Plagiarism on ActiveCaptain

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Apr 21, 2014
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Nordhavn 50
Last year I discovered striking similarities between information on ActiveCaptain (the information posted by "Kayley" specifically) and information in Exploring Southeast Alaska. I sent Jeff Siegel (ActiveCaptain owner) a message on Trawler Forum and he defended the information.

I’m in Alaska again, using both Exploring Southeast Alaska and ActiveCaptain pretty much every day. And again I’m struck by the similarities.

I don’t have a dog in this fight, so to speak. Yes, I previously worked for the publisher of Exploring Southeast Alaska, but I don’t anymore. I have no financial interest in the company. And I actually like ActiveCaptain and I’m a huge believer in crowd-sourced data.

But plagiarism isn’t cool, and ActiveCaptain in Alaska is filled with plagiarism. The authors of Exploring Southeast Alaska spent a lot of time and money putting the book together. They own the material.

Here are three examples. Think I’m cherry picking the most egregious examples? Nope, these three destinations are listed sequentially in Exploring Southeast Alaska.

From ActiveCaptain:

“When entering Flynn Cove stay well north of Harry Island and the rocks and shoals on the west side before turning south. Pass a grassy islet and a 200 yard long reef awash on a 12-foot tide. Once past the reef, favor the notheast shore avoiding a ledge awash on a 15-foot tide. You can anchor toward the head of the bay being careful to monitor your depth sounder.”

From Exploring Southeast Alaska:

“When entering the cove, stay well north of Harry Island and the rocks and shoals on its west side before turning south. Pass a grassy islet and a 200-yard-long reef awash on a 12-foot tide. Once past the reef, favor the northeast shore avoiding a ledge awash on a 15-foot tide. You can anchor toward the head of the bay being careful to monitor your depth sounder.”

The example in Excursion Inlet is perhaps more blatant. Despite there being an ActiveCaptain marker at both Sawmill Bay and the public dock (they’re a couple miles apart), Kayley’s review describes both of them in the Sawmill Bay entry, exactly as the Douglass book does.

From ActiveCaptain:

“Excursion Inlet, is a scenic cruising destination. It was cut long ago by glaciers. Although too deep for convenient anchoring, Sawmill Bay will fulfill this requirement. The area around the dock and cannery were used as a prisoner-of-war camp for Germans in WWII. Thus there is a real feel to recent history here. Although many of our cruiser friends report that it is still possible to moor at the Cannery Town docks, we highly recommend you forego this and anchor in the western arm of the inlet which is named Sawmill Bay on the chart.”

From Exploring Southeast Alaska:

“Excursion Inlet, which was cut out of the towering peaks by glaciers long ago, is too deep for convenient anchoring. However, fair shelter at reasonable depths can be found in the eastern bight of Sawmill Bay. The area around the dock and cannery were used as a prisoner-of-war camp for Germans in World War II. Cruisers have reported that it is possible to moor at the Cannery Town docks. The western arm of the inlet is called Sawmill Bay.”

The “Dinghy Dock Access” feature of ActiveCaptain for Sawmill Bay makes me question whether the author has actually ever been here. It says:

There is a dock in the east arm. It may be possible to moor at the Cannery town docks but the docks themselves are in an advance state of disrepair. Do not depend or plan on them.”

The reality is, there is NO dock in the east arm, nor has there been a dock in the east arm in recent memory. The only public dock in Excursion Inlet is at “Cannery town,” and while it is not in great shape, it’s not really in an “advance state of disrepair” either. Both pleasure boats and commercial boats use it regularly and safely.

Here’s another example…

From ActiveCaptain:

“Pleasant Island Cove is a convenient anchorage with easy access by radar in poor visibility. The large flat, 9 feet to 12 feet, east of Icy Passage spit is well protected from most summer winds and is out of the westerly chop sometimes found off Gustavus. There is room here for quite a few boats. It is recommended to anchor immediately east of the lone tree on the spit. This location also helps avoid the numerous crab pot floats. Contrary to the Coast Pilot #8 information, the bottom is hard blue-gray clay packed with clam shells, not mud. This makes setting your anchor difficult. You must set it slowly or it will break out before burrying itself. The last of the flood tide flows west and there are currents to 2 knots on spring tides.”

