Recent content by Daveo

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  1. Daveo

    Help with my Trawler search.

    To your original question, I can’t see the point in going to the Trawlerfest given you already have experience sailing, and more important, owning an Amel 50. Better to look at boats that are actually for sale without the pressure of crowds. Or boats that aren’t yet for sale! They all will be...
  2. Daveo

    Blackwater line replacement

    Thanks, That is very useful information!
  3. Daveo

    Blackwater line replacement

    Hi Peg, I have been the beneficiary of your advice to others over the years, so thank you! Curious about your take on Shields 105, Poly-X hose. A friend recommended it to me a couple of years ago. Horrifically expensive but perhaps worth it? I’ve used it on a couple of short runs that don’t...
  4. Daveo

    Boat maintenance Puerto Escondido Marina, Mexico

    Puerto Escondido is quite isolated. A long ride to Loreto. So lacks the typical boatboy mafia encountered at more urban Mexican marinas. Limits the pool of available labor and probably raises prices but also, perhaps, increases professionalism. It is also among the nicest and best managed of...
  5. Daveo

    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    P.S. the prop on 46-77 is a 4 blade bronze, 28 inches in diameter with a 24 inch pitch.
  6. Daveo

    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    Michael provides an excellent summary. I would only add that there is a lot of variation across the fleet. No surprise when you consider how many years production lasted. Not all boats have stacked bunks in the second cabin, at least not the plan A boats. Mine has a double on port and a single...
  7. Daveo

    Nordhavn 46 operating experience

    I have a late model 46. Hull 77 of 84. 2002. My owners manual lists engine HP at 105 at 2200 RPM, continuous duty. Is the boat underpowered, absolutely not. I typically cruise at 1650 achieving almost 7 knots. Anything more than about 1800 just causes the stern to squat. I’m told you need all of...
  8. Daveo

    Victron components, and marina power

    Another, admittedly low tech and less elegant, solution is to just add a second shore power cable. The extra cable length will increase resistance and drop the voltage at the boat. I just transited that coast last season. Really enjoyed Nicaragua. Also western Panama and El Salvador, but...
  9. Daveo

    Wet or Dry Exhaust

    I’ve had both. Currently a dry stack. Either is good but the devil is in the details. Most of the negative issues raised with either type can be ameliorated with good design. My dry stack adds no noticeable heat to the boat. It is well insulated. All the heat comes from that massive hot lump...
  10. Daveo

    Boats you would buy again.

    I’ve had a lot of boats. The two I would buy again; Nordhavn 46 with flybridge and Hobie 16. Not necessarily in that order:)!
  11. Daveo

    Replacing all electronics, Maybe

    I’m in a similar position to the OP. Boat has a hodgepodge of 20 year old equipment. I ran it for a year around the PNW/British Columbia before looking to replace with an integrated multi-screen system from Simrad or Furuno. I had a plan in place in Oregon to go the simrad route because it...
  12. Daveo

    WA to FL Cost: Shipping boat via truck or ship or cruise

    Good day, I just completed that trip, more or less. Actually sailed from Tofino, BC and am now in New Bedford MA. It took five years. Seriously though, We left Puerto Vallarta in December and covered 1000 miles a month while actively moving. I wouldn’t call that a grueling pace exactly, but it...
  13. Daveo

    Dismal v AICW

    I Came through the dismal yesterday, northbound. 5.5 foot draft. Bumped gently a dozen or so times. No problem and I would take the swamp route again. I encourage overnighting in the canal. Beautiful and peaceful. I transited a couple years ago with a 6 foot draft and wouldn’t do that again...
  14. Daveo

    Low energy heating

    Here’s another “new” idea. I’ve been astounded at how well a standard hot water bottle works. Using the cheapo 2 liter Chinese imports from Amazon that come with a removable knit “sweater” around them. I ignore the warning labels and fill with boiling water. Still not too hot, presumably due to...
  15. Daveo

    Looking for help in Massachusetts

    Thank you both for the reply and recommendations, I’ll check them out! DaveO
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