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    • PierreR
      PierreR replied to the thread Volcanic Eruption.
      Almost went into volcanology. Would have graduated in 1977 and been hard charging and invincible, Plus probably dead. The photos from...
    • PierreR
      An RV type air conditioner should work fine as long as you have enough air flow to it. There is a glassed in large RF antenna glassed...
    • PierreR
      PierreR replied to the thread The Case for Going Slow.
      I love all these best of conditions numbers. I don't have any of that. I don't even have fuel gauges or sight gages. I have a stick and...
    • PierreR
      This plan has worked out very well now and I am right on schedule. Launched May 23. I now have about 6 weeks before we leave on this...
    • PierreR
      PierreR replied to the thread Cruising for Disabled Boaters.
      I might be able to offer some perspective. My wife has Ehlers Danlos and has had over 60 hours of orthopedic surgeries in the last 45...
    • PierreR
      PierreR replied to the thread Caver owner.
      I have an older Princess stove with oven. The boat originally had two 30 amp circuits with once being the AC. There was simply not...
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