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Wanted: searching for Yar 26 owners

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jan 5, 2016
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
20foot double eagle
Anyone out there have a Yar 26 or know anyone who has one? Thanks
Not currently; looked at one years ago and was quite taken with it but the seller wasn't that interested in negotiating. (Not the one in the photo.)


  • Yar1.jpg
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  • Yar4.jpg
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Ok, thanks for the reply. My son and I are refurbishing one and wondered who else has one. I think eight were built before bankruptcy set in.
There is one in Gibsons on the hard at G.Harris Diesel. Don't know who owns it now but I did know the P.O., at least to talk to.

I like them not that that matters.

Yes that's the one my son and I are refurbishing.
Funny. I was just going to reply there is one on the hard in Gibsons...
There's one afloat in Silva Bay, she gets lightly used more or less year round. Name might be Pelican(?).
The one in Gibsons was purchased a year ago by my son and I. We have done a complete rebuild, every wire, hose ,thru hull, blasted and epoxy coated bottom. Hope to refloat in a few weeks. Boats new name is Diogenes.
Where will you keep her?

I passed her yesterday. Hope she hits the wet stuff soon.
Good luck.
Yar 26

We have a couple of options in sechelt inlet. I would prefer Gibsons Marina but there is a waiting list. We shall see. Working on windows and bright work now.
If all goes according to plan, I will be purchasing a 1974 Yar 26 this Saturday. It's in pretty good shape. I'm most concerned about the original Nissan/Chrysler CN4-33 diesel inboard. From what I gather, there are not many parts available for it at all. I'm going to have a marine diesel tech inspect it.

You can find it by searching Yachtworld for Yar.
If anyone's still watching this thread, I bought the Yar that is listed on Yachtworld. They have been trying to sell it for a year as part of an estate, and the price dropped from $25k to $10k, and the final price was under $4k!!

The engine checked out pretty much perfect. I will have to drop some money on some delamination under the water line, but it does not look bad. Everything works, and she just needs to be cleaned up. She was well maintained up until the year that she sat unsold.

Currently named 'Karakia', which Google tells me is the Maori word for prayer. Maori cultural appropriation being super out of fashion right now, especially in Seattle, plus the fact the name does nothing for me, I'm probably going to be renaming her after the hull repair.

I love this boat. So weird. This thing has a weighted keel, a lil 50hp diesel, a nice wood trawler-looking interior, a full cockpit hardtop with full canvas. It's perfect for putting (slowly) around the Puget Sound in any weather. I could do the inside passage in this if I want to. Why did no one else want her? Maybe I'm missing something.. Lol.

If anyone is interested I can update as the boat is worked on.
Congratulations! It sounds like you got a heck of a deal on a heck of an old boat, especially with the engine in great shape. I love the old fiberglass boats with a wood interior. Please keep us updated as you fix her up.
Great find Jeremy, best of luck with the repairs! Star a new thread with more pictures please.:thumb:
Can you post the YW link?
I'd like a better look at that boat.
That engine may last for years. Lots of good used sailboat engines at very good prices to replace the Chrysler if ther's a need. I think you got a scream'in deal. Hope I do better when the time comes when I sell my boat.
Can you post the YW link?
I'd like a better look at that boat.
That engine may last for years. Lots of good used sailboat engines at very good prices to replace the Chrysler if ther's a need. I think you got a scream'in deal. Hope I do better when the time comes when I sell my boat.

That hull is exactly the same as a 26 foot Permacraft.they built it as a trawlet and as a motor sailor, i used to own one great little ship.
Never heard of a Permacraft.
But I'm interested in what a "trawlet" is.
Where are you from? "Islamorada"? Never heard of that either.
26 Permacraft is built as a trawler .or a motor sailor they generally come with the 4108 Perkins diesel. They are very commodious for the size. A great little ship.
Yup, looks like a good little boat indeed. Wish my bigger Willard had a nice little dinette like the Yar.
Oh yes in Florida. I wish everybody listed their state so we all would know roughly where the poster we address lived. You wouldn't talk to me (PNW) about AC for example.
Most listings don't show pics of boat hulls but judging from the stern the Yar is a full displacement boat so a 20 or 25hp engine would be more appropriate. 15 for the motorsailer. But then some notorsailers "motor" most of the time.
Your right there is great space on the Yar. At least as much as my Willard. I wonder if, like the Willard the models w sails have an extended keel. Or perhaps they all have a sailboat keel.
Looks like a very good boat and totally new to me.
I have been out of touch. I hope you bought the yar. My son and I did a complete major rebuild on ours and unfortunately sold it after a year of cruising. I loved it. The engine,Chrysler Nissan was bullet proof. I hope you are enjoying it.
Sold after refit?


If you don't mind the question, I am curious why you sold it, especially after all the work you put into the refit?
Nothing to do with boat, other family personal reasons.

Nothing to do with boat, other family personal reasons.
so sad 4u but remember, just another pebble in th road...keep moving forward. Did you rename it "Diogenes" as planned? I am a "Diogenes" fan(?) and had always had that name number one on my list for my sea child. 'Bestof' going forward; perhaps we'll cross wakes in future.
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