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For Sale: Canada Courtesy & Quarantine flags

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Sue Freeman

Veteran Member
May 21, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1992 36' Grand Banks Europa
Heading to Canada? You'll need the quarantine flag & the Canadian courtesy flag. Get both for $24 (includes shipping within continental US). Each flag is 12 inches X 19 inches. They are almost brand new - pristine condition. Both are made by Annin Flagmakers in the USA, on NYL-GLO 100% nylon bunting. Please call me at 941-468-5816.
You might also need the Canadian equivalent of the US ESTA before you arrive mid March 2016 on. I`ve just done it, but then I`m not arriving by boat.
I just moved my boat to Canada a couple weeks ago and I'm going again this spring.
What are these flags you speak of that I will need and why do I need to be in quarantine?
Mr. kt. When a vessel enters a foreign country it is necessary, as far as I'm aware, for the vessel to fly the quarantine flag (yellow-letter Q) from the mainmast (starboard spreader) prior to and up to the point of being cleared into the country by customs. After being cleared, a flag of the country being visited replaces the quarantine flag and is flown as a courtesy to said country. Your national flag remains in place at all times.
These flags have sold.
Mr. kt. When a vessel enters a foreign country it is necessary, as far as I'm aware, for the vessel to fly the quarantine flag (yellow-letter Q) from the mainmast (starboard spreader) prior to and up to the point of being cleared into the country by customs. After being cleared, a flag of the country being visited replaces the quarantine flag and is flown as a courtesy to said country. Your national flag remains in place at all times.

RT - Didn't see the quarantine ensign in Mexico. Hosting Nation Standard is displayed flown starboard, country of origin is displayed port. I have noticed that ship/boats with national standard displayed at stern, remains there. Hosting nation flies starboard. Lots of boats in Mexico, fly the small flags from the spreaders or the equivalent. :blush:
Mr. T. Customs vary..."The customs observed in various foreign waters differ from one another. Try to learn the correct procedure for the country you are entering. For example, is some countries it is customary to fly the courtesy flag only after the quarantine flag (the yellow 'Q' flag) and the vessel has been granted pratique by the appropriate authorities."

From this site under the courtesy flag heading: Flag and Etiquette Committee
When we sailed in Turkey, The boat was registered in Germany, so flew a German flag from the transom, a Turkish courtesy flag from the Starboard spreader and a BIG Canadian flag from the port spreader. As we were a flotilla of 14 boats, it was easy to spot us, and when we strayed into the military closed area (The charts we were given by the charter Co were out of date) the Turkish warship called us the "Canadian boats" as she shepherded us out of the area.
Other than for courtesy, I don't think there is much concern between US and Canada in regards to flags.
Other than for courtesy, I don't think there is much concern between US and Canada in regards to flags.
Even though I have yet to see a "Q" at the Customs dock in Port Sidney, just don't piss anyone off if you cross that imaginary line without it.
Mr. T. Customs vary..."The customs observed in various foreign waters differ from one another. Try to learn the correct procedure for the country you are entering. For example, is some countries it is customary to fly the courtesy flag only after the quarantine flag (the yellow 'Q' flag) and the vessel has been granted pratique by the appropriate authorities."

From this site under the courtesy flag heading: Flag and Etiquette Committee

Yacht Club burgee on the bow as well. Can get you reciprocal berths in may places.
Mr. T. Customs vary..."The customs observed in various foreign waters differ from one another. Try to learn the correct procedure for the country you are entering. For example, is some countries it is customary to fly the courtesy flag only after the quarantine flag (the yellow 'Q' flag) and the vessel has been granted pratique by the appropriate authorities."

Yeah nah ... that's an old way. Nowadays, you need a NEXUS card and call ahead to clear your entry to Canada or US by water. Sure, you need to be a citizen of one of them ... :blush:
On another forum I read of a blowboat's owners being fined for not flying the Q flag on arrival in Australia. But it could have been something else like not notifying arrival by the required time in advance. The old ways have their place.

Also, some Port Captains in South America can get very animated if you are not flying the country courtesy flag. Or if the one you are flying is tatty. A bit of courtesy and respect is easy and can avoid much drama. If you think border formalities are trivial so be it. I've not found the officials to be of that disposition, even in North America and when there are no issues. The world is not as nice a place as it used to be....
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A bit of courtesy and respect is easy and can avoid much drama. If you think border formalities are trivial so be it. I've not found the officials to be of that disposition, even in North America and when there are no issues. The world is not as nice a place as it used to be....