From Exploring Southeast Alaska:

“Pleasant Island Cove is a convenient anchorage with easy access by radar. The large flat, 1-1/2 to 2 fathoms, east of Icy Passage spit is well protected from most summer winds and is out of the westerly chop sometimes found off Gustavus. There is room here for quite a few boats. We prefer to anchor immediately east of the lone tree on the spit, avoiding the numerous crab pot floats. We have found the bottom to be hard blue-grey clay packed with clam shells, not mud, as mentioned in the Coast Pilot. This makes setting your anchor difficult—you must set it slowly or it will break out before burying itself. The last of the flood tide flows west, and we have measured currents to 2 knots on spring tides.”

I sent these examples and several others to Jeff. He responded saying the similarities are "uncomfortable," and suggested they might both be copied from the Coast Pilot (they're not).

Is this more widespread than just SE Alaska? Am I being overly sensitive to this?
That is egregious!

No, you are not being overly sensitive. When that sort of thing is brought to the attention of AC (Jeff that is you!), it should be deleted and the "Captain" who posted it should be suspended.
When that sort of thing is brought to the attention of AC (Jeff that is you!), it should be deleted and the "Captain" (or his kids) who posted it should be suspended.

Could be others...
Is this more widespread than just SE Alaska?

No idea, but I kind of doubt it.

Am I being overly sensitive to this?

Definitely not. Intellectual property protection is important.

I am sure that Jeffrey is uncomfortable with this. His livelihood is based on intellectual property. I would imagine in a crowd sourced information environment, it would be very difficult to control or police this type of thing.

Any idea how Wikipedia deals with protection of copyrighted material? I would assume they would face the same issues.
While I don't have any examples in front of me, I have seen similar descriptions in AC and Waggoners.
Please refrain from expressing your political agenda on this forum. The forum is reserved for marine related material only.....

I am at the 99% level of confidence that Kayley hasn't been to a lot of places where he has posted ratings. For example, in 2014 he post ratings of Kendrick Bay but makes no mentions of the active mining operation called Bokan Mountain at the head of the west arm. We were in there in 2014 and there was a floating man camp and a lot of helicopter operations moving drilling rigs around. We were also in Moira Sound, the Niblack anchorage where he posted and at the time there was another floating camp and a mining operation that had just recently been shut down due to low gold prices. He makes no mention of it.

The final thing is he apparently sees goats where aren't any. There are only a couple of islands in SE with mountain goat populations (Baranof and Revillagigedo) but he seems to see goats everywhere. He also gets his bears confused. Black and brown bears don't overlap very often because the brown ones tend to eat the black ones.

I wish AC would come up with something other than a ratings system. I would really like to submit updates they could post to locations. You can do that in the ratings, but with updates, they can screen them before they are posted and ask for clarification.

As a retired professor, I would say that all the alleged plagiarizer would have to have done is put a footnote after the borrowed material to attribute credit.
Definitely not. Intellectual property protection is important.

I am sure that Jeffrey is uncomfortable with this. His livelihood is based on intellectual property. I would imagine in a crowd sourced information environment, it would be very difficult to control or police this type of thing.

Any idea how Wikipedia deals with protection of copyrighted material? I would assume they would face the same issues.

This is the heart of the issue, really. When I pointed this out to Jeff a year ago he didn't take action. And when I provided even more examples a few weeks ago he still refused to take action. His unwillingness to do anything about this blatant copyright violation doesn't make me very eager to contribute to or use ActiveCaptain.

To be honest, I think Tom is right. Kayley hasn't been to the places she writes about. Her reviews are mostly copied from other sources, with some comments about how prolific the wildlife is. Her profile has no info on her boat and I've yet to meet another cruiser who knows who she is. Given how small the cruising boat scene is up here (especially among the year-after-year crowd), that alone is surprising.

