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For Sale: 1987 42' Jefferson Sundeck

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 15, 2015
Selling at a considerable loss. 1987 42' Jefferson Sundeck. 3208t twin cat diesels, loaded. This boat was brought via partial loop from Detroit Mi to Southport NC. 7weeks on the water w no problems or issues. One week after putting into port she took on water. The engines and generator are now pickled in oil and she is out of the water. She is a beautiful boat and engines should be okay. Some electrical may be compromised. We are willing to take a hit big time. It can certainly be restored by someone who doesn't mind a project. We just can't physically do it anymore. We will consider any reasonable offer over $25k
You need to post some pictures if you want someone to seriously consider buying your partially sunk boat.

So this is the boat with the confusing "tow lien" story posted in the other section?
Agree with Ted, you definitely need to post some pics of the boat, especially below decks, and a description of what caused the "pickling"...failed power?...failed bilge pumps?
What other damage was incurred?
Sorry for your loss.
It's at Zimmermans Marine at Southport Marina. We believe the water came into the boat quickly over the course of a couple of days and rise half way up engines while at The dock at St. James Plantation Marina. BoatUs was called by the Marina and immediately pumped out the water and towed it to Zimmermans. The boat was immediately taken out of water. All water was removed and s diesel mechanic pumped oil into the engines and generator to protect them. We are not sure why the bilge pumps failed. Trust me we are very upset about this and trying to figure out what happened. There is very little visible damage to the interior of the boat and to look inside you wouldn't think there was any problem.. There could be some damage to electrical re batteries, electrical part of generator and maybe low wiring. The boat has spent her entire life on fresh water and was always stored out of the water for winter every year we just bought her last fall. Surveyed her and all was good. It took us 7 weeks to bring her to Southport from Detroit via water. We would like to sell the boat quickly as is at a significant loss so someone can work on it soon. We are in western Carolina and it is difficult for us to oversee the repairs. i have plenty of pics. New to this forum. Trying to figure out how to post pics.
As the owner of a 1988 46 Jefferson, would you mind sharing what caused the boat to take on water? Sorry for your loss and wish you much luck with your sale.
So as I'm understanding this, here is a guy who's dreams were crushed by a catastrophe that could happen to anyone. He doesn't want to or is not capable of taking on a project such as this to restore the boat to where it was when he bought it. So rather than let it sit and more problems develop over time he is trying to sell it (at a loss) to someone who wants to take on a project like this. He seems to be aware that the longer the boat sits the more problems will occur.
How many of us when searching for a boat found one that has sat too long to be worth the time and money to bring it up to our standards?
He is disclosing the water damage so why not help him by passing on the info?
So as I'm understanding this, here is a guy who's dreams were crushed by a catastrophe that could happen to anyone. He doesn't want to or is not capable of taking on a project such as this to restore the boat to where it was when he bought it. So rather than let it sit and more problems develop over time he is trying to sell it (at a loss) to someone who wants to take on a project like this. He seems to be aware that the longer the boat sits the more problems will occur.
How many of us when searching for a boat found one that has sat too long to be worth the time and money to bring it up to our standards?
He is disclosing the water damage so why not help him by passing on the info?

Did I miss something? Sounds like folks are suggesting that he add pictures and give a bit more detail about the issues. If I was an interested buyer, I'd want pictures and more details about what happened. Who's not helping here?
If memory serves (as an ex moderator here) I am not sure you can post links or pictures until you have more than 10 posts here. A current mod may have to confirm.
Anyone can post pics using the GO ADVANCED and MANAGE ATTACHMENTS buttons. You need 10 posts to include links, including links to photo hosting sites like photobucket.
I referred to the term pickling as to the process in which the engines were pumped full of oil to preserve them. The engines should be good. The electrical in the generator iffy. We are trying to assess the reason for the water invasion. it likely came in thru port engine sea cock according to the mechanic. The boat is free of water and other than a faint water line in engine room and somebody told me the water came in you wouldn't know. The after pics show no difference from before pics
So you have taken pictures.
Please help us out and post them.
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