KVH TrackVision and Direct TV

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Sep 1, 2016
Vessel Make
430 Mainship
I've got a new boat that has the TrackVision antenna on it and I'm wondering what it's worth.

As I understand, it can only be used with Direct TV. They have some services for marine uses.

However, I can't get in touch with anyone from Direct TV that can help. I've spend 30 min calling, getting disconnected and never did get any info. If this is normal, I would expect the service to be equally as poor.

Are there any users of Direct TV out there, and if so, are you happy with it?

And, can you get anything other than just TV? I'm not interested if there's any advertisements at all.

And on a second note, what would my antenna/receiver systems be worth if I sold it?

Looking for a good entertainment set up, but feel internet is best so far, even with it's limitations. Currently using phone for internet with Verizon and Netflix for videos.
Direct TV would not be the one to ask. There has IMHO never been a more clueless unresponsive company on the face of the earth.

That said once you are in and all problems are solved the service is pretty nice.

KVH can give you some of your answers and that will depend on your model number.

I would suggest e-bay for value.
Our boat has the KVH TV1 and it works with Dish Network and Direct TV. As long as you're perfectly still... ;)
I had a KVH M7. Not long after I purchased, DirectTv changed its high-def signal from Ku band to Ka band, which the M7 could not handle, so I switched to Dish. A few years ago, Dish also switched its high-def. At that point, KVH had a lot of unhappy customers, so they offered a nominal discount for a new system. Being totally dissatisfied with KVH, I upgraded to Intellian, and have been very happy.

As for the value of your system, I doubt there is any due to the high cost of having a knowledgeable person uninstall and reinstall.

I finally got in touch with the outfit that resells the marine service for DirectTV. The offerings are very poor and expensive.

I'm probably going to stay with internet off my Iphone with Verizon which is pretty cheap. I upgraded to unlimited 4G for a 7 day trip around Florida and it worked quite well. Only downside is getting in areas where there's no service.

Might consider getting an internet satellite service at some point.

Probably take the TracVision down.

I finally got in touch with the outfit that resells the marine service for DirectTV. The offerings are very poor and expensive.

The good thing about DirectTv is that you don't need "marine service" if you already have home service. They will happily charge $7/mo for service to an additional receiver. When I upgraded to Intellian, I swtiched my service back to Direct. No problems there.

It sounds like you just need a technician who knows how to configure everything. I am sure those guys exist, but most seem to charge by the hour for on-the-job training. I ended up figuring it all our myself. Very time consuming, and none of the consumer documentation is very good.
The good thing about DirectTv is that you don't need "marine service" if you already have home service. They will happily charge $7/mo for service to an additional receiver. When I upgraded to Intellian, I swtiched my service back to Direct. No problems there.

It sounds like you just need a technician who knows how to configure everything. I am sure those guys exist, but most seem to charge by the hour for on-the-job training. I ended up figuring it all our myself. Very time consuming, and none of the consumer documentation is very good.

The Marine service is the same, actually cheaper but need a contract. However, at $50 a month, it's just too much for just TV with all the ads. I can pick up a few channels when docked, but using the internet for Nexflix and others works a lot better and MUCH cheaper, without ads. The only thing I miss is current news and Judge Judy (lady likes that).

Also, reviews on DirectTV are poor and after my experience with them on the phone I'd want some CS improvement before spending my dollar.
I have a KVH M7 with Direct TV. I bought mine in a used parts marine store for about $1200. Put $450 to update it. It is an older, non Hi-Def. I have an older DVR receiver. I am currently in Ketchikan and getting a great signal to include Portland locals. I will be stopping in Anacortes on my way back to get my unit serviced and updated. I am starting to have issues with a gyro....
A lot of people can get into a heated argument over this. Let's state a few facts. Customer service is pretty bad with both Dish and DirecTV. HD has complicated things a lot. That said, if you have one or the other at home - put that on your boat. The added monthly fee is small. There are compromises with either. Some motion satellites are better than others. The prices start at high and go higher. And then there are the good ones that are most likely bigger than your boat LOL.

So - selling old equipment. There is really no value to old or used hardware. If you are keeping, upgrading or installing new - have your installer deal with DirecTV or Dish to make it work. You're paying them - make them suffer.

Alternatives. If you are coastal or mostly marina based, consider Apple TV, Roku and other systems that offer a huge line-up of program content. Compare what you watch on satellite against what these services have to offer. In most cases you might be surprised.
I will say with the heavy cloud cover over Ketchikan today, not much TV....So what to do?

Boat porn!!!!!
I will say with the heavy cloud cover over Ketchikan today, not much TV....So what to do?

Boat porn!!!!!

LOL... Only had a few outages during INSANE storms. But if you are looking for some good boat porn, I think there's a new test video from Boat Test on the Grand Banks hehe
Boat porn....