Jeff, care to comment?
I hate to see yet another thread attacking AC or Jeffrey.

Again, I am not entirely sure how sites like AC can best deal with this.
As a retired professor, I would say that all the alleged plagiarizer would have to have done is put a footnote after the borrowed material to attribute credit.

Attribution fixes plagiarism, but not copyright infringement (if either is happening).
As a retired professor, I would say that all the alleged plagiarizer would have to have done is put a footnote after the borrowed material to attribute credit.

As a practicing lawyer, I would say that attributing plagiarism is not a solution to copyright infringement . That said, as I understood the issue, AC only allows others to post what they want. If the "poster" has plagiarized from somewhere else, I don't see how AC is to blame, let alone liable, until they have actual notice from the copyright owner and an opportunity to remove the offending text.

The one to criticise is the one who posts the plagiarized text, not AC. How are they supposed to vet every report they receive?
I hate to see yet another thread attacking AC or Jeffrey.

Again, I am not entirely sure how sites like AC can best deal with this.

They can remove text when they are notified that it violates someone else's copyright. Umtil then, there isn't anything they can or should do.
I hate to see yet another thread attacking AC or Jeffrey....
Don`t be concerned, AC loves being talked about, controversy is publicity.
I am just as against plagiarism as the next guy, but If you are a clearing house for communication or data of any kind, the problem in the age of an information filled Internet is auditing and monitoring sources. Perhaps an honest boater who got the information from someone he trusts who got the information from a dishonest plagiarizer who needed to return a favor and on and on an on. I doubt AC or most other information agencies could hire enough employees to really control such a thing, and once you place trust in a source other than oneself, where does one separate the info your subscribers obviously need from info that may be published elsewhere? It ain't right, but Newspapers, TV news networks, Trump and Clinton are all guilty.
Sorry there, Drake. I didn't see your post until I posted my own. No plagiarism intended.:)
They can remove text when they are notified that it violates someone else's copyright. Umtil then, there isn't anything they can or should do.

I am just as against plagiarism as the next guy, but If you are a clearing house for communication or data of any kind, the problem in the age of an information filled Internet is auditing and monitoring sources. Perhaps an honest boater who got the information from someone he trusts who got the information from a dishonest plagiarizer who needed to return a favor and on and on an on. I doubt AC or most other information agencies could hire enough employees to really control such a thing, and once you place trust in a source other than oneself, where does one separate the info your subscribers obviously need from info that may be published elsewhere? It ain't right, but Newspapers, TV news networks, Trump and Clinton are all guilty.

I agree. I'm not the copyright holder, but I notified Jeff about it last year and again several weeks ago.

And this isn't a case of a few similar sentences. Kayley has systematically copied sections of the Douglass guidebook. Last week during happy hour, after I pointed this out to some friends I was buddy boating with, they looked at several random listings and asked if Kayley was an intern who was tasked with copying the Douglass book and changing some words.
I don't get alerted to this stuff so my lack of involvement means nothing more than I didn't see it until just now. I'm involved with a major refit of my boat; I'm selling another boat; and I'm running a very complex and active company. Tomorrow we announce that there are 400 new apps using our data released in the last week.

A lot of the original posting here is misleading. He is presenting facts about my personal actions that he has no knowledge about. In fact, he's wrong.

We take copyrights very seriously. I'm quite well versed in DMCA regulations. Even though none of this falls under DMCA right now, because I was contacted by the original poster, I engaged in an extensive conversation with Kayley about all of this. She was given the examples (nearly the same as the posting above). I also suggested to the OP that he contact Kayley and discuss it with her through the messaging system that ActiveCaptain has for things like this.

Kayley and her husband are extremely experienced cruisers. I only wish I had the miles and abilities that she has. I wish I had 10% of what she has. She has been to all of the places she writes about. Every single one of them. She's not doing it for money, fame, or any other reason than to give something back to other cruisers who might follow in her footsteps. I only wish I could tell you more about her personally because you'd all be shocked.

