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For Sale: Cruise the french canals and mediterranean sea

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Apr 29, 2014
Vessel Name
'Snow Mouse.'
Vessel Make
Due to time wasters our 33' centre cockpit Birchwood cabin cruiser is back on the market.
Contact me via a private message I will send you all the specs and photo's.
The boat is moored in Narbonne in the South of France and she's suitable for both inland and coastal cruising.
She comes with a permanent mooring in Narbonne port.
Quite a few Americans and Canadians (amongst others) come to France for the summer to cruise along the beautiful canal du Midi through the largest vineyard in the world.
The cost of living and marina charges are low here and include electricity and water. We also enjoy the facilities of local airports and high speed rail links.
The boat is sold with all galley utensils and bedding for 2 people.

OOPS I posted on the wrong thread, will re post on for sale thread.
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Hi Gaston.We looked into this but unfortunately the cost of the all risks insurance for renting negates any benefit.
Hiring a boat in the high season here would set you back 2,500/3,000 Euro plus whatever fuel you burn, many Australians buy a boat and swap seasons, coming here for the Northern summer and then going home for your own. You soon recoup the cost of buying a boat plus you can go to sea which hire boats aren't allowed to do.
The easiest way to get here is a flight from Sydney to Barcelona, then the high speed train to here.
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Not a bad idea at all. you know I always regret not being able to spend more time in France.
Hello Richard.
There are many inland routes accessible for your boat, the problem is when we retire there are so many things to do and see its impossible to cover all our desires.
But I'm close !
You are often in our thoughts, God Speed.
Yes. One of the reasons I plan to return. You'll have to think of a good itinerary for me!
Gaston, I omitted to explain that the figure I mentioned 0f 2,500/300 was 'per week' to hire a 6 berth boat in high season, so in theory if you bought our boat in 25 weeks you will have broken even on hire costs and still have an asset to sell at the end of your travels.

Richard what is your lowest air draft and water ?
Richard if you take a peek at my blog 'Windmills and Wine' here on TF would that be the type of cruise you are thinking of ? what boat would you use ? Let me know and I'll help you in any way I can.

Here are a couple of pics of our Birchwood cruiser for sale.

1, Photo with antennae down for canal cruising.

2, This is the boat in the med entering harbour in Spain on a summer cruise.

3, The dinghy shown in the photo's is NOT included in the sale, the 9.9 Yamaha outboard is included.

Our asking price is 45k Euro.
There are no taxes to pay, the cost of living is cheap here, essentials like wine are around 2 Euro a bottle. :)
Seriously. Moorings, including water and electricity cost approx. 1350 Euro per year, a mooring is available (subject to the port captains acceptance).
She has a single Perkins 4236 which is very economical as you can only use road (white) diesel which costs 1.40 Euro a litre. The engine and gearbox are fully serviced and she's in 'turn key' condition.
If you send me a private message with your email and I can send you more photo's and answer any queries.
Thank you for giving me your time to look at the advert.


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  • Capture bateau le 02 avril 2012.JPG
    Capture bateau le 02 avril 2012.JPG
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Hi Richard.
Have you considered buying a boat here ? it would be cheaper than making the transatlantic crossing again and you would have an asset to sell when you wish to return, alternatively do as the Aussies do and swap seasons having one boat in the sun at all times.
Read my post called Windmills And Wine about the highlights of our European adventure and then make your own decision.
Fair winds and safe harbours my friend.
Irish Rambler,

I loved following your adventures. Looked like a great boat and a great experience. Other than visa length of stay restrictions in the EU, are there any problems or hassles for a non-EU citizen buying and owning the boat? We keep talking about it....


Haetwen, will do.
Apologies for the delay we were on holiday in Poland.
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No, no problems at all, we have Canadian neighbours who come for 6 months every year, we also have Americans, New Zealanders, South Africans and Australians, who do the same.
if you wish photo's and specs I will send them to you and answer any questions you may have.
Thanks, Irish Rambler. Time to convince some friends that they need a partial share in a boat on the French canals....
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