Swift in following seas

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Senior Member
Jun 27, 2019
Vessel Make
Benneteau Swift 42
St44 (42) in a 35knt following Sea, about 1-2m, swells far apart. Running at 2700rpm and was going over 19knts on the downward slide.

A lot of fun and boat handled easy.

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Mine is a handful, but like yours gets better if I add (some, not too much) power.

Mine is a handful, but like yours gets better if I add (some, not too much) power.

Square transom, small rudder planing hulls are a handful in following seas at low speed. Mine is certainly no exception to that. But add some power and things get better. Ideally, keep enough power on that you're keeping up with the waves and life gets much easier. Or if the waves are not too steep, you can go faster and just smoothly (and not too quickly) go up and over, provided your boat has decent surfing behavior. Last time I got to do that in steady 3 footers I was seeing 13 - 14 kts going up the waves and about 18 coming down with power set for about 15 - 15.5 kts in calm water.
That is a beautiful picture. Put it in a frame and hang it at home to remind you of how much fun you had. Cant tell from the picture but your windows look pretty dry., great spray deflection! On my Albin the deck would be awash,but the only way to get my trawler to 19 knots is to drive it over a waterfall.

Beam seas with the same side beam wind is even less fun.
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