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For Sale: 47' Cheoy Lee Seamaster LRC

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Nov 10, 2015
Vessel Name
Cinco Estrellas
Vessel Make
Black Watch 26
I'm offering for sale my 47' Cheoy Lee Seamaster.
You may see all information here 47'_Cheoy_Lee_Seamaster
Thank you.
We saw this vessel's near twin in Desolation Sound this past summer. I asked this guy if it was a DeFever design. He blanched but said something like "even better." CL has made some nice vessels over the years and being a Garden design could be a real find.

If I was in the market for a less that $200K fifty foot trawler I'd be all over this. But condition, old Cat engine and prior upkeep is the key, a visit or two would answer these questions.
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I can assure you, that the boat is mechanically and cosmetically in absolute
excellent condition.
Due to constant upgrades and improvements she definitely defies her age.
We just spent this summer 9 weeks with her in the Abaco's and everything
worked 100%.
She is definitely cruise ready!
That does look like something special, all right. I wish my boat budget looked equally robust!

Good luck with your sale, German Cruiser - hope Mamacocha finds an appreciative new owner.
Dang.....I can't even use the "wrong side of the continent" excuse for this one.:eek:
Nice! Yes, Cheoy Lee makes some real nice boats...

Mamacocha is that Quetchua?
May I suggest that buyers get pre qualified for financing prior to going boat shopping if they need financing to purchase a boat. My broker assures me that it's an easy process that can be done online and seldom does the age of the vessel have any bearing on the lenders decision.
If I was in the market for a less that $200K fifty foot trawler I'd be all over this. But condition, old Cat engine and prior upkeep is the key, a visit or two would answer these questions.

Very nice boat indeed and seems in great condition for its age. Regarding the engine, probably be best to pull the Cat, sell it, and replace with a 85-100 hp rebuilt engine. Then it would be powered properly for a displacement cruiser.
Very nice boat indeed and seems in great condition for its age. Regarding the engine, probably be best to pull the Cat, sell it, and replace with a 85-100 hp rebuilt engine. Then it would be powered properly for a displacement cruiser.
Wow, thats a pretty bold statement for a well maintained, outfitted cruiser. That engine would easily have another 20,000 hours of operation in the service shes in. I wouldn't change her out. A cat engine survey would alleviate any fears. What do you hope to gain on an engine swap? What do you think the payback time would be?
Sailer of Fortune you are right.
In MHO based on almost 15 years of operating the boat, Mamacocha's engine is indeed running very good, starting everytime after just one second, no smoke at all, no oil consumption and no oil leaks either. I'm convinced that this Caterpillar will give many,
many years of reliable and economic operation for the new owner in the future.
Yup, a 4200 RPM VW diesel is just what this vessel needs :facepalm:
May I insist, this Cheoy Lee does not need another engine, the Caterpillar is just
fine. Why should one fix a thing which ain't broke?
Mr. GC. "Why should one fix a thing which ain't broke?" Well, that appears to be common amongst some members regarding certain subjects. I suspect the Cat in your vessel is considered to be way too large and above mentioned members are attempting to make your vessel "better". I am NOT one of those members and feel you have a beautiful vessel which should provide years of faithful service to her new owners just as she is.
If you read carefully, you will note that the premise of Sunchaser's statement "But condition, old Cat engine" was that the PRESUMPTION was that the engine was old, therefore worn out. If that were true then the offered suggestion was that instead of rebuilding it, since the boat is overpowered, just to replace it with a correctly sized engine.

This is Trawlerforum and pretty much everyone here knows that a pure displacement cruiser does not require 8+ hp per ton. Old mechanical engines don't like being driven at 20% engine load, as the OP stated.

Simple logic.
If you read carefully, you will note that the premise of Sunchaser's statement "But condition, old Cat engine" was that the PRESUMPTION was that the engine was old, therefore worn out. If that were true then the offered suggestion was that instead of rebuilding it, since the boat is overpowered, just to replace it with a correctly sized engine.

This is Trawlerforum and pretty much everyone here knows that a pure displacement cruiser does not require 8+ hp per ton. Old mechanical engines don't like being driven at 20% engine load, as the OP stated.

Simple logic.

I did carefully read this in the pasted guidelines...
Second, posts demeaning or degrading the advertised item will not be tolerated. Such posts will be removed by the moderators.
"I can assure you, that the boat is mechanically and cosmetically in absolute
excellent condition.
Due to constant upgrades and improvements she definitely defies her age.
We just spent this summer 9 weeks with her in the Abaco's and everything
worked 100%.
She is definitely cruise ready!"

German cruiser - Great boat looks fantastic , good luck with the sale.
I did carefully read this in the pasted guidelines...
Second, posts demeaning or degrading the advertised item will not be tolerated. Such posts will be removed by the moderators.

The only thing degrading is a presumption by Sunchaser that the engine is degraded! However, if you actually believe that this is a demeaning post then please delete it because you're way out of line.

Oh my, is that a degrading comment because I questioned the authority of moderator????
I am not a mod - easily read on my signature line.
The OP has entered a for sale advertisement.
The OP has a website showing what appears to be a fantastic boat.
The OP has stated it is in great mechanical shape.
I do not know the OP nor have I seen the boat but form what I read and see the boat and engines are surely in much better shape than 99% of the boats that I have seen.

Since reading all of that it appears counter intuitive to consider the engine to be pulled out unless someone has been on the boat.

German cruiser - great looking boat , good luck with the sale.
Sunchaser asked -
"If I was in the market for a less that $200K fifty foot trawler I'd be all over this. But condition, old Cat engine and prior upkeep is the key, a visit or two would answer these questions."

OP answered -
"I can assure you, that the boat is mechanically and cosmetically in absolute excellent condition. Due to constant upgrades and improvements she definitely defies her age. We just spent this summer 9 weeks with her in the Abaco's and everything worked 100%. She is definitely cruise ready!
That boat is a steal. Anyone looking for a long distance, traveling live aboard on a budget, this should be your next look. BTW I am not related to the seller but I do know Cheoy Lee build quality and am a fan of Bill Garden's designs.
I have recently (last November) been on this boat, and met the seller. It's everything he says it is. Unfortunately, it just wasn't the boat for us. If you're seriously in the market, do yourself a favor and check it out.
I can assure you, that the boat is mechanically and cosmetically in absolute
excellent condition.
Due to constant upgrades and improvements she definitely defies her age.
We just spent this summer 9 weeks with her in the Abaco's and everything
worked 100%.
She is definitely cruise ready!

Just one question are those zincs painted and how does that affect their performance?
Those zincs are not painted. What you see on the photos are zincs covered with blue tape in order to avoid being painted.
I can't believe this engine issue so controversial. A heavy duty industrial engine with minimal hours in its life cycle. This is a no brainer for an owner looking for a long range cruiser. Beautiful vsl.
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