Return key

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Oct 31, 2007
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Willard Nomad 30'
When I press the return key while posting the curser jumps down TWO lines instead of one. When I go to the end of the line to the right the curser drops down one line as it should but when I want to go down one line otherwise I always get two. I've fiddled w all those little icon things above but probably not in the right way*** Also my spellchecker seem's almost disfunctional.

Eric Henning
nomadwilly wrote:
*I've fiddled w all those little icon things above but probably not in the right way*** Also my spellchecker seem's almost disfunctional.

Eric Henning

Aurora Borealis?* Did I spell that right?* Eric, all kidding aside doe's the AB have any effect on Navigation equipment?




-- Edited by JohnP on Tuesday 5th of April 2011 08:20:57 PM
nomadwilly wrote:
When I press the return key while posting the curser jumps down TWO lines instead of one. When I go to the end of the line to the right the curser drops down one line as it should but when I want to go down one line otherwise I always get two.* Also my spellchecker seem's almost disfunctional.
******** _________________________________________________________________

******* Same here except my spell checker works.

News Flash!!!!!!** My spell checker is acting funny. Click on it once and it shows incorrect on it again and it says "no misspelling found."

I've been bragging to Chris about my improved spelling*** ...Hey honey I've made another long post and the spellchecker says "no misspellings found". after a month or so I clicked again and 11 words had the dreaded red line! Then the spelling solutions would appear in strange places. Happens both on Safari and Firefox.

I just "shifted" 2 lines/spaces*** ...but I can't shift one unless I go all the way to the right margin like I just did.

John,** Hav'nt seen an AB since we moved up here. AB is much more active much further north. I've seen good green AB in Washington state though. Best seen way up north on a very cold and of course clear night.
We call that the "nomadwilly" feature so your posts will be broken up!!!!.....

All kidding aside, I have no clue. I can go digging in the settings and see what I can find.

The spell checker is working almost perfectly now. But the return still jumps an extra space (or line). How's your speller Walt?

nomadwilly wrote:
The spell checker is working almost perfectly now. But the return still jumps an extra space (or line). How's your speller Walt?
* * * * Ditto on the spill checkar and I am lerning to liv with the retern jumpe.

******* I do love this spill checkar, though, it works every time!
Spell checker is really bad now. If your's is OK Walt I'm going to write this off as a Hughs Net problem.
My spell checker doesn't always work and when you hit return it still jumps a line.

There's a spell checker?* Oh, there it is!* Good luck with to/too, weather/whether, there/their, for/four, and so on.
nomadwilly wrote:
When I press the return key while posting the curser jumps down TWO lines instead of one. When I go to the end of the line to the right the curser drops down one line as it should but when I want to go down one line otherwise I always get two. I've fiddled w all those little icon things above but probably not in the right way*** Also my spellchecker seem's almost disfunctional.

Eric Henning
*My splckkedr doesn't werk eithre.
I believe that the enter key is used to start a new paragraph.* You shouldn't have to hit the enter key after each line as you would on a typewriter.* Remember those?

As to the spell checker, mine works OK.

In the computer world there is always someone behind the scenes making changes.* Sometimes to add features or fix bugs and sometimes to keep the bad guys from attacking.* This forum is hosted for us.* John and I do not make changes to the programming.

With that being said, if you notice any changes try to think back if something has been changed on your system.* Did you just install an update on your Firefox or other browser?* What about Java?* Are you using a different computer?* If you didn't make any recent changes, maybe you need to.* It could have been our host that made the changes to our forum software.

Be sure you are up to date on your Operating System (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.).* Update your browser if it is a stand-alone like Firefox.* Update Java (you will find that in your Control Panel on Windows computers).

I try to keep all of my stuff up to date.* I do not like Auto Updates activated on most software.* It sometimes uses too many resources and can be intrusive.* I prefer to do it manually.* I have over the years experienced updates that will actually break things. This is usually quite rare.* In most cases another update will fix it a little farther down the road.

Good luck!*
Speaking of spell checkers, when I type "Obama" in an AOL message it undelines in red and gives me suggestions for correcting, the first four are: Baa, Bam, Badman, and Bagman. I guess they gave me AOL's conservative version!
Steve W
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