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    • Intrepid
      Intrepid replied to the thread Air conditioner condensate line.
      I put Venturi in output line, sucks the condensate out. Look for irrigation Venturi.
    • Intrepid
      Intrepid replied to the thread HIN number request.
      They could be trying to register another boat with that number. I’m currently in the process of registering boat, sending photo of HIN...
    • Intrepid
      Intrepid replied to the thread Starlink experience to consider.
      I’ve been using regional roam between Fiji and Marshall Islands with round dish. I activate priority when away from land. Works perfectly.
    • Intrepid
      Intrepid replied to the thread Which Starlink kit for the boat.
      I use original round dish, regional roam(NZ) currently working in Fiji, also worked in Marshall Islands. I activated priority while on...
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