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Wanted: Kadey Krogen 42

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Apr 25, 2015
Months of looking has narrowed down the field. We'd like to find a Kadey Krogen 42. If any of you know of any that are for sale that are not listed on YachtWorld, I would appreciate a note about them. Max budget is $250k, prefer boat on the East Coast, Gulf Coast, or in the Caribbean.
Would I be behaving like Captain Obvious if I suggested that a search on this forum might just bring up a 42 Krogen?

Graham, S.S.A.
Sorry, not funny or appropriate.
What do you think of the Krogen 42 for sale on this site, boat located in Southern California? Named Stout.

JD Cave, Hollywood and I know of a KK42 that was recently purchased on the west coast and shipped east. Easy enough to do, but oF course it is obvious.
No sweat Graham, I read your original post with tongue in cheek, as I suspected it had been written. I realize that often people will just join a forum, post what they want, and take the lazy way out. Unfortunately I have been scouring the internet for months and have been using the help of a broker as well. Just felt like it was time to enlist the help of the boating public.

Stout looks beautiful and very well maintained. However, the cost of finishing the air conditioning and the issue of getting from the West Coast to either the Gulf or East Coast would likely push the overall purchase price beyond our limit.
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Do you recall the expense of shipping the KK42 cross-country? Was it done via land or water? How long did it take?
Sit back and watch the "Well, which one do you want?" posts happen as I post our desire to purchase a DeFever 44. Felt like searching for specific boats would be better than the typical trawler wanted post.
You might look at the recent posts by tunajoe. He reported it cost $10,500 to move his Nordic Tug 32 from Ft Lauderdale to Ventura CA and took 5 days. A KK42 is much larger and heavier so it might be $15,000 or north.

Do you recall the expense of shipping the KK42 cross-country? Was it done via land or water? How long did it take?

We looked at shipping a KK42 by land from the east coast to west coast. No one could do it. We then looked at shipping from FL to MX by water, ~$45K. :eek:
You might look at the recent posts by tunajoe. He reported it cost $10,500 to move his Nordic Tug 32 from Ft Lauderdale to Ventura CA and took 5 days. A KK42 is much larger and heavier so it might be $15,000 or north.

A KK42 is 15'8" wide and has an air clearance north 15' even if you could remove the fly bridge. That's why we were told it couldn't go by land.
A KK42 is 15'8" wide and has an air clearance north 15' even if you could remove the fly bridge. That's why we were told it couldn't go by land.

Guess I am out of the running for Stout....ha ha.
it is a boat after all.. float it around.

If you've got the time, this is the way to go. By the time you've got the boat home, you'll know her like the back of your hand.

You should buy Stout! :thumb:
it is a boat after all.. float it around.

My issues with Stout besides it being on the left coast is it still has the original black iron/steel fuel tanks despite the factory epoxy-coating. Just a couple of days ago, I believe Richard said he suspected a leaking fuel tank on Dauntless.

Despite all the money the owner has put into it, it is a 31 year old boat and even though it is a KK, it is still a single engine Taiwanese Tub. Can't help but be sceptical of a $285K price tag specially when I spent less than 20% of that on my fresh water TT which was built by the same boat group.

But I do love the boat and would float it around if we had the gold and could convince the Admiral of the sanity in such a trip.
My issues with Stout besides it being on the left coast is it still has the original black iron/steel fuel tanks despite the factory epoxy-coating. Just a couple of days ago, I believe Richard said he suspected a leaking fuel tank on Dauntless.

Despite all the money the owner has put into it, it is a 31 year old boat and even though it is a KK, it is still a single engine Taiwanese Tub. Can't help but be sceptical of a $285K price tag specially when I spent less than 20% of that on my fresh water TT which was built by the same boat group.

But I do love the boat and would float it around if we had the gold and could convince the Admiral of the sanity in such a trip.

I'll be perfectly honest here...

It would be unfair to make a direct comparison between any Coastal Cruiser (like the one you have and made reference to) and any passagemaker, which the KK42 is.

It would also be unfair to compare any boat that has been marginally maintained (like many lower priced boats are) and any boat that has been maintained, and constantly updated like this particular KK42 appears to be.

The only fair comparison would be to look at other boats of the same model, or at the very least the same mission capabilities and of various state of maintenance and upgrade and make a value determination.

I can tell you that if I were after the kind of boat that a KK42 is, I would look closely at this one. Not because I know this boat personally, but because I know from first hand experience how much it really costs in terms of labor hours and materials to take a marginally maintained boat and make it into a 100% updated and maintained vessel.
I'll be perfectly honest here...

