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For Sale: 47' Cheoy Lee Seamaster LRC

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Anyone wanting to replace a Cat with a VW needs to see their doctor ASAP. Suspect a possible anal cranial infarction.
Considered the post might be ironical?
Anyone wanting to replace a Cat with a VW needs to see their doctor ASAP. Suspect a possible anal cranial infarction.

Truer words were never spoken. Amazing how this perfectly acceptable vessel has got so many knickers in a twist. Don't worry Stu, the EPA would not approve a VW insertion.

And Mako, please point out where I degraded the CAT engine.
The good news is that any press is good press. Its going to take an experienced yachtsman who knows a real boat and can look past the internet fodder from hackers. This boat is the real deal (if it is in the condition described). Some smart yachtsman is going cruising.
Several peeps on this sight have been aboard and verify the condition. I'm not one of them. I have never seen this boat, don't know if it is represented in present condition but if its anywhere close to the pics (which I think it is), its a bargain if it passes survey. I would be VERY surprised if it didn't. Quality boats cost money, this is a gem! I want to see this boat next month in FP at the TF gathering (hoping to make it).
Please come by and visit me at Harbortown Marina and see my Cheoy Lee LRC.
BTW great Marina, private, straight shot to inlet, bar/restaurant and boatyard on
"Old mechanical engines don't like being driven at 20% engine load, as the OP stated."

YES BUT, most older engines are tolerant of long time under loading , as bulldozer engines idiling and light loading were daily norms..

AS truck engines many were idled for 8-12 hours every time they did a long trip.

Yes,, the longest engine life is with the engine powering a generator head , constant load , only a very few cold starts , oil changed on the fly , and proper diesel coolant.

SO WHAT ???, the engine that might run 12,000 hours in this ideal setting might loose 20% or 25% of its service life with too light loading, sitting months , cold starts , and a constant damp caused by the wet exhaust.

Most owner change oil more frequently than required (no oil analysis) which helps get rid of the acids from blowby from light loading.

So that 12,000 engine becomes a 10,000 hr engine before the oil consumption gets too high.

For most boats 10,000 hours , at the common white boat 200 hours a year is......FIFTY YEARS!!!

I would never swop an engine with many decades of service life left for a tiny car engine , even in theory that it should be "more efficient".

An old engine goes out to anchor service when it is less work to swop it out than find parts for.

Makes me a Detroit 6-71 fan , but there are lots of aftermarket items for most Cats too.
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German Cruiser.
I am pre-qualified for 130K, but it is too late now anyway.... :-((((
Beautiful boat, wonderful restoration! I would take it any day.
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