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Wanted: Nordhavn 40 or 43

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Bill Mull

Mar 27, 2017
Im looking forward to purchasing a used Nordhavn 40 or 43. I can close ASAP Contact me if you have a well maintained one
I just looked at a 40 in Stuart, Fl. It's in rough shape but salvageable. Could be a bargain.

Interesting, thanks for sharing.

It appears another 49, MIGRATOR, has been on the market for some time...I wonder about her condition as well.


I have heard, anecdotally, that the market for quality used boats has become very tight. Given the number of years during which production was way down, and the pent up demand that is now being unleashed (for some, incomes and consumer confidence are at all time highs), it isn't surprising.
I meant to say 40 (above), not 49. Sorry.
I have heard, anecdotally, that the market for quality used boats has become very tight. Given the number of years during which production was way down, and the pent up demand that is now being unleashed (for some, incomes and consumer confidence are at all time highs), it isn't surprising.

We have been watching the smaller-size Nordhavn market closely here in the NW, and indeed it appears the good stock moves very quickly.

Have you walked aboard one of these boats....

We were in the market for a gold standard Nordhavn until we walked aboard a few in our size range and needless to say were less than impressed regardless of thier ocean crossing ability...In our minds for thier build quality that we saw and could feel vs. price we could not bring ourselves to buy one..

It was suggested to us that we walk aboard many different manufacturers of ocean capable trawlers...which we are in the process of doing...this has helped us to narrow down the boat builders that encompassed our version of luxury vs. capability.

Good luck with your search!

It was suggested to us that we walk aboard many different manufacturers of ocean capable trawlers...which we are in the process of doing...this has helped us to narrow down the boat builders that encompassed our version of luxury vs. capability.

Out of curiosity which manufacturers are on your list?

Man n Black

In the low 40 foot range I'm aware of 3 builders that have proven blue water motor vessels. KK, Nordhavn and Diesel Duck. I'm hard pressed to come up with more on this very short list. What other proven blue water brands are you comparing too?

Have you walked aboard one of these boats....

We were in the market for a gold standard Nordhavn until we walked aboard a few in our size range and needless to say were less than impressed regardless of thier ocean crossing ability...In our minds for thier build quality that we saw and could feel vs. price we could not bring ourselves to buy one..

It was suggested to us that we walk aboard many different manufacturers of ocean capable trawlers...which we are in the process of doing...this has helped us to narrow down the boat builders that encompassed our version of luxury vs. capability.

Good luck with your search!


Interesting statement... what did you expect .. and what were you " less than impressed" with?. What do you refer to when you mention " gold standard" when you mention the Nordhavn ?.

When it comes to a true passagemaker a lot of the cost is in the details you dont see on the surface.

Im not saying Nordhavn isn't a great product. I'm saying it's not a great product for my family.

As for gold standard Nordhavn ARE the gold standard luxury passagemaker..

We were very put off by the lack of what we felt was luxury fittings, the all encompassing smell of adhesive (even on well used boats) and the cramped interior layouts compared to other boats in our chosen passagemaker size range (60-80ft)....

My post above was merely meant to open up the OP to getting on board many of these boats to decide if a Nordhavn is really for him/her....

Like I said we were dead set on putting Nordhavn on our short list because of thier proven capability and successful marketing....Now having actually stepped aboard several from brand new to well used, not only would we not pay a premium price for a Nordhavn (successful marketing) but we won't buy one at all...

Unfortunately that makes our list rather short. (as does wanting twins rather than a single with a wing)...however it also opened us up to looking at different manufacturers and we've since actually stepped aboard many (KK, OE, Bering, Horizon, DD, OR, Marlow, Fleming) and plan to step aboard a few more before making our choice (Drettman, Inace, Gulf Craft, CdM, and I'd really like to step aboard a modern Seaton or pre 2009 Northern Marine).

We are in fact flying to Europe tomorrow to get aboard a few that we are interested in.

Funny thing is...every time we've stepped aboard the other brands it reaffirms our personal feelings to NOT buy a Nordhavn product.

I equate it to offroad vehicles...Jeep Wranglers are awesome offroad, but so is a Range Rover Sport..you just gotta pick the right one for you.

Good luck with the search OP!

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I can see where Mr. MnB is coming from perfectly. A Nordhavn is not in his future. We have been on board a number of N's and while I agree, they're fine vessels, they just don't appeal to us either. His choice as it is Mr. BM's to be actively looking for one.
I can see where Mr. MnB is coming from perfectly. A Nordhavn is not in his future. We have been on board a number of N's and while I agree, they're fine vessels, they just don't appeal to us either. His choice as it is Mr. BM's to be actively looking for one.

