joker valve?

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Senior Member
Nov 18, 2016
United States
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Mainship Pilot 34
hi all,

we have a lavac head which uses a henderson manual pump. the henderson pump is very similar to a whale diaphragm pump. the pump is mounted so the output joker valve is vertical. this valve then takes the brunt of the discharge since residue will gather around it. it also means it's the first part to fail. disassembly and cleaning works for a while but the valve physically deteriorates and need replacement long before the input clapper or diaphragm. the valve id unique sice it is held in place by 4 screws that hold it in the output port. the rebuild kit costs about $75. so in reality my joker valve costs about $75.

my question: 1) does anyone know a source for just the joker 2) is anyone aware of a replacement which is readily available?

john (gem & duetto)
Don't know of an alternative, but this is a better price.


Get in the habbit of pumping a few more times so that the joker valve is sitting in clean water. It will last longer.

First thing I'd do is contact Whale directly to find out if they'll sell you JUST a couple of joker valves. If they won't, I'd buy a Raritan joker to find out if the diameter of the opening is the same and if so, whether the flange--even though it's round--is wide enough to drill a couple of holes in it for the screws.

Now to find out what's "eating" your joker valves... Although Ted apparently isn't familiar with the lavac (it's a vacuum toilet, unlike any other manual toilet, that doesn't allow just "pumping a few more times"), his advice is sound: always run a second flush that's just clean water...or least run one once day and especially when leaving the boat.

Assuming that you're adding it by pouring it down the toilet, what tank product are you using? Are you following it with a clean water flush?

What are you using to clean the bowl? Household toilet bowl cleaners are highly destructive to rubber parts in marine toilets.
If you're following my advice to prevent sea water mineral buildup in the hoses by flushing cupful of distilled white vinegar through 'em once every week or two, are you remembering to follow the vinegar with a bowlful of clean water after 45-60 minutes? 'Cuz soft rubber--i.e. joker valves left to soak in vinegar will swell and distort.

What else can you think of to ask me whether it can be destroying your joker valves?

hi peggie,

thanks for the reply.

i don't use chemical cleaners for cleaning the bowl, just diluted vinegar. i do flush with vinegar every other week. after sitting i flush with salt water not fresh so that is different. also we follow lavac instructions to pump 8-10 times wait 5 sec and pump five more. i don't as yet do a daily "empty" flush.

also let me say the jokers are lasting 2 years (6 month live aboard season). so am i whining? i will take your advice on the empty flush.

It doesn't matter whether the clean water rinse after vinegar is salt or fresh, either will rinse out the vinegar after it's had time to do its job...although using a couple of beer cups of fresh from the sink wouldn't be a bad idea.

2 x 6 months = a year, which is about the recommended joker replacement interval in other manual toilets, so maybe you DON'T have anything to complain about.

But to be sure, I suggest you check into this forum's sister site 'cuz there are a lot of sailboat owners there and Lavacs are a LOT more popular with sailors than with powerboaters. However there are few trawler forum members who also hang out there..."Ranger" is one of 'em.

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