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For Sale: Twin engine synchronizer

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Apr 21, 2016
Glendinning synchronizer- Automatically runs 2 engines as one with one control lever. Quieter, smoother, more efficient and VERY dependable. Compatible with all types of engines and controls. Definitely built to last. Includes the mechanical drive cables, plus extra control cables and connector fittings, if desired. Has operated flawlessly on 46 GB. Install and operating instructions included. Easy to do. $400.00, OBO, plus shipping from NW.
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Hi JP2,
Is there any effects of salt showing in controls or mechanicals?
I always fight to sync, but it is almost now part of the ‘fun’
From where I sit, it's a damn good subject.
What is synchronized?
On my boat, a "synchronizer" was a magnet spinning on each shaft just fwd of the stuffing box, a sensor reading the passes of the magnets, and a dial on the dash, moving towards the faster pulse. Crude, but able to get the shafts to spin together.
Ahead of the shafts were BW Velvet drive trannys, one reducing engine speed by 1.9 to 1, the other by 2.1 to 1. So engines definitely not synchronized.

Tachometers are off of the alternators, so belt wear, as it will vary between the engines, tach adjustments at the tach head, as it also varies, only give an approximation of engine speed and are useless for synchronization.

I presently use the feel of the harmonic vibrations to get close.

What do the Glendinnings synchronize?
What do the Glendinnings synchronize?

They use tach signal to synch slave engine to master. Years of reliability history. Personally I don't want anything that could fail in full throttle mode but if I did install a synchronizer it would be a glendinning.

I calibrated tach instruments with laser tachometer from Amazon. It's close enough.
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If I understand your question accurately, there is no exposure to salt or corrosion. All is tucked away in the warm and dry ER. Not an issue.

KOLIVER: It picks up an RPM signal from the Master and Slave engines and mechanically calibrates the two VERY precisely. You have one stationary control and one adjustable control that increases or decreases speed equally on both engines.

SO WHAT: You have 2 ways to cut power to the unit if you believe you have an "event": The ON - OFF switch, plus a Breaker on the 12V panel. If you have uncontrollable full power I doubt it could be from a synchronizer. Most likely some other issue is the culprit.

Thanks all, for your good comments.
I would buy them if I didn’t have so many projects going on now on the boat.
Glendinning synchronizer- Automatically runs 2 engines as one with one control lever. Quieter, smoother, more efficient and VERY dependable. Compatible with all types of engines and controls. Definitely built to last. Includes the mechanical drive cables, plus extra control cables and connector fittings, if desired. Has operated flawlessly on 46 GB. Install and operating instructions included. Easy to do. $400.00, OBO, plus shipping from NW.

We’re these installed on twin Lehmans on the 46 GB?
I would add that Glendinning provides superb personal support (both tech and related parts) regardless of when or from whom you bought it.
We just calibrated our bridge and ph tachs. They're only so good and I actually removed the "synchronization indicator" (not glendinning). By ear, I can get the engines within 5 rpms at idle (verified by photo tach)
calibrating tachs doesnt have anything to do with the accuracy of the tach signal coming from the alternators, or the accuracy of glendenning synchros.

tachs convert the tach signal coming from the alternator into an averaged current for the tach's meter. ALL meters vary in their sensitivity to current. Thats why its dang near impossible to find 2 that display the same rpms.
Glendinning synchronizer- Automatically runs 2 engines as one with one control lever. Quieter, smoother, more efficient and VERY dependable. Compatible with all types of engines and controls. Definitely built to last. Includes the mechanical drive cables, plus extra control cables and connector fittings, if desired. Has operated flawlessly on 46 GB. Install and operating instructions included. Easy to do. $400.00, OBO, plus shipping from NW.

Hi, I would like to buy your Glendinning system. I am in Seattle. Kennet 206-617-8512.
I thought part of the fun of a twin-engine boat was to play with the throttles to achieve synchronization and pleasant engine sounds. :socool:
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