She is quite familiar with many of the cruising guides for the Pacific Northwest. She referenced some of them in her log entries (which become ActiveCaptain postings). Given the exact examples provided in this thread, she admitted that the words were her own after being in all of those locations. Was she influenced by text in other places and then re-wrote some of it in her own words? Sure, it's possible. Heck, it's probable.

Don't assume we ignore information sent to us especially with regard to copyright. I have personally removed content before because of copyright issues. I looked into these examples and do not feel that they qualify. You might disagree with that. If you have standing to submit a DMCA claim, make it. False DMCA claims are a dangerous thing though - the law gives special rights to the accused to make counter-claims. So think and walk carefully before jumping into something stupid because you think a few sentences about the rock formation encountered are similar. Remember too that facts cannot be copyrighted.

I'm sorry if I didn't make the original poster feel good enough about the situation - he obviously is trying to make a bigger issue of it by making it public like this. If he really cared about it, he might have gone the minor step of asking Kayley himself instead of making a spectacle of it here.

400. Really, 400. All of them with Kayley's text, too!
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Jeff, what precisely is the relevance of 400 new apps to this issue? (So important you saw fit to mention it at the beginning and the end of your post!).

Do you really think that someone comes up with language that close randomly? College freshman get kicked out of school for a lot less.

I know you are busy with your new boat and all and running your "complex" business. But mind the store! You don't need to defend your users in order to defend your business. Call a bad apple a bad apple.
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The point is what she is posting is factually inaccurate. Many of the things she talks about are not there. There are very material things that are there she does not talk about. That is what bothers me. How do you miss a 150 foot long floating man camp?
How do you see goats where there aren't any and never have been any?

Part one. Let's forget the law. Apparent plagiarism is a bad look for your site and your defense is even a worse look. There was a simple action to take and that would have been to have asked the poster to please rewrite the specific posts pointed out to you in their own words. Otherwise you remove them. The appearance of infringement is just as damaging as actual infringement.

As to legal issues, as an intermediary, AC's liability is one of great debate and many outstanding legal cases, and is mostly unresolved. To my knowledge you haven't been given notice by the person owning the copyright either. So, there's a good chance that AC might not be guilty of anything at the moment, except perhaps stubbornness and allowing something minor to become much bigger than it should have.

As to the OP not having a dog in the fight, while you aren't currently employed by the publication, I still think as a former employee and friend, they're your dog. Nothing wrong with that, but you're not totally neutral.

I would also say this in defense of anyone posting information on marinas and locations on AC. Sometimes it's very difficult to find different ways of saying the same thing. I don't even fault if one has their book open while posting to remind themselves. Here though there is just too much word for word. My teacher wife says an F.

So, where are we. Now by failing to respond in an effective manner to a complaint and by stubbornness and defensiveness, AC has received criticism and Hayley has become a subject of criticism and discussion. None of that had to happen. I go back to my first paragraph. By failing to take stronger action, AC hurt both themselves and a poster and cruiser they hold in very high regard. The way to fix this remains, state you defend Hayley, you don't think it was plagiarism if you want, but then suggest to her that rewording would be appropriate.

Now, I'm going to, in fairness, say something to the OP. The way of addressing issues with AC is not to send private messages on TF. Use "Contact Us" on their site. I have no problem if you do that, if you get unsatisfactory responses in you then stating that here. But this isn't the place I'd start as this isn't the complaint forum for AC.

Is it widespread and are you being "overly sensitive." I'd imagine it's somewhat widespread. If I'm posting about entering a marina and I have a good paragraph on that from another source, I'm going to pattern my post on the other source and use their measurements if I don't have my own. I want to be sure I have it accurate. It would be impossible for AC to police and they can only respond as complaints are made.

Are you being "overly sensitive?" Seeing Jeff's response here, I don't think so. However, there's one person that really has the right to answer that for you and that's "Exploring SE Alaska." Have you mentioned this to them? If not, it would be ironic if Hayley collected the information for them. You're offended but you haven't been harmed. They are the only ones who can make such a claim.

