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Free: "The Price is Right" anchor

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 6, 2007
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Vessel Make
1983 42' Present Sundeck
Greetings all. I have a lightly used Delta 44 anchor free to a good home. Self deploying- she's just not good at "self re- setting". Local pick up in Gulfport only- preferably before Tuesday afternoon.

Recipient needs to be a participating TF member with at least 30 posts!

ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1442811023.077514.jpgImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1442811039.944667.jpgImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1442811051.978420.jpg

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
Bump- did I mention it's free?

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
I'm interested in what the problem was that causes you to say it was not good at resetting. Having anchored with a Delta a few hundred nights, most of them in clocking currents and/or winds, I find "resetting" to be one of its better attributes:

Sorry guys. I didn't intend for it to come out like it did.
Let me say that my rode set up, on our boat, with the Delta 44- was not a good fit. My intention here was not to knock the anchor so much - just wanted to explain why I'm giving a perfectly good anchor I paid over $250 for not very long ago. The anchor is fine. I probably needed a size up given the windage a sundeck has. And as I recall- I mounted my swivel SF the line/ chain splice. Wong?? Probably.
Remember the West dink I gave away? Same deal here. I just want it to go to a good home. Preferably today. I sweetened the pot- today only to a participating member...
A free bottle opener!
Hurry before this sale ends!!ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1442948247.340821.jpg

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
I sure like the price but mine works well someone needs to take this puppy at this price
Alan. I know. I'm stunned. Hell- till about two years ago the purchase of cabin bulbs sometimes had to be planned on my budget. You would have awoken to me tapping on the boat. With Community Coffee of course ;).
I really am puzzled.... I thought of PMing a buddy far away like Phil in Washington State to see if this was actually showing up on other computers on the WWW!!!

I actually posted it late Sunday night- to give us old fixed income folks the best shot ;). The working folks shouldn't have time to surf the web on Monday morning...

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's

OK- offer retracted. Gonna try to pawn it tomorrow for a decent pair of nocs. Unbelievable...

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
Hay, I want that anchor. I am only a couple miles away and I have a sister ship to yours. I could use another storm anchor! When do you leave for the Pacific Northwest?
;). Not soon enough!
We got Pipeliner still bringing his to the Gulf- as time allows. We are gonna have get our exclusive Present 42 Sundeck Club kicked off.

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
"The Price is Right" anchor

Well it is posting up here in Bellingham. I would take it just to get that bottle opener!
Would you split the pair? I'm not interested in that POC anchor. :D

I'm seriously interested in the bottle opener, but you'd have to be willing to ship it. I'm willing to pay shipping. Deal????
Sorry- can't break up the pair!!!

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
"I could use another storm anchor!"

If you need a storm anchor why consider onr that is a failure in calm protected O nite use?

Storm anchor for your dink?
I like my Delta, though not the best in mud.

See that pic I posted? That's a mud bottom. A thunderstorm is what caused the big shift and when the winds died down to the prevailing 10's, we returned to the circle caused by the 4 times daily current shift.
See that pic I posted? That's a mud bottom

There is the problem !!!!

A burring anchor like a CQR needs a firm bottom to dig into.
It has very little fluke area.

A Danforth style with bigger area to drag thru the mud would probably be a better choice in soft goop.
Once again, that's not a CQR, that's a Delta. Maybe some people (or person) here don't know how to read a track or understand how an anchor rode behaves in various wind and current states?
I seriously am concerned that this is quickly turning into one of those anchor threads..

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
"Once again, that's not a CQR, that's a Delta."

A cheaply created knockoff anchor,, a CQR sans the CQR hinge will behave the same after it is set.

The hassle is still lack of area in ooze , regardless of what it is called.

In softer bottoms it takes a 60# CQR style to match a 35 # Danforth style, real or aluminum knock off.

Bigger area is better in soft bottoms.
Here is an anchor question. Is the amount of mud that comes up with the anchor proportional to its holding power? Is there such a thing as an anchor with great holding that comes up clean? My experience has been that the Danforth type anchors are the most difficult to clean due to the narrow space between the flukes and the shaft. A plow seems to come up cleanest and is easy to clean.
Good question , but cleaning is not required with a good bow roller, or better a hawse hole storage.

You still have to scrub the stinky chain if it is stowed below.
Depending on the soft bottom; its consistency will often determine the amount of "mud" left clinging to an anchor. As FF said in post 24... "The hassle is still lack of area in ooze , regardless of what it is called". Bigger area is better in soft bottoms."

For soft bottoms I believe Danforth style is best. I also believe that Fortress FX anchors are Danforth on steroids for soft bottoms... as well as their working well in other bottom conditions. I changed over from Danforth to Fortress.

Cleaning mud off any anchor is very small price to pay for not needing to experience anchor drag with potential for thousands of dollars calamity occurring.

Happy Anchor-Cleaning Daze - Art :speed boat:
Come on folks. Lets get refocused here. The thread is about a free anchor.

Forky: Is the anchor still available?


The word free can be not so good if the item provided is not so good under certain circumstances.

So... a multi post-discussion regarding the "free" item's capabilities is not off base; as said item's capabilities may not be well understood by a person who takes-up on the free offer. IMO, nothing wrong with experienced persons commenting on the item, in hopes of guidance for the item's next user... whom ever that may be.

Morning Larry. That's the Delta outside at home under the giant butterfly. The Admiral has requested I hang it in the fence for her. With the knock off CQR and Danforth style anchor. Those were aboard Patricia Louise II at one time as well. ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1443367939.924278.jpg

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
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