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Wanted: Rosborough RF-246

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 17, 2015
I would like to buy a 2005 or newer Rosborough RF-246, outboard version only, with trailer preferred. I chose this forum to put the word out given that I live in Chattanooga, TN and generally disconnected from areas where such boats can be found. Obviously, I'd prefer to find one on the east or Gulf coast or the Great Lakes. However, I would seriously consider "going the extra mile", so to speak, for an exceptional Rosborough west of the Mississippi.
Welcome, Vegastwo. There was a few years ago a Roseborough on A Dock at Chickamauga Marina. Don't recall the engine. I have had an interest in those boats after seeing them cruising along the ICW. By the way my home is in Chattanooga near the waterfront. Good luck on your search, and let us know how it is progressing.
Thank you Don. If during your nautical travels you come across a "For Sale" sign on a RF-246; I'd appreciate you passing the info to me. Given your proximity maybe we'll cross paths in the future. Or should I say cross wakes?

Last summer I saw a RF-246 for sale outside of Aqua Yacht Harbor Marina on Pickwick Lake. Don't remember the year or whether it had on OB or IB. It was on a trailer though.
I would like to buy a 2005 or newer Rosborough RF-246, outboard version only, with trailer preferred. I chose this forum to put the word out given that I live in Chattanooga, TN and generally disconnected from areas where such boats can be found. Obviously, I'd prefer to find one on the east or Gulf coast or the Great Lakes. However, I would seriously consider "going the extra mile", so to speak, for an exceptional Rosborough west of the Mississippi.

Try this;

Rosborough boats for sale - YachtWorld

Looks like the cats meow for river, bay and harbor fishing....If I wasn't so danged old, who knows, I might be polishing the sides on something like that myself. In the mean time, its shade, sweet tea & Black rum. :blush:
Last summer I saw a RF-246 for sale outside of Aqua Yacht Harbor Marina on Pickwick Lake. Don't remember the year or whether it had on OB or IB. It was on a trailer though.

Thanks SSOBOL. I just sent the marina an email inquiring if the boat is for sale. If anything shakes out, I'll let you know.
Try this;

Rosborough boats for sale - YachtWorld

Looks like the cats meow for river, bay and harbor fishing....If I wasn't so danged old, who knows, I might be polishing the sides on something like that myself. In the mean time, its shade, sweet tea & Black rum. :blush:

Thanks Right rudder. I'm currently picking thru those RF-246's listed on Yacht World. Your methodology for searching YW appears better than mine though as your link indicated more options than I've seen through my searches. Go figure...

Interesting to see that Eastern is now building the 24's.

From what I've learned, the transition to Eastern took place around 2012. An Eastern rep. has told me that the hulls are being built identical to the way they were built by Rosborough in Nova Scotia.

I personally checked out a 2016 RF-246 at Wefings Marina in FL recently and was impressed with the boat. It appears to be built like a tank. Solid fiberglass hull with 100% flotation. Unusual for boats over 21'.

I recently toured the Nordic Tug and Ranger Tug factories in WA. Was impressed with Nordic Tug design and construction. Ranger Tug, not so much. Of course there is close to $80K difference in price when it comes to the 26' models. The Rosborough hull looks and feels beefier than both and overall is more "minimalist" in design.
I would rather have a RF-246 than a Ranger or Nordic tug of the same size.
Both the Ranger and Nordic have a strong following of happy owners. My taste in boats is often at odds with whats popular.
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I would rather have a RF-246 than a Ranger or Nordic tug of the same size.
Both the Ranger and Nordic have a strong following of happy owners. My taste in boats is often at odds with whats popular.

