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    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread Peeling and Cracking Fix.
      On our last boat President put the gel coat on way too thick also. It had stress cracking in large areas. One section it was almost...
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread Peeling and Cracking Fix.
      I painted the bow and side decks on our last boat with Kiwigrip. We used it as a CG patrol boat so the crew was wearing combat boots...
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread Peeling and Cracking Fix.
      If it is indeed paint, then sand it off and paint it with Kiwigrip. Much less prep and it will hide minor flaws in the surface.
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread Need new locks.
      A good locksmith can probably replace the pins in the lock to rekey it and make a new key, if they can find the blanks. I would look...
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread electrical wire fitting.
      You can use a small clam shell vent to cover the hole and let the cables exit the bottom. You can caulk it or just orient it so water...
    • Comodave
      That may be true, but I still sound them to cover my ass. I can’t help it if others don’t know the rules, but I do and follow them to...
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread Unknown model of Raycor.
      Welcome aboard. Unlikely that most people will know what model fuel filter you have without more info. Can you take a closeup photo of...
    • Comodave
      Yup, I sound the signals even if nobody else is just in case of a collision I was doing the right thing.
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread Blackwater line replacement.
      I replaced the head in our boat with a Raritan Marine Elegance. The ME can use either 1” or 1.5” discharge hose. I use 1” and ran it...
    • Comodave
      Welcome aboard. Most gensets will overide faults when the start button is pressed and when it is released any serious fault will shut...
    • Comodave
      If there is room for a valve then that would be the way to go. I don’t like the idea of stuffing something down the filler hose. If it...
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread New Refrigerator.
      $300 was a deal…
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread Cracks in coolant hose.
      What will happen is the brass will fatigue and break. That is why I recommended no valves. If I were to put valves in I would use a...
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread New to the Trawler world..
      Welcome aboard.
    • Comodave
      Comodave replied to the thread New Refrigerator.
      Yes, it doesn’t take too much of a fan, just to help the hot air rise. I get these fans from Amazon. Noctua NF-F12 PWM, Premium Quiet...
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