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For Sale: Nice looking trawler on eBay

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Feb 24, 2008
St. Lucia, West Indies
Vessel Name
"Dragon Lady"
Vessel Make
DeFever 41
This has been listed for some time now, looks nice and the price is interesting - wonder why it isn't selling. It resembles a DeFever 41 but with windows in the hull. I believe I looked at this boat in 2009 before buying the one I currently have - the location looks about right. I seem to remember that the generator was immediately beneath the engine-room hatch, perhaps that's whey there are no engine pics. Generally looks nice, and he certainly has enough dock lines out!

No connection, just FYI etc.

1982 Lindmark Questar 41' Trawler | eBay
Location, location, location?

The boat caught my eye @ $50k, so I inquired lightly on shipping it back to the Chesapeake Bay. . .roughly $10k :facepalm:
It's actually in a very active boating area near Kentucky Lake and on the Loop. I'm guessing it's just the age that's keeping it from being sold.
Location, location, location?

The boat caught my eye @ $50k, so I inquired lightly on shipping it back to the Chesapeake Bay. . .roughly $10k :facepalm:
That price sounds a little high for shipping . I priced a haul from Chesapeake bay area to the same spot where this boat is for sale and was only 5 k . It was a 37 ft tug .
Well, I did say lightly. . .the people I talked to didn't want to put in the time for a real quote till I owned it.

But over the phone, roundabouts. . .issues basically were it was pushing the limits of width, height, and weight. All assumed a front and rear escort. I had to disassemble the fly bridge and mast, or pay someone to do it (or travel expenses and time missed from work).

Even if it was a bit over, it was a shocker! 10x the U-ship quote in the listing makes you think twice :whistling:
You could get a delivery Capt. for a lot less than the 10k quote and you could go as crew for all or part of the trip.
It's over 40' w a single 120 FL.
That shy of power and speed will turn away huge numbers of buyers.
Looks like well worth a trip to investigate, IMO.
It's over 40' w a single 120 FL.
That shy of power and speed will turn away huge numbers of buyers.

Eric, did you just say that..? What gives..? Normally you would maintain 120hp for a mere 40' basically FD boat was way over-powered. Are we shifting on this perchance..? :eek: :D
It's over 40' w a single 120 FL.
That shy of power and speed will turn away huge numbers of buyers.


If I'm not mistaken, it is a twin. This is in the listing details:

PROPULSION SYSTEM ……………………………….. Twin, Lehman, 120 HP
PROPULSION SERIAL NUMBERS …………………... P: D0257/192 Hrs 4917 S: D0257/355 Hrs 4846

So I guess it's OK, right? :thumb:
It's Gone

Looks like somebody snatched it up, good luck to the new owners !
2 things...

$50K on ebay?

Mine was $59K on Craigs list.

Turn key.... loop ready? Maybe for some....does't sound like it.

Boats that are in great shape and worth 2x what someone is asking usually never get advertised for very long or a broker somehow gets involved.
Eric, did you just say that..? What gives..? Normally you would maintain 120hp for a mere 40' basically FD boat was way over-powered. Are we shifting on this perchance..? :eek: :D

It's all about matching engines (and thus power) to hulls.

If a SD trawler has a power level of 3 or 4hp per ton disp it is very underpowered because the power dos'nt match the hull. That amount of power would be OK for a good FD boat but hopelessly short for a SD hull.

I thought the boat in question was a single for what ever reason. A GB 42 is IMO underpowered. The power dos'nt match the hull. The hull is optimized for 10 - 12 knots and 120hp won't even come close to cruising the boat at those speeds. But if I was looking to buy a GB42 (or even a 36) I definitely would exclude all twin engine boats from my list. Too much fuel burn .. and some people that have them agree w me and prefer their singles. But if I was shopping for a boat like this I'd be wise to look at FD boats that have their hull and power matched.

Peter your CHB w 120hp is well matched power to hull. But if your SD CHB had half that power ... the hull should be changed to FD.

A typical SD 40' trawler w 120hp can't achive SD speeds w that amount of power. So the power/hull combination is inappropriate .. the boat is underpowered. A 40' FD Willard w 120hp is just fine.

But of course it turned out to be a twin so is appropriately powered.
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Well guys, it's actually a nice boat. Built in '82; doesn't look her age. But, she's definitely not new. Twin Lehman 120's. Get's about 3 mpg at 6.5 knots. Lots of equipment including solar and wind generator; washer dryer. Very self sufficient cruising boat. Second owner cruised her 17,000 miles. Retired military guy; chopper pilot. You can eat in the engine room. Everything is labeled and looks great. I bought her on Thursday. Assuming there are no surprises and I can get insurance, we'll close within a month. I'm very happy to be the new owner!
Every once and awhile one is a hidden gem, sounds like you found one.

A single with a semi hull, that is almost fd does just fine with any power the owner wants....there is no right or wrong answer.
Congratulations! Keep us updated and let's see some photos!
Thanks for the good wishes. I'll post some pics after the seller has moved off and we've moved on. There are a few cosmetic things that need to be done. Actually, the seller is kindly refinishing the teak and decks. I'm touching up the interior. The flybridge canvas is very sound (I'd say 7/10) and the Eisenglass is very good. This is the first boat I traveled to look at that had good glass. The seller has agreed to spend four days with me to train me about the systems and maintenance. We're going to do oil/fluids/filter changes together, as an example. My goal is to depart the northern end of Kentucky Lake no later than October 3rd, in order to arrive Mobile after November 1st (and the end of hurricane season.) Hope to winter in the Keys and head north on the ICW early spring. Great Loop, here we come!
.... The seller has agreed to spend four days with me to train me about the systems and maintenance. We're going to do oil/fluids/filter changes together, as an example...
There should be more sellers like him. And he would not be spending days with you if there were nasty surprises, sounds a straight up seller.
Nice clean vessel. Sincere congrats and keep us informed.
Congratulations , nice boat . We'll be looking out for you as you head south . Stop by at Paris Landing if you have the chance .
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