Anyone added the wireless remote to their thrusters

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Nov 20, 2014
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MS 34 HT Trawler
Also looking for any feedback on +/- of remote option.
I have Side Power thrusters (B&S) and considering adding the remote.
My thoughts... might be handy...

Planning on 3 mo Trent-Severn and Georgian Bay cruise next yr... 100+ locks plus mormal docking / anchoring in strange areas.
We are early 70's and looking to make our boating as easy as possible to keep doing it as long as possible / practical.
Would also simplify picking up bow lines at our dock vs pushing off and loooong reach w boat hook to pick up / store bow lines every time we depart / land.
Comments & experience welcome...
From other thruster users... but suspect there will be plenty w comments about learning to handle single screws! [emoji848]
We considered installing a Yacht Controller for the same reasons. I’ve seen couples in their mid 60’s easily handle boats to 72’. The real advantage is that it eliminates problems with limited sight lines in bigger boats. But, just too pricey.

As to your question, I don’t see much advantage in having a remote only for the thrusters. It seems to me that you would also need remote access to shift and throttle controls.
If your current boating is helped with the thrusters alone then adding a remote for them would seem like a reasonable option to consider. As you mention, thrusters are handy for being able to bump it a bit to hold it closer for another shot for bow lines or other docking hassles. Ones where you don't really need more forward/backward engine action.

I could definitely see where having to dash back/forth to the wired control station would get trickier when getting older. A remote could help reduce the chance of tripping or missteps.
We have yacht master that controls thrusters, forward neutral and reverse plus windless control. I love it. The two of us can do anything easily when it come to docking without a hassle.
I have a combination bow thruster/windlass wireless controller. Installed by previous owner. I have not figured out why I want it. I have used it only to test it.

We have and love using a wireless remote that controls windlass and counts chain in and out; controls thruster; and operates anchor wash down pump. When picking up a mooring for example I bring the bow close from the helm but the last few feet are managed by whoever is at the bow with boat hook to hand.
My boat has both bow and stern thrusters. The original owner had the wireless remote installed for the bow thruster but not the stern. I have found the remote to be useful when single handing but don't use it a lot. I wish the PO had added it for the stern as well. I could do it, but I'm cheap.
We have a Side Power stern thruster. I added a wireless remote so that when we come alongside a dock and I have to climb down from the flybridge I don’t have to rush before the boat is blown off the dock. When the remote works it is great. Mostly the batteries go dead between usages so the remote isn’t very helpful. I sent the remote back to Imtra last year and they sent me a new one. Still get dead batteries even without using the remote. Also the 3 screws that hold the remote together are tiny security screws that are almost impossible to get out of the remote. I complained to Imtra and they installed phillips screws in the new remote before they sent it to me so now it is easy to change the batteries. Overall I love my Side Power thruster but not the remote so much.
I have a bow thruster and a remote that controls it. I absolutely love it.

When we're backing into the slip I wear the lanyard around my neck and work the shifters with my left hand and remote with my right. Easy Peasy.

Last year, after having the thruster and remote for 8 years I finally (DOH!) figured out that when I'm heading into a lock or dock I can use the thruster to help make those minor adjustments to my course without having to use the shifters which would change the speed and direction.

Who says you can't teach and old dog new tricks!

Go for it. You won't regret it.
Thanks to all.
Appreciate the varied responses depending on usual routine.
Planning on going for it and looking foeward to smiling when others berate us for even having / using thrusters no less remote control.
I simply respond that they are my less expensive alternative to the twins that most have or wish they had.

We do s lot of locking and figure I can assist the DW / Admiral when wind gusts provide some excitement and challenge in a lock or to assist in some docking situations.
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I added to new to us Great Harbour GH37 (think windage) first thing when purchased. Bow and stern thrusters. Works just like you would imagine, improves single handing and being able to add additional control. 5 minute DYI job...great add
Wow, installing both a bow thruster and stern thruster in under five minutes. Can you teach me? :)
Sunny. You’ll soon learn those of us that joke on this forum.. not confused at all by your statement however my entire has been lived in a confused state.
I love this forum. We have a remote and I have never used it, But single hand docking and picking up a mooring would be perfect. I'm going to try it on friday. I'm sure the batteries are dead.
I don't even have a thruster, but they work the same way as a windlass; the switches control a relay. You can get a wireless remote module with two remotes for about $10 on Amazon. They sell them for ATV winches and such.