The OP is looking for a 40 - 43 foot blue water vessel. The choices are pretty slim. Once you get to 80 feet there are a few more options. Man n Black is not necessarily looking for a blue water vessel. He is just merely looking for a vessel that doesn't have smellie glue. :confused:
The OP is looking for a 40 - 43 foot blue water vessel. The choices are pretty slim. Once you get to 80 feet there are a few more options. Man n Black is not necessarily looking for a blue water vessel. He is just merely looking for a vessel that doesn't have smellie glue. :confused:

MnB makes sense to me. He is looking for a very large (in my mind 60-80' is very large) ocean capable boat. The Nordhavens didn't appeal to him once he actually stepped on board. Time to look at others, which he is doing.

Our OP Bill, didn't say how he wanted to use the boat, where he wanted to use it, or who would be using the boat. Those are all things that normally we suggest people pin down as they do boat shopping.

Maybe he is a long time cruiser who now wants to expand his horizons to do ocean crossings and has determined that the Nordhavens in that size range are perfect for his needs.

OTOH, maybe he is a novice who had heard that Nordhavens are the "best" with a proven track record and wants to go in that direction. If that is the case, MnB's question as to whether he has been on board one is important.
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The OP is looking for a 40 - 43 foot blue water vessel.

I didn't see where he said "blue water".
I too started looking at the Nordhavns, KK, Selene boats as they are advertised, promoted and generally thought of as safest and "best of breed".

Then I looked & looked and compared pricing, value, amenities, etc and finally came around to realizing my mission was not to cross oceans but to comfortably & safely cruise near shore.
I decided I didn't need a Nordhavn or Krogen for that and this opened up a lot of other options.

I didn't see where he said "blue water".

Gee, I guess I made the mistake of thinking that a 40 or 43 N is a blue water vessel. Nor did Mr. Mull the OP say he is looking for a trawler, boat or vessel. For those into parsing and obfuscation, I apologize very much. :facepalm:

Now, to the OP, call Larry Gieselman at 949 496 4848 (Nordhavn, Dana Point) and he will find you the Nordhavn 40 or 43 you are looking for. It may even be a blue water capable vessel with a faint odor of FRP and Philippine mahogany. If structural details are important of course.
For the record my panties are not at all in a bunch...I also don't tolerate elitist folks who say "you need this because it is best"...I prefer to do my own research..

I just posed a relevant question and then shared my very recent experience..

For the record my panties are not at all in a bunch...I also don't tolerate elitist folks who say "you need this because it is best"...I prefer to do my own research..

I just posed a relevant question and then shared my very recent experience..


Back to basics for a moment. As with you, a Nordhavn is not in many of our futures for a variety of reasons. You provided a list of quite varied vessels you are looking at. Any hints as to range, engine size, cruising speed or class you are focusing on? Thanks
Our very short list includes Bering, Horizon EP and Bandido Series, CdM, Drettman and Inace.

All of those models are true blue water capable with engine sizes, fuel/stores cpacities and redundancy necessary for circumnavigation.

But to be honest I don't want to derail the OP's thread with my wants....

So back to our regularly scheduled program!


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Our very short list includes Bering, Horizon EP and Bandido Series, CdM, Drettman and Inace.

All of those models are true blue water capable with engine sizes, fuel/stores cpacities and redundancy necessary for circumnavigation.

But to be honest I don't want to derail the OP's thread with my wants....

So back to our regularly scheduled program!



BTW, two of my favorite trawler style vessels are the 64 Northern Marine "Migrant" and Delta 70 (or so) "Polar Star" / "Sea Lion" which were on the market recently.
I didn't see that 64...but did have a look at Sea Lion...a stout vessel for sure...We see alot of Trawlers that are very old school woody and shippy and unfortunately are much more drawn to more modern ships

I didn't see that 64...but did have a look at Sea Lion...a stout vessel for sure...We see alot of Trawlers that are very old school woody and shippy and unfortunately are much more drawn to more modern ships


Not to mention the huge amount of maintenance involved with the very nice, attractive, traditional wood boats. Give me glass and SS any day. Unless of course maintenance simply involves a credit card.
We looked at both the 43 and 49 Nordhavn. They are made for very small people.
I think when you get to that size requirement, a sailboat (I know I'm sorry) offers the best in seaworthy solution.

Get above 55' then it's all about how much money you have... I'd put the 55' Fleming on the top of my list then.
Last Fall I looked at Migrator in Stuart and another 40 in Ft. Lauderdale and was not impressed with the layout or space of the 40's. I sorta felt like I was in an old fashioned bathysphere...all cooped up in a small space with tiny windows to see outside. Very claustrophobic to me, in other words.

I looked at the 50 that was in Jupiter and liked it much better. There were no 43's handy to see.

I think they build a good boat but in retrospect cannot image why I was ever interested in one to start with except to cross it off the list. Slow on top of slow and I am not going to cross any oceans at this stage.
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