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Wanted - day of instruction on the water in Northwest.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jun 14, 2011
The wife and I will be in the Seattle/Bellingham/Vancouver/Portland area visiting the kids in Vancouver BC and Portland OR first week in August.* We are landlocked here in Atlanta and are taking every opportunity to get on the water and develop skills in preparation for a future one month bareboat charter next year which in turn is preparation/testing for becoming liveaboards.*

Any suggestions as to who to contact?* Spoke to San Juan Yachting and they only do one week charters.* They mentioned Bell Haven.

Hi Ken,* I'm not sure who might be offering one day instructional cruises, but you might check with Anacortes yacht charters, or ABC yacht charters. They do mostly* bare boat charters, but do offer some training for those that are not yet qualified to charter one of their boats.* A one day skippered trip will be a great way to get an idea of what's involved in boating safely, but in order to qualify to charter you will need far more than a days instruction to be able to rent a larger boat.* We offer week long training trips out of Alaska, and I'd be happy to discuss possibilities with you anytime.* Don't forget to take advantage of other training too, such as USCG Aux classes, and Power Squadron classes.* They do a great job of covering the basics and cost very little.......Arctic Traveller
Do you just want to get on the water and see the Puget Sound/San Juans or do you want hand on instruction.* The range is from the Washington/Canadian ferry system to smaller local charter/cruises.* Are you going to have a car, where are you planning on stay, as a lot depends on your mobility/time and what you want to see/spend/accomplish.* Most hotels in Washington/Canada have a brochure rack with local things to see and do.* There are whale watching, sight seeing and dinner charters in most city/towns.

Over Memorial week end was had a couple stay with us from Florida that are Long haul truckers and had a lay offer.* The Eagle was not ready to leave the dock and still not as its been so rainy cold here, but we did spend a day getting though the Eagle, taking the run about out into the sound, Jetty Island and the river, and out to dinner.* There is a lot more to owning, operating and living on a boat than most people realize.* After their visit they decided to start reading books, take required boating courses, buy a smaller day/start boat, 20 to 30 ft, and live on the dirt until they had the experience to move up to a live aboard boat, 40 to 60 ft.* 30 years ago we start with the 19 ft run about, then a 28 ft and even then buying and insurance the 58 ft was questionable.* Darn, I did not really want to buy the Eagle but my wife and the water gawds made me!

I will be glad to help if you send me an email at rw58ph@yahoo.com of here on trawlerforum.*

Thanks for the reply Arctic Traveler.* I've done a couple week-long bareboat*trawler charters from Southwest Florida Yachts .. favorite was a Krogen 42... and owned a couple of SeaRay express cruisers... and have the first*issue*of PassageMaker Mag, and attended a couple of Trawlerfests, Power Squadron etc. but it's been a few years and I'm ready to get serious about becoming a liveaboard so this would be a refresher.

Thanks for the tip on Anacortes and ABC.. will check those out.**I've read about your trips and they sound great but we're warm weather boaters and Florida is a lot closer*: ) *
Thanks for the reply Phil.* See my response to Arctic Traveler for some of the answers.* We will have a car.* Landing in Seattle evening of July 30 and driving directly to Vancouver for the Canadian long weekend.* Driving Tuesday to Portand.. could stop for a day on the way there or a day on the way back.* Catch the midnight flight Aug. 6th out of Seattle.
As a follow up I took your advice and contacted both firms and ABC came through for me. *The deal we have is that they put me on "standby" .. if they have an available yacht that isn't booked for a weekly charter on one of the days I'm in the area they are going to hook me up a vessel and one of they BQC (Boating Qualification Course) instructors for the day. *Very reasonable rate plus fuel. *I liked their flexibility and open-mindedness to think outside the box of the normal 1 week charter offering or 3-day course offer. *
If it has'nt ben mentioned thus far*** ....take some US Power Squadron courses and read Chapman.
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