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For Sale: 2006 American Tug 34 - immaculate condition!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 31, 2017
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Between boats
Hey all,

We're selling out "house and home" to become full time liveaboards :dance: on a larger (hopefully) boat!

We are selling our pride and joy, Drifter. Unbelievable boat, Bristol condition, with only 475 original engine hours, and a unique salon remodel compared to any other AT34!

All of the details are here: https://boathealer.wixsite.com/americantugforsale

A PDF of everything is available for download on the Contacts page of the web site.

Thanks for taking a look!

Tell all your friends! [grin]


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This is the boat that used to live in the slip I now own, which I bought from Drifters previous owner! Cypress Landing Marina was (still is) an American Tug hotspot, with 2 34's and a new 395 currently residing. She still shows up in some of the Marina's photos and drone shots. They are beautiful boats..
GL with the sale..
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This is the boat that used to live in the slip I now own, which I bought from Drifters previous owner! Cypress Landing Marina was (still is) an American Tug hotspot, with 2 34's and a new 395 currently residing. She still shows up in some of the Marina's photos and drone shots. They are beautiful boats..
GL with the sale..

WOW! That's neat. Quite a small world we are living in! Mark seemed like a great guy, and sure knew how to take care of a boat!!
Nice boat! I was wondering whether the American Tugs have a pronounced "wave slap" due to the semi displacement hull? We had a Mainship 40 and the forward berth sounded like sneakers in a dryer with only a small amount of wave action, due to the hard chine. Starting the search for another boat and like the looks of your boat! How is it sleeping at anchor with 15 knots + of wind?
Nice boat! I was wondering whether the American Tugs have a pronounced "wave slap" due to the semi displacement hull? We had a Mainship 40 and the forward berth sounded like sneakers in a dryer with only a small amount of wave action, due to the hard chine. Starting the search for another boat and like the looks of your boat! How is it sleeping at anchor with 15 knots + of wind?


I am not sure I can answer your specific question as I have never been anchored (with any amount of fetch, anyway) in 15+kn overnight.

Regardless of the boat type, I would typically try to find an alternative anchorage in those conditions. Maybe you didn't mean a fully-exposed fetch, however.

There will be almost no wave action against the hull chine-proper as these are underwater nearly all the time. She is a heavy boat and has a slow motion in any conditions that would expose her hull chines to waves that you would be sleeping in.

There are some spray rails (chines?) on the bow that you may be referring to. These do produce a bit of noise on occasion, but have never been any problem for us. The boat is also quite well insulated, both acoustically and otherwise. I would think if these spray rails ever did become noisy due to wave action, I would adjust the anchor bridle so that the wave angle to the boat was a bit more abeam. However, we have not had to do that as yet.

Hope this helps a bit! Perhaps some other AT34 owners could chime in on their experiences? It may also have a lot to do with your local boating waters.......

Best Regards,
Thanks, sounds like a much better experience than the Mainship. We were usually tucked in to areas with very little fetch and still had quite a bit of wave slap. The mainship also tended to sail around at anchor quite a bit due to its high profile
Hey all,

We're selling out "house and home" to become full time liveaboards :dance: on a larger (hopefully) boat!

We are selling our pride and joy, Drifter. Unbelievable boat, Bristol condition, with only 475 original engine hours, and a unique salon remodel compared to any other AT34!

All of the details are here: https://boathealer.wixsite.com/americantugforsale

A PDF of everything is available for download on the Contacts page of the web site.

Thanks for taking a look!

Tell all your friends! [grin]

My Wife and I got a chance to meet with Ray on his beautiful American Tug. I have worked as a Marine Mechanic through high school and college as well as a Marine Surveyor for several years. This is the cleanest and most organized boat I have ever been on -- Better than Bristol!! Beyond the excellent quality of the American Tug brand, Ray has kept this in spectacular condition and has added some great updates. I wish everybody could see this boat. I really wish I could buy it!! :)

Thanks again Ray and good luck on the sale. Someone is going to very happy.

Very nice, I wish you were a little closer to Oregon!
Thank you for the kind words!
Nothing $10K and a truck/driver couldn't solve! :angel:[grin] Just sayin'.....
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Thank you for the kind words!
Nothing $10K and a truck/driver couldn't solve! :angel:[grin] Just sayin'.....

Without a FB moving this vessel overland should not be difficult. No different than how it was moved from LaConner a decade ago.
Drifter has been sold. Congratulations to the new owners!! Great folks.
As an owner of the 2008 AT34, I agree, congratulations to the new owner.
ATs do not come on the market very often.
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I know of a broker for ATs in Stuart FL
I suspect he has a couple of used ATs in stock.
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