Agreed ... that was tongue in cheek reply pointing to a very relevant exception for the USA/Canada border which is long and used by millions of US and Canadian citizens every year.

A very formal and proper US Border Protection officer seeing me clearing the US border on "his" island for the n-th time a few years back ask/told me ... Why don't you do everybody a favor and get yourself a NEXUS card?
Here is a quick story of flags. I had just tied up, in Lund BC in 1977. Wharfinger was on dock as I secured lines. He asked, where are you from? My reply, boat is from Seattle, I live in Alaska, but was born in Canada, and am Canadian, and am headed for Alaska, how much to tie up for a day or two. His reply, if you take down the yankee flag, moorage is free!
Rebel112r said:
Here is a quick story of flags. I had just tied up, in Lund BC in 1977. Wharfinger was on dock as I secured lines. He asked, where are you from? My reply, boat is from Seattle, I live in Alaska, but was born in Canada, and am Canadian, and am headed for Alaska, how much to tie up for a day or two. His reply, if you take down the yankee flag, moorage is free!
Now that is a funny tale and all too reminiscent of the day. I'll lay wager he was one of the Thulin boys, whose family invented Lund.

The story of Charlie is so typical of the 1880s BC coast settlers, such as my own great-grandparents at Myrtle Point.

The Thulins:
Lund site has long history of human habitation - Campbell River Mirror

Thanks Rebel, for taking me back.
Insequent said:
The world is not as nice a place as it used to be....
Boy, you said it, Brian.
30 years ago Princess Diana and her mutt Charles attended Expo 86 in Vancouver. She toured False Creek and Burrard Inlet aboard Jack Charles' boat Hotei. The only escort was a half dozen CG Auxiliary boats. In those days you became auxiliary via experience and a very cursory screen by CCG.

We had 1' x 3' corrugated plastic signs with the word PATROL on them. One for each side. Our only task was to keep the looky loos at bay. Our only limitation, no pictures. They paid for fuel and a per diem of I think about 50 bucks.

That was it. No CG, no Harbour Patrol no Seals or SWAT. Nothing in the air. Just a bunch of lowly boaters lucky enough to be a part of it.

Try that today.
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Flying the flag of the country you are visiting is a way of showing you are not at WAR with that country.

The Q flag shows the vessel can not be approached , and until cleared only the Captain can step ashore.

In Jamaica the first question the customs boat asked was

"How many have died on the voyage?"

After clearing one in Canada , you simply call on the VHF and they will clear you in.
Hawg, Thanks for the memories of the Expo visit.

A few years earlier, the Royal Yacht Brittania came to Vancouver. The Royal Vancouver Yacht Club was asked to provide an escort into the harbour. Boats capable of 10 knots met her at QA, those only capable of 5 knots met her at QB and the flotilla proceeded under Lions Gate and into the harbour. I was in the 5 knot group, but don't recall exactly where she went once inside.
We were asked only to provide the escort. No silly questions concerning the makeup of our crew. Ours was pretty ordinary, a couple of Drs, a lawyer, our wives.

Several years later, the USS Ranger came to visit, and introduced Vancouver to modern day security. They had a security perimeter around the anchored ship, and anyone straying too close got an immediate visit from the police boat ar whoever was on duty at the moment.
koliver said:
Thanks for the memories of the Expo visit.
A couple times a week I'd load up in Port Moody and head off to the fireworks. If I had people aboard who had not been, I would stick the "PATROL" signs on the side and get a front row seat (shame on me).

A few years earlier, the Royal Yacht Brittania came to Vancouver. We were asked only to provide the escort. No silly questions concerning the makeup of our crew.
Those really were innocent times, eh? Sometimes, usually late at night, when boredom set in at the marina dock social, we would grab some meat and go tie up to an freighter anchored in the harbour. They always had a gangway slung over the side. It didn't matter that we could barely communicate, swapping a roast or a bag of chicken parts for a few drinks in the bilges of a Liberian rust bucket was always a hoot.

Several years later, the USS Ranger came to visit, and introduced Vancouver to modern day security. They had a security perimeter around the anchored ship, and anyone straying too close got an immediate visit from the police boat ar whoever was on duty at the moment.
Hard to even get a close look at the cruise ships any more.
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