Best $10 I ever spent! I clip the small remote to a belt loop when anchoring or weighing anchor. If I had a thruster, I'd buy another set (or they have remotes to control multiple devices.)
Another vote for adding the remote control! I have a bow and stern thruster. I often cruise with my 6 year old son, so effectively I'm single handing. I use the remote to keep the boat pinned to the dock while I tie off.
I had a YC on the past boat because I run the boat myself fairly often and as noted, it sure helps when tying up. But the YC is very $, so I was hesitant to do it for our current boat. Adding a remote to the thrusters and skipping the engine control sounds like a much better deal.
I put a remote on our last boat since only the lower helm had a joystick and the upper had nothing. Used it a few times in the locks and makes things a little easier. We just got back from Seneca Lake. 9 days, 58 running hours, 557 KM, 53 locks to Lake Simcoe. Enjoy!!
I put a remote on our last boat since only the lower helm had a joystick and the upper had nothing. Used it a few times in the locks and makes things a little easier. We just got back from Seneca Lake. 9 days, 58 running hours, 557 KM, 53 locks to Lake Simcoe. Enjoy!!
You likely passed by us on Seneca.
BTW much of the E shore of Seneca is now a disaster area... recovering from flash flooding this week. The destruction is hard to believe and the lake debris is pretty bad.
Also - we are planning on the reverse of your cruise next summer... Seneca, TS through Simcoe to Georgian Bay. That was my incentive to add the remote... make life as easy as possible for the Admiral & I.

We did it 20 yrs ago but had a schedule. Planning on taking all season 2019 and hoping to take our time and also do much of the small craft inland passage route through the 30,000 Is.
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I added the side-power remote to control bow and stern thrusters on my 50’ Trawler. They work great, especially when single handing or when I’m outside the pilothouse. nstallation was plug-and-play and took all of ten-minutes.
Yacht Controller is a lifesaver

My wife and I operate a 75’ LOA Marlow with a YC and find it to be indispensable. Before the Marlow, we put 40-50,000 NMs on a Selene 55 without such a device, but found that the larger boat with interrupted sight lines from both helms was a different matter entirely.

Mike Curreri
M/V Bravo Zulu
I've found the bow thruster remote very useful when bringing Neeltje's bow in with a wind off the dock, but if I've yet to use the stern one, it's because the helm is at the stern, and the inertia of a 40-ton iron barge gives you plenty of time to tie the stern lines off before it gets blown away from the dock you just slammed into...

Seriously, though, parallel parking in a breeze is a breeze with these things, no matter your freeboard or slow-mo manoeuverability. Just make sure one end of your boat is tied-off before jumping off to tie up the other.

Thruster remote

Also looking for any feedback on +/- of remote option.
I have Side Power thrusters (B&S) and considering adding the remote.
My thoughts... might be handy...

Planning on 3 mo Trent-Severn and Georgian Bay cruise next yr... 100+ locks plus mormal docking / anchoring in strange areas.
We are early 70's and looking to make our boating as easy as possible to keep doing it as long as possible / practical.
Would also simplify picking up bow lines at our dock vs pushing off and loooong reach w boat hook to pick up / store bow lines every time we depart / land.
Comments & experience welcome...
From other thruster users... but suspect there will be plenty w comments about learning to handle single screws! [emoji848]

I had a bow thruster on my 39' Mainship and in 2017 added a stern thruster. I made the purchase at the Annapolis boat show and a wireless remote was thrown in to sweeten the deal. I boat on the inland waterways and the remote allows me to control my boat without being stuck at the helm when locking through. It also comes in handy while docking and handling lines. Since it was 'free' I have no idea of the cost but if it doesn't break the bank I think it would be worth considering.
Interesting, I didn't realize how cheap, or easy to install these were. Winter project.
I put a remote on our stern thruster. Simple install.
I don't even have a thruster, but they work the same way as a windlass; the switches control a relay. You can get a wireless remote module with two remotes for about $10 on Amazon. They sell them for ATV winches and such.


Best $10 I ever spent! I clip the small remote to a belt loop when anchoring or weighing anchor. If I had a thruster, I'd buy another set (or they have remotes to control multiple devices.)

Been using the exact same thing for several years with my windlass. I also replaced the mechanical relays with solid state relays. Works great. Sure wish I had thrusters!!!
To me the big advantage is having the engine controls, thrusters and windless in one small waterproof package around my neck and a rechargeable battery that you just set on flat top.
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