8 seconds. Now, beautiful in the Bahamas with 2' at 5 seconds, just don't go North or East of the islands.
Boating is supposed to be fun for all those involved.
IF the weather is not to your liking, of course stay at the dock.
Mike, which app or website is it that you have pictured?
Actually, that may not be as bad as it looks. The swell interval period is very long.

12 foot at 18 seconds can be glass smooth with very gentle swell and comfortable boating.
Actually, that may not be as bad as it looks. The swell interval period is very long.

12 foot at 18 seconds can be glass smooth with very gentle swell and comfortable boating.

Shoot the cruel, hang 10, bitchen, etc.
and the very famous, "Hey, watch this!!"
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