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For Sale: Sold-1971 Grand Banks 42 for sale in Chattanooga $25000

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Apr 22, 2019
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Grand Banks 42
Classic 1971 Grand Banks 42 “Woody”makes this true iconic trawler yacht a great value. Vagabond is built of woods which simply are not available today. Her mahogany planked, bronze fastened hull and yankle framing are in good condition as are the 120 hp Ford Lehman diesels, and Onan 5.5 generator. Smooth running mechanically; very well maintained. Some recent (over the last 2 years) updates include new fresh water pump and expansion tank, new raw water pump, new shower sump, new bilge pumps and alarm, new starters, new solenoid engine shut down system, new generator stator and electronic control board, new 240 watt solar panels and controller. Fridge replaced with stainless steel two drawer refrigerator/freezer combo.
Vagabond has a spacious, open main salon with dining in a large L-settee around the Grand Banks trademark teak yacht table. There is a bar with bottle/glass storage next to the settee. There is a fully equipped galley to port and a complete helm station to starboard. Forward is the 'guest' stateroom with a V-berth, hanging locker and private head with shower. Aft of the salon and down a few steps is the master stateroom with teak built-in hanging lockers and drawer storage. The head has a toilet and tub with shower.
Available spare parts include engine oil cooler, heat exchanger, alternator, starter, fuel pump, assorted gaskets and seals and many more.
2016 Survey available on request.
Vagabond is a beautiful, stately, spacious grand lady of a boat that is a pleasure to sail. It is a high class testament to what craftsmanship and quality design can produce.

Please contact Charity at 423-580-4330

Pricing reflects that the bottom paint, canvas and bright work need attention.
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classic 1971 grand banks 42 “woody”makes this true iconic trawler yacht a great value. Vagabond is built of woods which simply are not available today. Her mahogany planked, bronze fastened hull and yankle framing are in good condition as are the 120 hp ford lehman diesels, and onan 5.5 generator. Smooth running mechanically; very well maintained. Some recent (over the last 2 years) updates include new fresh water pump and expansion tank, new raw water pump, new shower sump, new bilge pumps and alarm, new starters, new solenoid engine shut down system, new generator stator and electronic control board, new 240 watt solar panels and controller. Fridge replaced with stainless steel two drawer refrigerator/freezer combo.
Vagabond has a spacious, open main salon with dining in a large l-settee around the grand banks trademark teak yacht table. There is a bar with bottle/glass storage next to the settee. There is a fully equipped galley to port and a complete helm station to starboard. Forward is the 'guest' stateroom with a v-berth, hanging locker and private head with shower. Aft of the salon and down a few steps is the master stateroom with teak built-in hanging lockers and drawer storage. The head has a toilet and tub with shower.
Available spare parts include engine oil cooler, heat exchanger, alternator, starter, fuel pump, assorted gaskets and seals and many more.
2016 survey available on request.
Vagabond is a beautiful, stately, spacious grand lady of a boat that is a pleasure to sail. It is a high class testament to what craftsmanship and quality design can produce.

Please contact charity at 423-580-4330

pricing reflects that the bottom paint, canvas and bright work need attention.

Is she in a marina in Chattanooga? If so, where, and how much is the slip rental? I live in Atlanta and would drive back and forth.
That is an insane price for a Grand Banks.

To those nervous of wood boats consider this.. It's almost 50 years old and still here.
Is she in a marina in Chattanooga? If so, where, and how much is the slip rental? I live in Atlanta and would drive back and forth.
It is in a covered slip at Lake Shore Marina, with power comes in around $280
Is she in a marina in Chattanooga? If so, where, and how much is the slip rental? I live in Atlanta and would drive back and forth.
Right now I am traveling 2200 miles to get to my boat....one of the reasons I am selling it.
That is an insane price for a Grand Banks.

To those nervous of wood boats consider this.. It's almost 50 years old and still here.
Will most likely be around for another 50 years. Grand Banks was one of the best built trawlers ever made. Woods that are no longer available.
classic 1971 grand banks 42 “woody”makes this true iconic trawler yacht a great value. Vagabond is built of woods which simply are not available today. Her mahogany planked, bronze fastened hull and yankle framing are in good condition as are the 120 hp ford lehman diesels, and onan 5.5 generator. Smooth running mechanically; very well maintained. Some recent (over the last 2 years) updates include new fresh water pump and expansion tank, new raw water pump, new shower sump, new bilge pumps and alarm, new starters, new solenoid engine shut down system, new generator stator and electronic control board, new 240 watt solar panels and controller. Fridge replaced with stainless steel two drawer refrigerator/freezer combo.
Vagabond has a spacious, open main salon with dining in a large l-settee around the grand banks trademark teak yacht table. There is a bar with bottle/glass storage next to the settee. There is a fully equipped galley to port and a complete helm station to starboard. Forward is the 'guest' stateroom with a v-berth, hanging locker and private head with shower. Aft of the salon and down a few steps is the master stateroom with teak built-in hanging lockers and drawer storage. The head has a toilet and tub with shower.
Available spare parts include engine oil cooler, heat exchanger, alternator, starter, fuel pump, assorted gaskets and seals and many more.
2016 survey available on request.
Vagabond is a beautiful, stately, spacious grand lady of a boat that is a pleasure to sail. It is a high class testament to what craftsmanship and quality design can produce.

Please contact charity at 423-580-4330

pricing reflects that the bottom paint, canvas and bright work need attention.

I owned m/v ¨Whittler´s Dream" a 1969 version GB Classic 42/125 built for Robert & Mildred Newton, founder and CEO of American Marine Ltd. aka Grand Banks Ltd.
We had here around the Eastern 3rd of the US and sold her in Decatur, Alabama just down river from you. Sounds like a fair price. Love to see her. We had WD from 2001-2013 and miss her dearly. I am surprised we never met. Whittlers Dream GB42-125 contact us at MexicoEcoResort@gmail.com sometime. Por favor.
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