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    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread Hi all.
      Welcome. Our daughter lives in Severna Park on the Magothy and we are often visiting We have our boat on the Sassafras. I'd suggest...
    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread Blind void backing.
      Any backing I've needed has been FRP. Look here (McMaster-Carr). McMaster-Carr are easy to deal with. I used this for backing on our...
    • Nepidae
      You got it. We bought her in '10 and she is still my heart desire.
    • Nepidae
      I am sure you have had any number of responses, mine will probably be different. A friend told me before we bought our boat that the...
    • Nepidae
      Did you sell this yet? Are both boxes involved in the sale? Email me:
    • Nepidae
      If you haven't heard of Brian Smith, which I guess you haven't since you are here, you should call Brian Smith at American Diesel. He...
    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread Grand Banks electric range.
      Sorry to fire my 2 cents here especially since we are not GB people. Our Albin has a copper line from the bridge, we have 2 wells under...
    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread 36GB classic lifting points.
      First, your yard people who handle the lift probably know your boat or a similar one regardless of, if the lift points are identified on...
    • Nepidae
      We have the Rocna 25 and a Lofrans Tigress windlass with a Mantus swivel. The Tigress is a 1500 and we have pushed it to its limits on...
    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread FL 120 Heat Exchanger.
      The first thing you should always do with a Ford Lehman question is call Brian at American Diesel. His dad built the engine so he has...
    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread Ford Lehman 120 seized piston.
      Before you do anything, call Brian at American Diesel. He is the ONLY FL EXPERT. Web site the phone number is...
    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread Marine Elegance issues.
      Raritan has been my go-to for anything I need or want that they sell since I bought the boat in '10. Had some Electroscan issues which...
    • Nepidae
      Nepidae replied to the thread CASH???.
      In '10 when we purchased our boat we paid cash, well gave a personal check with no issues. Most drug dealers would probably NOT be...
    • Nepidae
      You are getting a lot of info and I think that it would be worth your time & money to get an ABYC Electriddian to come to the boat &...
    • Nepidae
      Your question, unfortunately, begs other questions. Is the current alternator an OEM and are you sure it is toast? I'd go to an...
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