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    • AnsleyS
      We are cruising in the St John river basin where the Province of New Brunswick runs ferries including some that run on a wire across the...
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    • AnsleyS
      She had a feeling and mentioned that it might be a good time to replace the raw water impeller. We are headed up the Grand Manan Channel...
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    • AnsleyS
      AnsleyS replied to the thread Visit To Maine.
      Many people think that sailing on the coast of Maine is challenging. The combination of challenges that confront the sailors in this...
    • AnsleyS
      I agree that the small hatch was some previous owners retrofit. We have a 1983 KK42 # 41 and we have no hatch in the head.
    • AnsleyS
      AnsleyS replied to the thread Shroud cleat for flag halyard.
      I believe that the top hole is to be used for the halyard to run thru to keep it from flying away if let it loose. Run a line thru the...
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