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For Sale: 1986 GB 42 Classic FOR SALE

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Hybrid GB - Are you associated with Island Pilot? An occasional TF poster, Ruben Trane, did a hybrid 40' Island Pilot Catamaran a few years back that had 6KW of solar panels. They claimed it would do 25NM on battery power prior to using diesel with twin Steyr hybrid engines. Not certain but believe it was an R&D project also. The boat is for sale now on YW for quite a bit more than your hybrid. I have been intrigued with it but it is above my boat R&D budget.

If you have a sketch on how 4KW of panels could be mounted on a GB 42, it would interesting to see.
Hi Donsan,
no, not affiliated, but this is a small world, so likely they are using many of the same components. we were using large 330Wpanels, part of the installation was a replacemnt of the bimini top. Lots of space.
My thought almost exactly.
I agree, a good set of engines DIY, and you have an excellent boat with all new systems. GB are incredibly high quality and retain their value.
The price we are offering theboat at is very fair in my modest opinion.
GB Hybrid.
Where would one find out more details about your specific offering and more about what your company does?
Was looking for more information about Watt Power and photos. Thanks for the links.

Yes, I am interested to upgrade to a trawler for my up coming retirement and planned ICW trip but maybe it would be better if I send you a PM if you are concerned about info getting out into the WWW.
Is the boat useable as is? What is the bridge clearance of the boat. I have one 16.5 foot Average marine clearance bridge between my hone dock and the ICW.
ALSO WHAT IS THE BOAT's cruising speed and thrust with its present electric motor(s)?
Please Send me a private email with al, the specs etc to tebea169@gmail.com
I'm curious about the battery system. What capacity, what voltage? And what is the cruise speed for the 2 hours running time?
I'm curious about the battery system. What capacity, what voltage? And what is the cruise speed for the 2 hours running time?
I think all the electric drive components have been removed from the boat. If I'm not mistaken, this was a test platform that kind of fell short of expectations and had the electrics removed.
I think all the electric drive components have been removed from the boat. If I'm not mistaken, this was a test platform that kind of fell short of expectations and had the electrics removed.

Yes. But I was hoping HybridGB might share a bit more about the project.
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