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For Sale: Books

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Mar 1, 2018
Vessel Name
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Krogen 42
Sorting through part of my collection. Will ship priority mail on your dime. If You need more information on a specific title just ask.

Best Anchorages of the Inside Passage
The Sextant Handbook, second edition
The Sailmakers Apprentice
Exploring the North Coast of British Columbia, second edition
Chapman Piloting, 58th edition
Exploring the Inside Passage to Alaska
Exploring SE Alaska, second edition
Exploring SE Alaska, first edition
Exploring the South Coast of British Columbia, second edition
Cruising the Secret Coast
Cruising Guide to the Windward Islands
Cruising Guide to the Leeward Islands
Offshore Cruising Companion
Voyage of the Dreamspeaker, Vancouver to Desolation Sound
Dreamspeaker Cruising Guide to Desolation Sound and the Discovery Islands
Marine SSB Operation
A Mariners Guide to Radiofacsimile Weather Charts
Safe Passage Questioned, Medical Care and Safety for the Polar Tourist
Beating the Odds On Northern Waters
When I put out to Sea
Sailing Alone Around the World
Metal Corrosion in Boats
In the Heart of the Sea
The Solitude of the Open Sea
Invitation to Sailing
Arctic Odyssey
High Endeavors
Celestial Navigation
Knots and How to Tie Them
Small Boat to Freedom
The Best American Travel Writing 2001
In the Zone
Sou’west in Wanderer IV
Wandering Under Sail
Come Aboard
Two Yachts, Two Voyages
The Arctic to Antarctica
Alone Through the Roaring Forties
Through the Rapids
The Cruise of the Corwin
Circumnavigating Vancouver Island
Blue Waters
The Iliad of Homer
The Last River Rat
The Odyssey
Fantastic Voyage
Moitessier, A Sailing Legend
High Latitude, North Atlantic
Intrepid Voyagers
Tuning the Rig
A Sailors Guide to Life
Travels with Charlie
Watership Down
Advanced First Aid Afloat
Medicine for the Outdoors
Where There is no Doctor
The Merck Manual volume 1
First Aid Survival Guide
National Safety Council First Aid Handbook
Seloc Outboard Repair Manual, Johnson/Evinrude 1990-2001
I'd like these and can pay through PayPal for the shipping. Just PM me with your Paypal info. I've only done that once before so, being a rookie, it might take me a few tries to figure it out. They don't have to come priority mail. UPS, FEDEX ground would be fine.

I'll PM you with my address info.



Exploring the South Coast of British Columbia, second edition
Cruising the Secret Coast
Offshore Cruising Companion
Voyage of the Dreamspeaker, Vancouver to Desolation Sound
I just realized all the prices for the books got cut off, so it might look like I was giving these away. I will try to repost with prices later when I’m back at my computer. Sorry for the confusion.
Waiting to see your price list. Feel free to PM.

Ask the post office for "book rate" shipping.....depending on quantity and splitting into different shipments can be quite a bit cheaper.

Used it when I sold my collection.

Think it's the same idea as cheap junk mail rates.
I don’t seem to have the ability to edit my posts, so hopefully folks will scroll down to here. I’ll try to make it simple, say $5 for most books on the list, $20 for the cruising guides. Most of these are new or like new, but I’m happy to listen to offers. I am shipping priority mail because it is minimal hassle to get boxes from the post office, and because everything else goes out of here by barge and can take weeks to get delivered.
Media Mail rate applies and is very reasonable. It takes a little longer but not much.
Pretty easy to est cost just weigh them and go online @ USPS.COM to get a $
I appreciate the thought, but we are on an island in Alaska, and none of that really applies here.
Media Mail rate applies and is very reasonable. It takes a little longer but not much.
Pretty easy to est cost just weigh them and go online @ USPS.COM to get a $
Celestial navigation
Knots and how to tie them
The America manual...
The sextant handbook...
Metal corrosion on boats
In the heart of the sea
The lliad of Homer
Watership down
Fantastic voyage

$40 +shipping to San Diego California?

Let me know, and good luck!
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