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For Sale: Marine Trader 34 Double Cabin for sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Thanks, I really hate to sell, but I hate to lose my job even worse..
Hopefully I will find a nice boat here in California.
Hell, I might even go back to sailing.
Interesting opportunity for a vintage TT owner? The number of hours and boat bucks which would seem to be required to restore this boat looks prohibitive. Teak decks, probably original tanks, etc etc. On the other hand... New bottom paint, what bright work you can see looks ok.... This might make a nice donor boat at the right price.

Lurker, you're in the neighborhood. Do you know anything about this boat?
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Lurker, you're in the neighborhood. Do you know anything about this boat?

No, I don't. But I have one myself, in not as good shape, that's in a "Gots to go" situation! I'm thinking the same as you - donor boat.
eBay ad Buy it Now price of $9,900 if the boat is indeed "as advertised" and ready to "drop in the water" seems worth it. Yes more than a little sweat needed but someone can come away with a sweet ditch runner for a very affordable entry price.

Where's all the dang newbies that post desiring a cheap fixer upper? Here it is. Buy it for less than $10k, put another $10-20k in "over time" and do the loop a few times if that's your thing.
eBay ad Buy it Now price of $9,900 if the boat is indeed "as advertised" and ready to "drop in the water" seems worth it. Yes more than a little sweat needed but someone can come away with a sweet ditch runner for a very affordable entry price.

Where's all the dang newbies that post desiring a cheap fixer upper? Here it is. Buy it for less than $10k, put another $10-20k in "over time" and do the loop a few times if that's your thing.

I totally agree.
If I had a spare 9th and wasn't all the way across the freaking country, I'd be giving it some serious consideration.

Sweat equity I've got!
Ditto. Great lines too.

1983 Present 42 Sundeck
Twin Lehman 135's
eBay ad Buy it Now price of $9,900 if the boat is indeed "as advertised" and ready to "drop in the water" seems worth it. Yes more than a little sweat needed but someone can come away with a sweet ditch runner for a very affordable entry price.

Where's all the dang newbies that post desiring a cheap fixer upper? Here it is. Buy it for less than $10k, put another $10-20k in "over time" and do the loop a few times if that's your thing.

That's exactly the situation in which I find myself and was one of the potential courses I thought I would take when I purchased her. The idea was to learn powerboat on a trawler, see how I liked it and after 5 years or so either sell it for a comparable price and get out, put another pile of money into it and get her spiffed up and cruise in retirement or trade up to a bigger, newer boat.

The basic boat is fine. $10k-$20k of repairs and upgrades would put her in terrific shape. But my priorities and circumstances are changing so I'm not willing to put in the additional funds and a bigger boat isn't currently an attractive alternative. Unfortunately, the recession has changed the value of these boats and now I'm struggling to get rid of her. A donation to charity is looking like a way I'm going to try.
I'm just trying to recoup my investment, donating the boat is not on the table, I am certain it is worth every bit of what I am asking. Just needs TLC. I bought it to cruise, and selling it is something I am only doing after a lot of soul searching and realizing I really like having my job more than the boat.

I really wanted to quit my job and go cruising, but I realized if I did I would burn some bridges and would never be able to go back, and that was just too much of a price to pay. I'm not ready for retirement, yet.
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When I said "donor boat" I wasn't referring to a charitable donation, but using the good parts of one along with another comparable boat to restore one very nice one. Like they do with cars.

I'm like Lurker. I've had my MT for 8 years, paid about 30k for it back before the Great Depression, when that's what they were selling for. The decks were already glassed over, the tanks and leaky windows replaced, so I thought I was mostly looking at cosmetics, a couple of electronics upgrades, and so forth, but these boats have a way of sneaking up on you. The expensive jobs were the stern tube/shaft log repair, transmission rebuild, a/c replacement (did that one myself). With all of that, like Lurker says we'd never recoup our investment in a buyers market today.
Noticed it is up to 6k now with the reserve gone
Two active bidders, another day to go. Interesting.
The boat has made reserve. (6k)

But this is far less than what I actually have in the boat, so hopefully the final bid will be close to that figure..
The boat has made reserve. (6k)

But this is far less than what I actually have in the boat, so hopefully the final bid will be close to that figure..

Good Luck on the sale and I hope someone will enjoy the project
Final sale price is $7800, so I guess Trader is pleased. It might be educational if the buyer is on TF to give us an update on the project.
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Final sale price is $7800, so I guess Trader is pleased. It might be educational if the buyer is on TF to give us an update on the project.

It sure would I hope we can get the buyer over here and share the project

Congrats to both seller and buyer
Typical Ebay, buyer flaked and won't answer emails, playing possum.

Trader I am sorry to hear that I just had the same thing happen on a Golf cart relisted it yesterday

again best of luck selling you also may want to try the 2nd chance offer for the number 2 bidder
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