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2004 31' Sable Steel OffShore Tiny Tug

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Apr 6, 2018
Daisy Mae was created by Andrew Keen, Master Metal Fabricator, in Gananoque/Kingston, Ontario. Andrew made a total of 10 Tiny Tugs, Daisy Mae is number 4. Boats 1-4 have the bullet proof Isuzu 85HP, industrial 4BG1, 4 cylinder diesel, they cruise between 8.5 to 9 MPH.
The Daisy Mae is equipped with a 4 bladed prop. The high quality and ruggedness of a Canadian Boat, in particular Tiny Tugs, is unique.
She has a closed cooling system(dry stack).
Her super strong all steel construction instills an added sense of calm whether your cruising grounds lie in shoal waters, seasonal ice flows, or areas of coral reefs. Her rudder, prop, and shaft are well protected by a husky, full-length steel skeg.
She is well equipped for long range voyages. Her electronics include a new Garmin 74sv plotter/sounder with a pilothouse roof mounted antenna.
She has NEVER been in salt water. Her cruising grounds have been the Erie Canal and Lake Ontario.
Built in Canada, Built to last. She may be tiny, but she is the epitome of a GREAT LAKES TUG.


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Interesting boat! But why is the sale price not included in the ad? Are we supposed to guess? Is it designed to build anticipation? I don’t get it! It’s stupid, and it happens more times than not.

Mods— we need a rule. If you post something in the classified section, a price must be included.
Go gently, the OP may have simply overlooked including price.
But, a seller who omits price may also be "avoiding the price issue", implying price will be "an issue". Same goes for "we`ve no idea what it`s worth, offers please". I`m fairly sure those folk have a price in mind. Same as real estate brokers not advertising a price "we`re waiting on feedback to set price". Utter BS,if they`re in the business, 99/100 they know what it`s worth.
Daisy Mae is available for $74,900.

Your're right, I bought her, did what I did, and 3 weeks ago my daughter told me she's getting married.
Sorry, I was overly agitated last night when I posted. It’s a nice looking boat. Good luck with the sale.
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Can you keep the boat and rename it, Elope?
I still don't get it.

I went to the link, still not clear on the meaning. Does it include late night activities on your boat with sheep?? I heard of that once in England.
I went to the link, still not clear on the meaning. Does it include late night activities on your boat with sheep?? I heard of that once in England.

You mentioned/insinuated in an earlier post that you're selling the boat because your daughter is getting married, which led me to believe the funds raised from the boats sale would go towards paying for her wedding and/or give a helping financial hand to her new marriage.

My suggestion was to not sell the boat and change its name to Elope, thereby allowing you to keep the vessel and hinting to your daughter that eloping might be better idea than a big, splashy, expensive wedding on your dime.

Loses something in the translation.......
I went to the link, still not clear on the meaning. Does it include late night activities on your boat with sheep?? I heard of that once in England.
I think that is in Wales, which adjoins England. Or New Zealand,which doesn`t. But not in Australia.:)
Since I listed Daisy Mae I've been getting slammed. So I honestly forgot the asking price. I really thought you were just jumping on the monkey pile.

what is her gross weight and what is her bridge clearance height. Thanx
Height from water to top of stack, ten(10) foot even.
I looked on the build survey and could not find numbers. My guess from talking to a few travel lift drivers, 5 to 7 tons.
1/3/19 still available? How many private cabins?
cabin space.

She's on the hard in Saint Joseph Mi. I'll be launching her in mid April, depending on the weather.
One private cabin forward. The second sleeping area is in the salon.
The price is $65,000.


She should be back in the water, early April. Slip for 2019 paid, Brian's Marina, Saint Joseph, Mi. Her new price is $59,000. Available for sea trials mid April.
The price for Daisy Mae has been reduced to $69,000.

For $69K you can throw on BIG wedding. Can we all come to the wedding, free food, free booze.
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