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slips for sale in marathon fla keys.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Nov 13, 2013
Vessel Name
silver gift
Vessel Make
45 jefferson
Here at Harbour Cay Club we have several slips for sale . This is a private 24 membership co-op marina located in the fla keys. Most sales are due to people getting older and getting out of boating after living aboard for years here in paradise. We are gulf side inside of the fanny keys, south of Faro Blanco Hyatt motel, 1mile off the icw, and 4miles north of Moser channel /7mile bridge, access to the ocean. We are a community of boaters,both motor and sail who live aboard full/part time and enjoy our 2 acre piece of paradise with a full service marina, Wi-Fi, pump out at dock, metered electric/water and friends. Look at our site HarbourCayClub.org for slips ,info or if you are crusing thru stop by and you may never leave as a few have done . Pm me if you need to. Jim
faro blanco. I remember staying in their houseboats. Stuff would come up in the shower when the tide was low. Whats a fanny key?
This is Fanny Key, near where I used to live.

The condo fees are about $180.00 a month plus your water/electric. They include WiFi,sat TV, maintance,house,shop,marina electric,hurricane acessment (Wilma) and upkeep. Your slip is rented when you are not in it and that rental goes to the club to help lower our costs. Some owners don't have a boat anymore so most of those slips are for sale,or for rent. Web site has the slips for sale and location of those slips. Each owner sets their price and you buy a share of the overall marina/par advice,with the right to dock at that slip. Any questions pm me ,deckape/jim
Very nice location. Very well may work into our plans.
Watched the video and we were very impressed with the facilities.
Thanks for the post.:thumb:
Yes it is a great place to be and marathon has everything you need in a small town feeling,and only 50 miles($4.00 bus ride) is key west. Get stop to recharge ,between west/east coast of Florida,with easy access .
Marathon is the best part of the keys, hands down. Big enough to have stuff to do, and close enough to see the rest easily. The 4th fireworks are great.
Marathon is the best part of the keys, hands down. Big enough to have stuff to do, and close enough to see the rest easily. The 4th fireworks are great.

:thumb: Have two places in Duck Key and just love it there. The only downside to going on holidays is the traffic and if there's a bad crash your screwed.
Many slips for sale. Looks like a great place, wide variety of prices too. My only question, and I just found out people do this, is what happens if these spots do not sell? If a large number become rented, then the club is not full of owners but renters. I would think the atmosphere and care in which people use it would decrease. I hope it is still running and spots are available when I get to the point I can go.
The club has been in place for many years ,and as the boaters/live boards moved on and sold. Some owners are here every year,enjoying what they own. Others don't come or will tell fleet captain when they will be here,and we rent the slip.Most renters only stay the winter and we have a few boaters that will past through the spring and we can only have three renters during hurricane season,so the whole marine is not displaced during a name Strom. Most owner who come only in the winter then go home,will put their boat on the hard through the summer in the keys or where their insurance sales they need to be (certain latitude). We don't want a storage marina but want owners who are enjoying ,active, and part of the harbour day club family
Real nice spot, thanks for sharing.
Here at Harbour Cay Club we have several slips for sale . This is a private 24 membership co-op marina located in the fla keys. Most sales are due to people getting older and getting out of boating after living aboard for years here in paradise. We are gulf side inside of the fanny keys, south of Faro Blanco Hyatt motel, 1mile off the icw, and 4miles north of Moser channel /7mile bridge, access to the ocean. We are a community of boaters,both motor and sail who live aboard full/part time and enjoy our 2 acre piece of paradise with a full service marina, Wi-Fi, pump out at dock, metered electric/water and friends. Look at our site HarbourCayClub.org for slips ,info or if you are crusing thru stop by and you may never leave as a few have done . Pm me if you need to. Jim
Anybody interested in a trade. I have a floating slip 45x17 at Ancorage Marina in Baltimore Md 21224. I also have a 34ft twin diesel boat.
Well sold my slip here at Harbour Cay Club. Wife and I have owned for 14 years ,and lived aboard for 6 years now , an it's time to move on. With a world cruise coming in January 2018 we wanted to lessen our toys ,so the Jefferson is for sale also. We had a buying spree his past year,so a few renmain for sale . Visit the site and see what's they have. It was the best marina for owners as well as guests and we are happy and sad to leave. At faro Blanco now for a month ,then back to ft Lauderdale to sell the Jefferson 45.
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