I'll take that any day.
I got stung by Verizon regarding their unlimited internet service. Once you go over 10 mega bites per month, they cut back the speed to 3G. That really slows things down. I guess it was on page 400 of the users agreement!! I will probably looking for a new carrier.
I got stung by Verizon regarding their unlimited internet service. Once you go over 10 mega bites per month, they cut back the speed to 3G. That really slows things down. I guess it was on page 400 of the users agreement!! I will probably looking for a new carrier.
Try going through Canada! 1/2 Gbite, then they slow you down.
A lot of people can get into a heated argument over this. Let's state a few facts. Customer service is pretty bad with both Dish and DirecTV. HD has complicated things a lot. That said, if you have one or the other at home - put that on your boat. The added monthly fee is small. There are compromises with either. Some motion satellites are better than others. The prices start at high and go higher. And then there are the good ones that are most likely bigger than your boat LOL.

So - selling old equipment. There is really no value to old or used hardware. If you are keeping, upgrading or installing new - have your installer deal with DirecTV or Dish to make it work. You're paying them - make them suffer.

Alternatives. If you are coastal or mostly marina based, consider Apple TV, Roku and other systems that offer a huge line-up of program content. Compare what you watch on satellite against what these services have to offer. In most cases you might be surprised.

We installed an Intellian with Dish TV as the provider. We have an RV account which allows for turning the service on and off at will ($7 fee). It also allows us to change the local feed as we move from place to place. Did a self-install. It works including HD stations. Highly satisfied.
I got stung by Verizon regarding their unlimited internet service. Once you go over 10 mega bites per month, they cut back the speed to 3G.

I would not feel so bad about that. The AT&T unlimited service cuts you back to 2G speeds once you exceed 10 gigabytes per device or 22 gigabytes total.
We've had directv for 15+ years on the boat. 12+ years was with a standard dish. The secret is not to have hd and when calling DO NOT mention boat. We use the same receiver on the boat and motor home. Mentioning rv is better the boat. We travel all over the us and have no problem with reception, but local channel is a problem as you have to call them each time you change locations.
Took the very old KVH off and it went to the dumpster. It had no value.
I got stung by Verizon regarding their unlimited internet service. Once you go over 10 mega bites per month, they cut back the speed to 3G. That really slows things down. I guess it was on page 400 of the users agreement!! I will probably looking for a new carrier.


Verizon told me that once you exceeded 10 mb or whatever, you go to a lower priority than others. I've not noticed a difference but didn't use it that much. Don't use it when not traveling.

Look around the harbor for the big while satellite dishes mounted on pilings. That's what they use for DirecTV in Ketchikan all the way to Fairbanks. Wish for sun and you'll get something every now and then. Gets worse as you go further north.

You have to pay for TV in the us?

I just have a $200 glomex omnidirectional antenna up top, gets all channels within 100klm.
We've had directv for 15+ years on the boat. 12+ years was with a standard dish. The secret is not to have hd and when calling DO NOT mention boat. We use the same receiver on the boat and motor home. Mentioning rv is better the boat. We travel all over the us and have no problem with reception, but local channel is a problem as you have to call them each time you change locations.

Some folks, perhaps most folks, do not wish to settle for SD reception. We do not. Our Dish TV service gives us both an HD and SD signal for many channels. The difference in picture quality is profound. As service providers we have had both Dish and Direct TV and have found no discernible difference. But for folks on the move, whether it be land yachting or water yachting, the Dish RV service is far more convenient. Changes of service location can be fone on-line, no fibbing or having to take cate not to say the wrong thing on the phone.
When I lived in south central Alaska, the dishes they use are much bigger than those in the L48. This is the reason I have the biggest dish, I could get.
Phi Fill is right on the money. We've been Direct TV cust for ever. I leave a receiver at the Camp and put a "Weinguard" Sat Dish on my ...shhhhh boat/RV! Once you're dialed in it works great. It took a few seasons to learn the system. Here's it is; never mention boat, always ask for Customer Retention, always threaten to go to cable( especially if you're a 30 year customer), get a $50 Radio Shack type antenna for local channels( best HD you will find), plan on no HD on your Weinguard( use only standard dish).Plan on 1-2 hrs EVERY time you move from say home to boat for start up and tell them to shut off "home" and make you RV your new address(if you'll be there a few months like a snow bird) ,if you're on the road( leave "the house" as your base) the Weinguard works great once you stop, but you need antenna as the "go to" . That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Phi Fill is right on the money. We've been Direct TV cust for ever. I leave a receiver at the Camp and put a "Weinguard" Sat Dish on my ...shhhhh boat/RV! Once you're dialed in it works great. It took a few seasons to learn the system. Here's it is; never mention boat, always ask for Customer Retention, always threaten to go to cable( especially if you're a 30 year customer), get a $50 Radio Shack type antenna for local channels( best HD you will find), plan on no HD on your Weinguard( use only standard dish).Plan on 1-2 hrs EVERY time you move from say home to boat for start up and tell them to shut off "home" and make you RV your new address(if you'll be there a few months like a snow bird) ,if you're on the road( leave "the house" as your base) the Weinguard works great once you stop, but you need antenna as the "go to" . That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

So right !!!!! It's funny - I had a customer rep share this with me once. I'm sure he was executed since than. But given what they charge - they should give you free coverage on your Mini Cooper, RV, Boat and jet as part of the base package LOL
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