NMEA2000 upgrade?

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Dixie Life

Senior Member
Feb 4, 2011
Vessel Name
Aku Uka
Vessel Make
43’ DeFever
Just bought a '79 41ft. single eng. with all orig. eq.* My question is, how can I upgrade the eng. data (all gauges are elect.) to a NMEA2000 system?* I'm wanting to install a Garmin5212 (main deck) & Garmin720 (fly).* Garmin support has been no help.* My eng. is a Lehman Ford 120.* There has to be a way to interface with a NMEA 2000 system.
dhiggins wrote:

Just bought a '79 41ft. single eng. with all orig. eq.* My question is, how can I upgrade the eng. data (all gauges are elect.) to a NMEA2000 system?* I'm wanting to install a Garmin5212 (main deck) & Garmin720 (fly).* Garmin support has been no help.* My eng. is a Lehman Ford 120.* There has to be a way to interface with a NMEA 2000 system.
Welcome to the forum.* AS you probably know you are faced with converting an analog signal (s) from you engine instruments and converting*it (them)*to NMEA 183 or NMEA 2000.* I'm not aware that Garmin makes such a device.* You'll have to go someone like Noland Engineering: http://www.nolandeng.com/


Panbo did a discussing a while back on you problem.


It's to bad that you are having bad luck with Garmin.* I hope it's not a sign of the times.

Good luck.

-- Edited by Larry M on Friday 4th of February 2011 04:06:02 PM
Keep us in the loop as to what you find out, there are a lot of Lehman owners here.
Hi - new here too - I was wondering about the same issue? My Lehman 120 has the old (analog) gauges. I have recently upgraded all of my nav equipment to Simrad (love it) and would like to use the NMEA2K interface that they have.
Did this discussion go anywhere? (i was not able to open the link above to the prior thread) - Thanks!
This interface from Maretron might do it Maretron : Marine Electronic Instruments

They don't list Lehman, but I wouldn't be surprised if it can be made to work. Their support is quite good too. Their products are expensive, but very well made and they regularly evolve them, so I think they are worth it. So far I have no regrets on the Maretron products I've bought, and plan to buy more.
I have installed the NEMA 2000 network wiring on my Grand Banks. I currently have a Garmin 5212, and Garmin 24 HD radar tied into the NEMA 2000. I have just added a Maretron tri-ducer, which will send speed, temp, and depth to the NEMA 2000 network. The beauty of the NEMA 2000 system is that you can build on it and add components as you wish. Maretron does not have, at this time, a device to convert the engine analog signals to the NEMA 2000 system. Garmin does not have such a device either. The Maretron device mentioned above is for engines equipped with a plug in wiring harness, which I believe would be much newer than your engines. I have 1990 model CAT's, and the Noland RS 11 is the only thing that I have been able to find (per the techies) to convert engine analog signals to NEMA 2000 protocol. I have not yet purchased that module, and have moved it to a lower point on my wish list, choosing instead to next install the Maretron systems to monitor raw water flow to both engines/genset, etc. Maretron has been very helpful in my questions to them.
Hope that helps a little.

Chuck Smith
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