I've come to the same conclusion. Nordic Tug - much more expensive and pressure to be tied to a marina or wide load permits to trailer. Ranger Tug - also more expensive, construction and some design aspects that I was uncomfortable with, and aluminum Volvo Diesels. I'm an iron block Cummins man. Rosborough seemed the logical choice for this single first-timer (wouldn't be though if I had a companion). Todays four cycle outboards seem a no-brainer and I can park it at home to work on it.
Trying to do trawler stuff w an OB is easier than it would seem. Gas engines burn twice the fuel as diesels do. But you could have a light plywood OB cruiser powered by a small diesel and have lower NMPG than a diesel trawler. Can also happen w a gas engine. Most boats of similar size like a 26 NT and a 26 plywood OC or perhaps even a Bayliner aren't even close in weight. So twin 50hp outboards on many old hulls would be less than half the weight of a trawler. You could'nt call them trawlers because they aren't but range and speed could be easily the same or better than a trawler. Many of these boats can be found on Craig's List for little money and most are trailerable.
Vegastwo will have plenty of range with his boat/trailer/tow vehicle. That setup opens all kinds of good cruising.
The only RF-266's I don't like are inboard/outboard versions.....bad news.

I ruled the I/O option out early on, mainly due to it taking up too much cockpit space. I have also ruled out the outboard version that attaches directly to the transom rather than the Armstrong bracket.
Better CG and a better ballanced boat w the engine on the transom.

I've never had an IO. Heard all the tales of course. What really is the problem w them? What is it that fails? If one took really good care of an IO would it give good service? One of the most respected members here has ove and has a long history w it.
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I ruled the I/O option out early on, mainly due to it taking up too much cockpit space. I have also ruled out the outboard version that attaches directly to the transom rather than the Armstrong bracket.

Here's one (at the end of the pier) with a 150 Yamaha on the bracket. First one I'd seen up close. Interesting boat. Just purchased up in Annapolis and trucked down to NC..

Better CG and a better ballanced boat w the engine on the transom.

I've never had an IO. Heard all the tales of course. What really is the problem w them? What is it that fails? If one took really good care of an IO would it give good service? One of the most respected members here has ove and has a long history w it.

I agree regarding your comment on CG and better balance. When I was at the Nordic Tug factory they touted their tug's seaworthiness over the Ranger Tug given the under the pilothouse (in the center of the hull) mounting of the diesel. Ranger mounts their diesel under the cockpit at the back of the boat. I'm inclined to agree with the Nordic boys.

Regarding better balance with the outboard on the transom, I'm not convinced when you compare the transom mounting to an Armstrong Bracket mounted outboard. Checkout
. I haven't actually experienced outboard performance mounted on the Armstrong Bracket but that Youtube video convinced me enough to head in that direction. I would like to conserve the most cockpit space given the relative small size of the Rosborough. Also, I'm thinking that the Armstrong Bracket would be a good place to set and run my 2KW generator when anchored in the calm.

Regarding I/O. I owned several runabouts in the past that used them. They seemed fine to me. The engine box at the stern seemed to compliment the port and starboard stern seats and held cupholders or provided additional seating.
Here's one (at the end of the pier) with a 150 Yamaha on the bracket. First one I'd seen up close. Interesting boat. Just purchased up in Annapolis and trucked down to NC..

I like your Cape Dory Steve. It gave me a twinge wondering if I'll eventually "move on up", so to speak, in the future. I sense I'm harboring a "thing" for those flybridges.
I like your Cape Dory Steve. It gave me a twinge wondering if I'll eventually "move on up", so to speak, in the future. I sense I'm harboring a "thing" for those flybridges.

Thanks Vegas! I honestly could not own a boat without a bridge....
It's all about the experience of being on the water and enjoying nature afterall! I'm bored to tears piloting from down below and only do it when absolutely necessary. Good luck in your quest..
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2005 Rosborough RF-246 in PA for sale

We have a 2005 RF-246 with a Yamaha 115hp and Yamaha 9hp mounted on an Armstrong platform. It has only been used in fresh water with about 400 hours on the main motor. We are located in central PA. Please respond if you are interested.

I would like to buy a 2005 or newer Rosborough RF-246, outboard version only, with trailer preferred. I chose this forum to put the word out given that I live in Chattanooga, TN and generally disconnected from areas where such boats can be found. Obviously, I'd prefer to find one on the east or Gulf coast or the Great Lakes. However, I would seriously consider "going the extra mile", so to speak, for an exceptional Rosborough west of the Mississippi.
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