Alabama Boat Registration Decal Display?

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Capt. Rodbone

Senior Member
Sep 6, 2020
Vessel Name
SV Stella Polaris MV Sea Turtle
Vessel Make
1978 VanDine Gaff rigged schooner, 1978 Grand Banks Classic Trawler
I have our new to us Grand Banks 42 registration and current decal. We have and have had smaller vessels so I’m familiar with where to properly place them. My question is am I required to display these? I feel certain I must at least display the annual sticker. I’ve search as thoroughly as I can the state website, but it only shows diagrams and written instructions regarding where they go. This leads me to believe that regardless of vessel size, they must be displayed in this manner, but the perplexing thing is almost no boats in our marina in our size range display these at all.
States may vary on the following, and I need to research the pros and cons of documenting our boat, but will do that in another post if need be. Alabama however is very clear that USCG Doucmentation is up to the owner, but state annual registration is required.

It will be interesting to see what the responses are to this post as I similarly have the same question here in NC. my boat is USCG Documented.
The basic rules are that a documented boat can also be state registered and display a decal, but it can not have state bow numbers, and it can not be state titled. So only a decal is allowed. This is federal law, so not optional state by state. That said, states can choose to register documented boats or not, and quite a few states with a lot of coastline that do not register documented boats, instead accepting the documentation as state compliant. Mass, Vermont, and California are examples of state that do not separately register documented boats.

As for the sticker location, if your state doesn’t stipulate a special location for documented boats, then I’d place it where it goes on a registered boat.
You must still display the state decal on a boat that is federally documented, but you are expressly prohibited from displaying the state registration number on a federally documented vessel.
Exactly WHERE you must display the decal, either on the bow, where you would normally display the state registration # and decal, or somewhere else is up to your individual state.

Washington State told me to just display it somewhere where it was "readily visible", but NOT on the bow. So I put in on a window, midships, where it was visible. Also not on the paint, and where I can easily scrap it off the glass! YMMV
I found out the hard way that the state stickers were required if the boat is motor propelled.. Sail only wasn't and I was fine until I dropped the kicker into the water. Then the patrol boat paid me a visit.>>>Dan
Down here in Bon Secour, AL there are several shrimp boats that are documented but have to meet the state decal requirement. They usually display the state sticker on a side window on each side of the cabin.
I put mine on the forward most side windows. So they're in the same neighborhood as would be on a state registered only boat, but not where they could mess up paint or gelcoat. Easier to peel off when it's time for the new one, that's every three years here in Michigan. Note that the CG doesn't care about state stickers, they're not allowed to enforce state or local law, but the locals will be looking for them.
Stick it on the side pilot house window near the helm. Customs sticker right next to it. I’ve NEVER had anyone even look at them
Stick it on the side pilot house window near the helm. Customs sticker right next to it. I’ve NEVER had anyone even look at them

Those dozens of times a local LEO boat went by and didn't stop you, they looked.
If not clearly stated, usually forward, port side where easily seen.

Florida states forward, port side and actually looks for them in marinas....mine was on the window, under an exterior widow shade so I would take the shade off when LEOs were checking stickers.
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Most states require it be on the forward half of the boat. If you are documented then as said above no state numbers are allowed.
From an Alabama State Website...1 minute of Google search.

(2) U.S. Coast Guard documented vessels required to be registered under Alabama law shall not be required to display their Alabama registration numbers but shall be required to place their current year decal in a prominent place on the forward half of the vessel on the port and starboard sides.

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Thanks! Mystery solved. Curious though what you typed into Google Search because this doesn't pop up in my search.
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