Camano 31 Popularity!

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Senior Member
Dec 15, 2017
Vessel Name
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Camano 31
There are only 13 unsold Camano 31s currently listed on Yachtworld, lowest number I can recall in years! Not long ago the number was close to 30. Three more are currently noted as "under contract". What seems most impressive is that the older Camanos look great, and per the listing pictures, very few have ever been repowered or had major modifications. There are some very cool personalized touches on some models, but most 31s seem to be for the most part "stock boats". Additionally, I noted the other day on the Pacific Camano Owners site some very low hull numbers among the owners providing information on that site, and again, among the pictures, mention of engines, etc., the boats seem very much originally equipped, with some updating of electronics, etc.

Since the original Camano manufacturer no long exists, I presume it is owners, and the East Coast and Pacific Coast owner's organizations that are keeping the brand in front of the public, keeping their boats well maintained, and using them in coastal waters all over North America. I feel lucky to be among the Camano owners....well, maybe more than lucky - I did a ton of research for more years than I want to admit before purchasing mine.

I hope potential buyers feel free to contact owners represented here and through the East Coast and Pacific Coast owners' groups for references. Lots of happy Camano Owners are out there exploring American and Canadian Coastal Waters year after year! (And I just have to add that many are here in North Carolina - unquestionably "small trawler Heaven!")

(FYI, I have no commercial or personal financial interest in this....just two years into a 12 year planned ownership period.)

(Boatwright, hull number 232, 2005)
Yes, for the relatively large number built, that is a good indicator of owner satisfaction. It certainly is a good design. Very much “west coast work boat” looking....sort of “rugged good looks”. I was berthed across from hull number 2 at one Point last year and can attest to the fact they do age well! As you implied, he also had the original engine.
I’m certainly very pleased with mine. A great solo and couples boat!
Hi Alex. Waterline Yachts in Seattle is building and selling an updated version of the original Camano under the brand name Helmsman (not made in North America, and I am not affiliated with them). Nice boats, check them out. We owned hull number 235, bought new in 2005. We traveled to the factory in BC to see it during construction. Yours was probably there too. They had 6 hulls in varying stages of construction going on at the same time. We owned ours for 10 years and loved it. They are great boats and have a large following in the PNW.
Thanks for your comments on the Helmsman and Camano 31s. I've been on board two Helmsman 31s, (Trawlerfest 2016 Kent Island) and they are so beautiful. The layout is outstanding, feels like a bigger boat inside. The folding radar arch is a big plus. No question, Helmsman created an outstanding design. The boat is approximately 2,000 pounds heavier than the Camano 31 and the prices are so much higher. The last time I looked, perhaps two were listed on Yachtworld under "Helmsman". Great to see the Camano concept, hull and overall design updated so beautifully by Helmsman! It's a great validation of the Camano quality, original design and lasting value - building on a great reputation.

By the way, there's an older Mainship 34 on my dock - Mark I or Mark II, looks great, well cared for. Talk about validating a great original concept from the 1970s and 1980s! Mainship has been a significant innovator and developer in the trawler world for decades - a great legacy. I know you enjoy your Mainship 43 - great picture.

The strong economy has boosted boat sales in general dramatically in the past few years. The used boat market (for good ones) is strong as well. Camano and others are enjoying good times.
Could be lack of popularity ( in San Diego) for my friend's Camano to be on Yachtworld for almost a year now. The boat is in excellent shape with low hours and comparably priced, yet has not been sold.
Camanos sellng well

I did my periodic check of Camanos on Yachtworld this morning - only 3 (three!) Camano 31s are unsold at present. Do many sell outside of Yachtworld? The boating industry is soaring, and it's great to see our 31's selling well - Quite a tribute to Bob Warman's design, and to support groups like this TF forum, and east coast and pacific owners' groups that nurture interest and help new owners have their questions answered.

It would be great if either owners' group would do a sequel to Camano Marine's infomercial with John Massey on YouTube titled "Camano Program", including and update while under Brad's ownership of the company. It's a roughly 30 minute review of design, construction, performance, etc. A 2021 review of longevity, owner satisfaction, maybe even how owners use their 31s and where we take them would be a support for the brand, draw interest to the owners' groups, and even to this forum. We have great boats, and it's up to our owners to promote the brand.

Dogwoods buds are swelling....almost time to commission and get on the water!
As one looking for a boat right now, I can say that it's not particular to Camanos (wonderful as they are). Boats are selling extremely well, and, perhaps even more of a factor, there are just no new listings to speak of.

I look at 5-6 particular models, and they are all in the same "boat."

What seems to be happening is that (for the most part), the boats that have been on the market for a longer time, are finally selling. Yes, some new listings are occurring, but in the boats I "watch" it's more that that dozen or so that had stuck on the market (even last summer) are selling. Perhaps because so few new ones are coming up. So the inventory of a particular model is just being cleaned out.

When I search YW, I have the same very broad set of parameters each time. Where there used to be say, 250-300 new listings each time; now there are 47, or 52 (this is across many brands).

Annoying time to be looking for a boat; I may just end up putting it off for awhile, we'll see.
I did my periodic check of Camanos on Yachtworld this morning - only 3 (three!) Camano 31s are unsold at present.

I've been watching these for a year or two and that's the lowest number I've seen. But that may be all part of the general market uptick of late.

I'm looking for a Camano myself so if you have a private sale or are thinking of selling give a shout.
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