Considering the BC coast?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts. area gets pretty much ignored again, which is perfect, because it keeps the riff raff out and traffic to a minimum :thumb:
Murray, be careful what you wish for! I've been to your patch of boater's heaven a half dozen times in my life on fishing trips by way of DeHavilland Beaver and BC Ferries. I have yet to make the journey by my own boat but it's on my bucket list! - Boyd area gets pretty much ignored again, which is perfect, because it keeps the riff raff out and traffic to a minimum :thumb:

We just might modify our plans! Bring the riff raff up a notch or two. Your area looks much better that Prince Rupert, or so everyone has advised us.

You just never know!
Nuts...gotta learn to shut my yap!

Some appetizers east of the Inside Passage treadmill; Gardner Canal...Europa Hot Springs...Kitlope Lake...Weewanie Hot Springs...Giltoyees River...Bishop Bay Hot Springs...Foch Lagoon...Verney Passage...etc...
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