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Wanted: Raymarine C-80 monitor

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
Vessel Name
In Disguise
Vessel Make
1985 Mainship 40 DC
My lcd display is showing signs of dying....local repair shop says parts can't be purchased anymore....Anyone have on lying around collecting dust? Reasonable price will be paid.

Please pvt me.

The Raymarine C displays had a fundamental problem that caused lines across the screen and no image. If this is your problem it can probably be fixed fairly easily.

First press the screen around the edges when the lines are present. If it goes away then the problem is an internal connector that is backing out. You can permanently fix it by removing the display, opening it up and looking for the connector that connetcs to the display. Seat it well and trim away some of the casing that lets it work out again.

I will give that a try immediately! thanks!
The Raymarine C displays had a fundamental problem that caused lines across the screen and no image. If this is your problem it can probably be fixed fairly easily.

First press the screen around the edges when the lines are present. If it goes away then the problem is an internal connector that is backing out. You can permanently fix it by removing the display, opening it up and looking for the connector that connetcs to the display. Seat it well and trim away some of the casing that lets it work out again.

David ,have you ever actually done this before? You are basically correct in the diagnosis but the repair procedure you've outlined is very vague. It's a SOB getting to the actual ribbon connector in question & if the person attempting the repair isn't comfortable with a rather involved process of actually reseating the connection then it had best be left to a qualified repair facility or risk doing more harm than good to the display.
OK, so have a qualified repair facility fix it. The point of my post above is that it may be able to be fixed- permanently.

Contact Steve at Marine Electronics Repair. He was able to fix both issues that came up with my Raymarine C120 equipment. Very competent and reasonable.

That may be the problem as it is intermittent. I fired the monitor up the day after you replied and let it run 2 days. No lines, good image. Fired it up today and lines, no image. Squeezing has no effect. I'm officially confused, lol.
Called him. He told me the monitor is toast. I might have a better response if I take it to him.

However, in a case of desperation, I smacked it just above the top of the screen and VOILA! No lines, good display. Sounds to me as though it's a connector in the display? Fortunately, my son his gonna visit from Memphis today. He is a USCG Et 2nd class. The CG doesn't use this particular system, but he should be able to get it out of the case and find any loose connections..I would hope, anyway.
Yep, you almost certainly have a display where the connector backs out a bit. Pressing on the display fixes it temporarily most of the time, but yours required a bit more persuasion.

It has been years since I did mine but as best I can recall the connector rests up against part of the case which doesn't let it seat well. Just trim part of the plastic case away with a knife, seat the connector well and put it back together.

Thanks! I anxiously await my son's arrival!
Raymarine C series displays

I have a C-80 and a C-120, if you get tired of slapping the screen on your monitor, it is pretty easy to find used units for fair prices on craigslist under "boat parts"
I a 70 on Ebay a couple of years ago worked fine I don't remember the cost but it was reasonable.
Well...the operation was a SUCCESS! There is a bit more to it than just "popping off the case", lol, but we got er done! Found a tiny dent in the ribbon cable that indicated what to trim. Got that done, seated the cable, put it all back together. When I hit the power button, instant display! True test will be underway, but I'm confident it will work.
Thank you gentlemen for your help! Saved me about $650.00, and that is significant! Beer on the back deck for all!
This is a very old thread I know, but my Raymarine C80 developed exactly the same problem this season -- nice and clear one time, screen full of lines the next. I did find a YouTube video on how to fix it, and my screen problem looks exactly like the video. The video captions are all in German but the visuals walk you through re-seating the ribbon so maybe it's still helpful. I haven't tried it yet myself but I have lots of time over the winter when the boat is a popsicle on jackstands.

Wow, I could sure make a strong argument to just let the C120 and 80 die and throw them in the garbage.

One can get a WAY better unit, used for probably what it would cost to fix the old stuff. Even a lot of touch screen stuff. Last one I bought for my smaller boat a few years ago sold for less than half of a new one and was less than 12 months old.

Of the several C80s I got when buying boats, I gave them away or just junked them, and all of them worked, but none of them worked well.
You might try SeaTronics

A good friend had his repaired this summer and was pleased w/ the transaction.

I'm pretty sure this is the repair house but I have a msg into him to confirm - If any different I'll let you know as soon as I hear back. I know he shipped it to FL.

Good luck - let us know how you make out - I have one of those as well.
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