When, as a businessman, I'm in a situation like this, I am less concerned about right or wrong than I am in addressing my customer's complaint.
Jeff, what precisely is the relevance of 400 new apps to this issue? (So important you saw fit to mention it at the beginning and the end of your post!).

I thought it was pretty clear. The thread had gone on for over a day with multiple requests for my input. I had been too busy to even know this, rather minor issue, was going on.

Given that there were "only" 200 apps that supported ActiveCaptain previously, 400 new ones became a pretty important project to finish up. It had taken me away from these social media distractions.

Do you really think that someone comes up with language that close randomly? College freshman get kicked out of school for a lot less.

I know you are busy with your new boat and all and running your "complex" business. But mind the store! You don't need to defend your users in order to defend your business. Call a bad apple a bad apple.

You assume a lot. You're assuming that Kayley copied something. Do you know that, perhaps, various paper guides didn't instead copy Kayley's writing? I'm totally serious.

Do you believe that using similar words to describe a physical area is a violation of DMCA? I mean, if I "copyright" that to get to the grocery store, you "turn left at Main, go 4 blocks to Elm and turn right," that if you then publish the exact same words, you've stolen my creative work and have violated the copyright? Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

For what it's worth, many of Kayley's postings for Alaska were from her logs that are 10-20 years old. It has been presented that a logging operation is at some particular place without her mentioning it as proof that she was never there. Sure, that's easily possible that it wasn't mentioned - it probably came in after Kayley was there. To outright call her a liar or even suggest that she wasn't at a particular place is outrageous and wrong.

Kayley and I discussed that old log issue years ago. ActiveCaptain only dates things based on the date of submission. There are a lot of reasons that's done and I decided it was best to not make an exception. It's beyond the scope of this discussion. It's a limitation of ActiveCaptain and this is one of the ways it shows up. It proves nothing to point out that she wasn't there *because* there was no mention of the logging operation.

Also recognize that Kayley's postings are often the first ones. She put in many of the markers. That's a big job. Her goal was to "prime the pump" - to get in an initial set of data for others to edit (sort of the point of ActiveCaptain). To complain that something is missing now misses the basic idea that you can go in an edit the text yourself. If there's a logging operation there that you see and you think it's important, stop complaining about the original author. Put in the damn info and make a positive contribution.

With 1.5 million users today, there is only one account with more "points" than Kayley in all of ActiveCaptain - my account. Kayley has over 21,000 points. Every time you edit something, you get a point. Think of the enormous contribution she has made to contribute her many years of cruising available for others to use.

I wonder, Retriever, how many points do you have in ActiveCaptain?

Ultimately, that doesn't really matter to the issue, but it's always interesting to see who yells the loudest especially when they claim they don't hold the copyright nor have a "dog in the fight." There just seems to be a lot of leg lifting going on for someone who provides all of this under anonymity.
How do you see goats where there aren't any and never have been any?

How exactly do you know that there have never been any? Do you live in the area?

I think I provided a reason why some of the data might not be current in some locations. Can you pose any explanation for why Kayley would be inserting purely made up information along the Alaskan coastline?
"You assume a lot. You're assuming that Kayley copied something. Do you know that, perhaps, various paper guides didn't instead copy Kayley's writing? I'm totally serious."

Jeff, the above statement was exactly what I was thinking.

I don't know who copied whom, but the 3 examples in the first post are too close to not be original and copy.

One, two....I might say photographic mind...etc..... but if these were totally off the cuff by 2 different people at 2 different would buy a lotto ticket. :thumb:

Possible yes, probable no. As a totally impartial juror....I would vote they were too similar to be comfy.

Legal? hey...that's wayyyy from my ballpark...but if public opinion factors in, I will bet the silent majority is raising an eyebrow. In the long run I don't think most will care, I know I don't seeing how all things ultimately play out.

But hey...... it's a thread that did draw me in this much. :D
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