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For Sale: Rebuilt Cummins 6B5.9-M Marine Engine $5000

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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May 24, 2015
I am selling the Cummins that I bought from Alabamaboater a while back.
I intended to install it into my boat but have since sold the boat, so the engine needs a new home. It's currently located in League City, Tx. I can deliver it if its close by.

The engine has gone through reconditioning that includes block stripped and phosphate treated, new pistons, rings, bearings, head resurfaced with valves and seats ground, valve springs tested and replaced as needed, rocker arms bushings checked, rebuilt injectors (new nozzles) and pump, new 12V starter and 105A alternator, rewired to include new temp sender and separate alarm, new oil pressure sender and separate alarm. The engine wiring harness is plug compatible with Mercury and Crusader. Heat exchanger and oil cooler cleaned and pressure tested. Exhaust boiled out and pressure checked. The parts were primed and painted prior to assembly. New hoses and clamps were used in assembly. The rear of the block, #6 cylinder, has the improved water outlet for cooling. A transmission oil cooler and bracket is include but not shown. The engine has a transmission adapter plate suitable for Velvet Drive or Hurth.

The engine has been run approximately 2 hours on a water brake dyno per Cummins break in procedure for the first 3 steps, to 75% power.

Upon pickup, I will start the engine prior to final payment so the buyer can verify the running condition. My hoist will load into a pickup or on to a car trailer. I cannot lift into a semi.



I have since found out the engine has the aftercooled pistons installed so it can be up powered to a 6bt or a 6bta config without having to replace them.

I need to sell it, so make an offer.
Just wondering if your engine is still for sale?

Keijo Isomaa
That engine is the rare in the boating world, normally aspirated Cummins B. If it doesn't have the oil cooling system for the pistons, and I suspect it doesn't, then don't even think about turbo charging it, much less after cooling it as well.

But it should be a very nice slow speed trawler engine with similar characteristics to the N/A Perkins 6.354 or the Lehman 120/135 engines but with slightly newer technology.

Thanks, David.

I’m re-powering my Grand Banks 32 (1966 woodie) and I’m trying to decide what to put in (if I can find it).

Cummins 4BT (too noisy and rough?)
Cummins 6 or 6BT?
John Deere 4 or 6 cylinder?
Lehmann 120?

Replacing original Ford 6D Dagenham.

Any thoughts?

The 4BT is rough at low speeds and maybe a bit noisy. Any of the other choices will work fine. Like I said above, Cummins marine 6B normally aspirated engines are rare, but the non after cooled 6BT is the preferred choice to replace the Ford or Perkins engines and is available in factory remans, but at 4 times what the OP is asking for his NA engine.

But if the engine above was rebuilt as described, it may be a great choice.

I had a buddy with a fiberglass GB 32 with the Cummins 6BT engine. He said that at anything more than half throttle, he was just pushing a big wall of water and little speed increase. 115 hp on your boat is all you can really use.

I would take a hard look at the OP's engine. Do ask if it has a water cooled exhaust manifold. I wouldn't have a marine engine without one, but some are ok with just insulating it.

I have yet to find anyone with a 4BT in a GB32, let alone a wooden one, to give me some feedback. I'm a long long ways from Texas so, even if it's still for sale, that can be real leap of faith to buy it sight unseen from a private vendor in another country.

I hear the 4BT can be 'rough and noisy' but tomorrow I will have a look at 4BT installed in a 50+ year old wooden boat (not a GB) that the owner is very happy with.

I will also look into the John Deere engines. Many were installed in GB's.

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