It would be unfair to make a direct comparison between any Coastal Cruiser (like the one you have and made reference to) and any passagemaker, which the KK42 is.

It would also be unfair to compare any boat that has been marginally maintained (like many lower priced boats are) and any boat that has been maintained, and constantly updated like this particular KK42 appears to be.

The only fair comparison would be to look at other boats of the same model, or at the very least the same mission capabilities and of various state of maintenance and upgrade and make a value determination.

Without a doubt, a straight comparison would be unfair but the point was to touch on the order of magnitude difference in pricing for 31 year old boats. It is a big premium for a passage maker with a desirable brand name.

I certainly hope the owner gets his asking price but I suspect mister market will only be willing to pay quite a bit less.
Thanks Jacks88, the S.S.A. after my name is for Sometimes Smart @**. I use it sparingly.
You are right about the posters that come on many types of forums and expect someone to gather and collate information.
I certainly appreciate the community here on TF. Good choice to enlist the professional boaters here on the forum.
We here in the Pacific northwest are not so fussy about air con but up here in Canada we are quite fussy now about the U.S. dollar exchange. The purchase of Stout for us would add another 35% just on the exchange rate.

All the best on your hunt for the right Krogen. If I find one here in Canada and pass on it I will let you know, the exchange rate works to your advantage buying here in Canada.

We're toying with the idea of floating Stout back to the Gulf Coast. I'm not afraid of doing things others say are unwise, like setting out in a boat from California intending to go through the Canal and onward to the Gulf of Mexico without any previous "big boat" experience. I do, however, like to exercise a certain amount of caution and reason, and I think floating Stout back home would be biting off more than I should.
A KK42 is 15'8" wide and has an air clearance north 15' even if you could remove the fly bridge. That's why we were told it couldn't go by land.

Where there is a wallet, there is a way.


Where there is a wallet, there is a way.

View attachment 45286

I saw that yesterday on Jdaniels Yatch Transport webpage .They hauled a big
Hans Christian 44 pilot house sailboat thru our little town here a few years back . It was quite a sight to see. They parked it overnight just down the street from the lumber yard .
Just to throw a data point into the mix, one of the parties interested in Stout shared that the shipping quote they received (Ensenada MX to Port Everglades FL) was $27k.
Maybe shipping from coast to coast in Mexico might be the way to go, has anyone done that ? Or is the liability a no no, sure would shorten the haul.
Maybe shipping from coast to coast in Mexico might be the way to go, has anyone done that ? Or is the liability a no no, sure would shorten the haul.

Ensenada Mexico, where the yacht transport companies load, is less than 30 hours' running from where she (Stout) lies. Insurance is part of the shipping fee, so I'm not sure where there would be any exposure.

A large chunk of the large yacht charter fleet is shipped this way back and forth between the Mediterranean and the Caribbean every season, though the majority that have the fuel range make the trips on their own bottoms.

Another way to go would be to hire a delivery captain to bring her around, joining the boat for the segments that are appealing and/or fit into one's schedule.

The latter would also allow experiencing cruising amazing cruising grounds that you mightn't get another chance to do, like the Sea of Cortez.

Just sayin'....
Saw a KK42 here in Texas Wednesday. A bit rough. Blistering along the sides from the rub-rail down, broken windows, . . . Just didn't appear to be loved at all. Also got a chance to see a DeFever 44. Not the most perfect or cleanest, but the engine room gave the appearance of an owner that cared. Lots of good outdoor space, and a walk-around queen bed.
Jacks, I think you are in a bit of a dilemma. You like the KK 42 for plenty of good reasons. However, you are shy about spending a lot of money on an older boat, again for plenty of good reasons. The problem is that a KK42 in great shape, with decent upgrades and maintenance, will still be an expensive (in my world anyway) boat. An affordable KK42 will have lots of issues or work to do.

From the little that I have seen, true passagemakers demand a premium. Partly because of the build quality and design features, but also likely because there aren't that many of them out there.

There are some nice KK42s on the market up here in the PNW, but that is a long trip round to your waters which depending on your wallet and calendar, could be a good or a bad thing.
Kadey-Krogen Yachts just listed another KK 42 at Fort Pierce on Yachtworld.

1985 Kadey Krogen 42 Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com

Nice thing about this one is it already had the fuel tanks replaced and had a bottom job and the engine was overhauled last year. The deck teak was replaced without using screws. It also has Naiad stabilizers and a water maker.

I like the boat. The price, not so much.
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