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For Sale: 1986 30' Scout

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Not only are those stats not fantastic but if you'd slowed down to 6.5 knots you could have lowered your consumption to under a half a gph which is what I normally get. Now if I could just do something about that rolling.
Thanks for the updates on the names and if i can help in anyway let me know.it sure is great when some keeps good records when they make long passages it show what a long slim boat can do.
if I could just do something about that rolling.

That's just part of the charm... ;)

Attached photo of PAHOO rolling along in the Gulf of Mexico
(33hrs from Apalachacola straight across to Tampa Ship Channel + Bradenton, FL - Jan '10)


  • GulfCrossing1.jpg
    137.5 KB · Views: 256
That's just part of the charm... ;)

Attached photo of PAHOO rolling along in the Gulf of Mexico
(33hrs from Apalachacola straight across to Tampa Ship Channel + Bradenton, FL - Jan '10)

I assume she rolls slow and gentle like.No deep heavy keel to snap her back up.
I assume she rolls slow and gentle like.

A description of the Scout 30's roll characteristics may depend on the disposition of the owner! Capt. Bob Volk, ex owner of the well-traveled Scout RIMA, told me that she could snap-roll as easily as an aerobatic biplane!

I have always been a small boat enthusiast, so I don't mind the roll, although all the cabinet doors below are tied during passages. Many stores were launched across the cabin during our first rough conditions: a clear sky crossing Lk Michigan from So. Haven to Chicago in 5-7ft seas in late Oct '09. Several times we took green water over the bow, and several times the towed dinghy went completely airborne. (We were very late getting off the lake, and had only a 20hr weather window to reach Chicago.)

I have since learned to trust and appreciate her lively motion, although it often helps to hang on to something!
Sounds like you guys have enough Scout interest and owners to start a Scout Forum right here on TF.

I hope you post more pics, interior and exterior. Beautiful boat, gents!!
When I found my Scout on Yachtworld it was at the Toledo Beach Marina. It had been storming for several days before I flew up to see it. When we took her out for a sea trial the waves were very regular, steep & so tall that the bow of the large Hunter sailboat following us was coming out of the water enough that I could see the keel. I had the helm as the owner had gone forward to close the ports. When I brought her around I intentionally took a wave broadside. The boat handled it fine & we were never close to capsizing or getting water in the cockpit. I did however scare the crap out of the salesman riding with us who promptly asked me never to do that again. I told him if I was going to buy her I needed to see what she could take & I did.
:) I like the idea of a Scout Forum....

As do I. Having just joined this forum, I'm not sure how to go about making that happen, but I will gladly lend support.

Just removed both fuel tanks yesterday. Will have them shortened because, at my rate of consumption, there's no reason for me to be carrying 100gal of fuel around. I think I'll use the new additional space on each side (aft of the shortened tanks) for 2 batteries. I'll be changing out hoses for scuppers, tank vents, etcetc that look like no one has touched them for many years. Am looking for small contortionist to help with that project!

In the off chance that a new Scout 30 Forum would be interested in such things as 'removing fuel tanks', or 'reworking the engine space', I think pix of such things might be of interest. For example, PRINCE OF TIDES has a wonderful engine space, as I'm sure do others. Owner Michael Lanier would be very interested and helpful on such a forum.
Guys, go here and post a request for a new Scout Forum. One of the Mods can set one up for you.
Only an Admin (JanetH or Andy) can setup the software to add another subforum. Mods cannot.
That's just part of the charm... ;)

Attached photo of PAHOO rolling along in the Gulf of Mexico
(33hrs from Apalachacola straight across to Tampa Ship Channel + Bradenton, FL - Jan '10)

I've made that trip a couple of times. About 175 miles a long ways from shore. Never would have thought of using the Scout as a PASSAGEMAKER. Udaman:thumb:
I don't think anyone's planning on crossing the Atlantic in one but I think they are capable coastal cruisers. I hope to take Olive to the Bahamas one of these days.
Scout 30 SubForum

Only an Admin (JanetH or Andy) can setup the software to add another subforum. Mods cannot.

Gonzo.. After phone conversations with several Scout 30 owners who are in favor of some kind of forum/clearing house, and in reading positive comments on this thread, we would like to proceed with the idea of a Scout30 subforum first suggested recently by FlyWright.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Can you help us with our next steps?
Thank you.
Sea scout

Was this the boat used in the Hallmark movie "Daniel's Daughter"? We live in CA and have a 1979 Sea Scout powered with a Perkins diesel.
Can you post a pic of your boat?
Y'alls boats are fine looking, sort of have a mini-Titanic look from the bow facing aft from the pics posted.
Did a Scout 30 thread ever get started?
In the fall of 2012, I did attempt to get a Scout 30 SubForum started; however, for my own lack of knowing how, it just didn't happen. Subsequently I did put together a Facebook page with the title "Scout 30 Owners Group".

It has been well received, and we truly hope that it will continue to be a helpful resource for owners and enthusiasts of these special little yachts. There are many photos posted, showing various details of over 20 boats. As they are now up to 30yrs old, there appears to be significant restoration work being done, equipment upgrades, and many new coats of finish being applied!

Perhaps a subforum here might be useful as well.
Thanks for your interest, Reuben!
I have been infatuated by the Scout since her introduction. My current interest is that I feel this easily driven, pocket cruiser is close to ideal for electric propulsion. I am heavily vested in hybrid boating owning a 12 meter solar-diesel-electric boat, the DSe 12m.

Should I wish to proceed, I would like to find an "aging" Scout in need of a new motor (since that would be the first item to replace).

Being an aficionado, I'd like to join your Facebook group (I have found it!)
Are Scout 30s and Maple Bay 30s related?

No. The Maple Bay 27 was built by Dallas Selman, in Cobble Hill (near Duncan BC) who then sold the moulds to Jim Scrivins in Victoria who modified them to produce the 30 and 32 models.

Given that the 32 was powered by a 54 HP Isuzu it could also be a candidate for Rueben's electric motivation, although it has a different aesthetic. A nice aesthetic, mind you.
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