Water Tester?

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Oct 5, 2007
I want to test my dink's orange 6 gallon tank for water everytime I use it. Is there a method besides tipping the tank and using a turkey baster? Water is very hard to run through a Yamaha even with water treatment added.
How about adding a Racor filter w/ a clear bowl on the base. Easy to see the water and drain off.
I've already added a Sierra Water separater but the bowl isn't see through. Somehow I think that a see thru on gas is not allowed. I'm usually wrong, however.

Besides, if the tank leaks and rain puts in a couple of inches of water, the separater will fill up pretty quick.

Is there not a stick or probe that can be stuck in?
There is a water detection paste available that you smear on a stick and then lower into the fuel. If it comes in contact with water it changes color from orange to bright red. One type is called Detex paste, available at some fuel docks, plumbing supply houses, and home heating fuel distrubitors. Works well for us..............Arctic Traveller

Trawler training and yacht charters at www.arctictraveller.com
you can get a clear bowl racor for gas actually it is a blueish clear and I run one all the time
Boy, this is an old one to dig up.

Problem solved. No more ethanol gas goes into the new tank. That took care of the water issue. In Florida you can buy non ethanol at marinas and airports. How long that is going to last is a big question.

The old tank finally split from all the swelling during hot weather.
sailormike wrote:

you can get a clear bowl racor for gas actually it is a blueish clear and I run one all the time
The glass bowl is OK and a good thing in an open dink but the glass bowl Racor for gasoline*is not rated for use in an enclosed engine room.

Look arround , at least here in FL there are many gas stations selling undiluted fuel.

NO Ethanol !

Second choice is to visit the local flea airport and buy Av Gas , NO Ethanol!
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