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Wanted: LTB 1997 or newer Bayliner 4788

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Mar 14, 2018
Vessel Name
Sea Quest
Vessel Make
50' Armstrong Catamaran
Before you slam me for thinking about buying a Bayliner please understand that much consideration has gone into this decision and this vessel is the only boat that checks all our boxes. Thank you! West coast only..
A 4788 gives you a lot of boat for the money. You will find very little disdain for the large Bayliners among this crowd. They also tend to be a lot of them around on the market.

Good luck and welcome.
good boats. They have a few little quirks, but no more than any other. Hang out in the Bayliners Owners Club in the motoryacht section and you'll pick up quite a bit. I had a 4388 and it was a good boat.

Thanks for the encouraging words, it's easy to get caught in the negative. One thing i've not read is any actual owners complaining. I't seems as if they are advocating for them 99% of the time.
I would have one if my boatyard could haul it. They are a great layout.
Are you in San Diego, or are you in Seward? Or are you like me in Seward wanting to winter in San diego?

If you have spent any time in Seward walking the docks you have seen my 4788 on F float.

Not many 4788’s for sale right now. I think only one or two. More buyers than sellers unfortunately. You missed a good one in Seward last summer. Will sold his over on E float, the one with the hard top
Thanks for the encouraging words, it's easy to get caught in the negative. One thing i've not read is any actual owners complaining. I't seems as if they are advocating for them 99% of the time.

They are great boats - we had both the 4588 and the 4788. Really a great combination of capabilities and 'cheap' for what you get.
KSanders, I have lived in Seward for 14 years. Owner operator of Alaska Northern Outfitters. You've probably seen the big aluminum cat (Sea Quest) My wife and I finally got smart three years ago and moved to San Diego during the off season. I'll be back up there April 10- Sept 1. We are looking for a liveaboard for here in SD. My wife lives down here full time.
I'm really interested in seeing if anyone has modified one to remove the second stateroom and expanded the owners room. Prob not a good idea, however I would be interested to see what it would look like.
KSanders, I have lived in Seward for 14 years. Owner operator of Alaska Northern Outfitters. You've probably seen the big aluminum cat (Sea Quest) My wife and I finally got smart three years ago and moved to San Diego during the off season. I'll be back up there April 10- Sept 1. We are looking for a liveaboard for here in SD. My wife lives down here full time.

Of course I’ve seen the boat!

To answer some questions and lend a hand regarding this model...

The 4788 went from balsa core decks to foam in 1994. I’ve heard roumor of some 1994 boats with balsa core decks. All 1995 and later boats had foam core decks.

I have little direct experience with the Hino engines except from other owners, and they are bulletproof. Parts sourcing can be more challengine than Cummins, but parts are available. The Cummins engines are well known as a good engine, but I am not convinced it’s a better engine than the Hino, just better supported.
As you know lots of Cummins B series engines get repowewred in a variety of hulls. I almost never hear of a Hino needing to be rebuilt.

The earlier boats had som exterior teak on the aft salon bulkhead and more teak in the interior. I have a newer boat (2001) and actually prefer the earlier interior because of the additional teak.

Good hunting, and Please stop by. We are on and off the boat starting last week.

BTW when you are looking at Marinas in San Diego, which one do you plan on using? We really likeed Chula Vista when were were down there, but it does not seem like it’s in the best part of town, although all marinas are separated from the local enviroment by nature.
Enjoy your boat, but please don't wake me with a large wave when passing. Thanks!
Are you in San Diego, or are you in Seward? Or are you like me in Seward wanting to winter in San diego?

If you have spent any time in Seward walking the docks you have seen my 4788 on F float.

Not many 4788’s for sale right now. I think only one or two. More buyers than sellers unfortunately. You missed a good one in Seward last summer. Will sold his over on E float, the one with the hard top

Of course I’ve seen the boat!

To answer some questions and lend a hand regarding this model...

The 4788 went from balsa core decks to foam in 1994. I’ve heard roumor of some 1994 boats with balsa core decks. All 1995 and later boats had foam core decks.

I have little direct experience with the Hino engines except from other owners, and they are bulletproof. Parts sourcing can be more challengine than Cummins, but parts are available. The Cummins engines are well known as a good engine, but I am not convinced it’s a better engine than the Hino, just better supported.
As you know lots of Cummins B series engines get repowewred in a variety of hulls. I almost never hear of a Hino needing to be rebuilt.

The earlier boats had som exterior teak on the aft salon bulkhead and more teak in the interior. I have a newer boat (2001) and actually prefer the earlier interior because of the additional teak.

Good hunting, and Please stop by. We are on and off the boat starting last week.

BTW when you are looking at Marinas in San Diego, which one do you plan on using? We really likeed Chula Vista when were were down there, but it does not seem like it’s in the best part of town, although all marinas are separated from the local enviroment by nature.

Great info, thank you. For some reason I had it in my head that they switched over in 1997. That definitely broadens the horizons. It seems the vessels matched with Hino power plants are priced much lower than those with cummins. I haven't had a good run with Cummins and i'm considering the Hino option. I pulled 2 brand new QSM11's out of our boat and put in John Deere 6125...great engine.

Here in SD you have so many options for moorage. It really depends on whether you want to live aboard or not. Chula Vista is a cheap option but very far south as well as a bit of a sketch area. I work on Harbor Island so being close to work and enjoying the amenities that the clubs offer is worth the price. Another to mention but isn't gated is Southwest Yacht Club in Point Loma. It's in a really nice part of town as well as Mission Bay Either Seaforth or Dana Landing.

There is a $250- $350 liveaboard fee on top of normal monthly dues.
Good luck in your search! I agree with the others. I think the majority of the Bayliner disdain comes from the smaller, I/O offerings. It's too bad that the company has such a love/hate following.
Good luck in your search! I agree with the others. I think the majority of the Bayliner disdain comes from the smaller, I/O offerings. It's too bad that the company has such a love/hate following.

Agreed. Much of the reputation springs from the runabout market. It was an entry level boat, bought by entry level boaters. A lot of these new owners made weird assumptions like "It's made to be used in the water, a little rain won't hurt it". Fast forward a decade and the boat has rotten floors that eventually creep into rotten stringers and transoms.

Now when that brand is the largest selling brand in that market outselling (in some cases) all other brands combined, people tend to associate the problem with Bayliners. Ironically, the Four Winns next door was susceptible to the same problem.

My parents had several Bayliner express cruisers when I was growing up. Best dollar/Ft value, and my mother still swears she couldn't find boats in that era laid out as well, or with equal storage.
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