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For Sale: 1985/2004/2015 Kadey-Krogen 42

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jul 23, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42
Stout is perhaps the ultimate Krogen 42, with thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars lavished upon her.

Please review her website at STOUT for more information and contact

Flexible pricing, particularly prior to brokerage listing.

Lying Marina del Rey, CA
Are you a web designer by trade?? Nicely done! And while I did not read everything, I did skim most of it. I did not see a price?
Thanks! I'm not a web designer; I don't think that career could have paid for what I've done to Stout! I work in private aviation, and am fortunate to have a right-hand girl who happens to be a tech and design guru.

The opinions of my insurance company and the brokers I've spoken to all put the realistic value at around $350k, or a bit over half of what's been spent, excluding any value placed on the vast amounts of my own time. While I stand behind my choice of boat, lavishing this much on a Krogen 42 is a bit like building a McMansion in a relatively modest neighborhood; the return just isn't there.

That said, now that I've made the decision to sell, I want to get it done before I change my mind, so offers are welcome.
Stout is perhaps the ultimate Krogen 42, with thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars lavished upon her.

Please review her website at STOUT for more information and contact

Flexible pricing, particularly prior to brokerage listing.

Lying Marina del Rey, CA

Wow great boat! If I was considering a KK42 that would be a serious consideration. It it appears to be exceptionally maintained and upgraded. The exact type of seller I hope to find! Good luck.

BTW why are you selling something you have taken such pride in owning?
Stout is perhaps the ultimate Krogen 42, with thousands of hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars lavished upon her.

Please review her website at STOUT for more information and contact

Flexible pricing, particularly prior to brokerage listing.

Lying Marina del Rey, CA

You have built without a doubt the finest k42 in existence... (sorry other k42 owners)
I would be proud to pull up at any dock anywhere in her
Good luck
Beautiful. You have used it I presume..? It looks in such mint condition, like it's just out of the factory - in fact better than just out of the factory. If I was moving to the US….oh, and getting a divorce…but I'm not doing either, so sorry, I'll have to let it pass...
WOW that is a great looking boat
Hey guys, thanks for the kind words! It's really nice to get feedback and outside perspective on the boat from the community here!

I spent about 4 recent years working in charter brokerage of yachts from 40 meters to over 100 meters, so I had to be familiar with the yachts and the crews. Time spent aboard these floating palaces in the Med and Caribbean certainly inspired some of the later work on Stout, but it also skewed my perspective as to what is really nice in the real world, and as to what most boats actually look like.
Really nicece looking KK42! Just curious why you left the Furuno LC90 Loran in place? Had 2 of those for 20 years on my charter boats, so it immediately caught my eye. After they turned Loran off 6 years ago, there wasn't any reason to keep them on board anymore.

Really nicece looking KK42! Just curious why you left the Furuno LC90 Loran in place? Had 2 of those for 20 years on my charter boats, so it immediately caught my eye. After they turned Loran off 6 years ago, there wasn't any reason to keep them on board anymore.


Good eye Ted!

The smart-alec response even a couple of years ago would have been that there wasn't room for it on the bow rollers as a backup anchor.

While it is true to say that I spent an embarrassing amount of time laying out each of the instrument panels in a way that was pleasing to both eye and function, that the LC-90 looks just fine there, still work in some parts of the world, and until and unless there was an alternate piece of gear that I wanted in that spot more than the LC-90 it would stay, even if just as a silent protest to the US turning off the Loran stations in our part of the globe, for reasons perhaps more political than practical.

I already have triple-redundant GPS receivers aboard, so it's not my receivers that I'm concerned about; rather it's the inherent vulnerability of a satellite-based system. So the only piece of gear I personally want in that spot is a low-frequency high-power terrestrial radio navigation backup to my primary backup (which consists of paper charts, a great chart table, plotting aids, a chronometer and a sextant).

But the real truth has been that I've never succumbed to the idea that Loran was gone for good. Call me crazy...then.

Even as GPS was in the beginning stages of implementation, Loran-C was viewed as an essential and far less vulnerable backup to GPS. See: The Case for Loran - G. Linn Roth ;

I believe that was true then, and that it is more true in todays world.

The funny part is, it looks like I wasn't crazy, and that old LC-90 might indeed prove to be just the thing, even if it can't make use of the added accuracy-enhancement signal of eLoran. Which is on the air and testing in the US and Europe right now.

Check this out:GPS.gov: LORAN-C Infrastructure & E-LORAN

eLoran Progresses Toward GPS Back-Up Role in U.S., Europe : GPS World

So Ted, thanks for bringing up the Loran-C thing, as I hadn't checked in on it for quite some time, and you prompted me to do so.

And apologies for the too-long reply.
IIRC the loran-c transmission tower in Alaska has been dynamited
to take out that reference line.

You recall correctly sir. The government seems to prefer the less informative descriptor of "demolished" for the antenna at Attu Island. The other five stations in the Alaskan chain are listed as "decommissioned", which appears to mean turned off and locked up, as opposed to blown to larger bits with smaller explosives. One can hope.
I keep having to get a fresh towel to catch the drool. Next spring would have been a perfect time to consider this boat - sell my house for the right price and get the remodel of the new house done only 40% over budget and get my wife excited about the idea.... A guy can dream. House goes on the market 8/15; maybe my stars will line up.
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I keep having to get a fresh towel to catch the drool. Next spring would have been a perfect time to consider this boat - sell my house for the right price and get the remodel of the new house done only 40% over budget and get my wife excited about the idea.... A guy can dream. House goes on the market 8/15; maybe my stars will line up.

Yes you sure can dream it all starts with a dream
Are you kidding me? Damn! Wow, just ... wow!
As a native Dutch speaker a small comment on the following found on your website;

"The Dutch and English definitions of “Stout” include: bold; sturdy; intrepid; heavily built; having endurance"

In the Dutch language the common meaning for the word "Stout" is "Naughty" and secondly it is the word for "Dark Beer"
Both sound good to me.
Stout is exactly the boat I have been looking for. Lucky for my marriage it's on the other coast!
Stout is exactly the boat I have been looking for. Lucky for my marriage it's on the other coast!

Daveo, I can't speak to marriage, but Raven Offshore Yacht Transport has sailings from Ensenada to Port Everglades in September and November, so that's one problem that can be fixed with dollars.

If you want relationship troubles, try being absent for the thousands of hours it takes to do a "Stout". In hindsight, buying one "done" would have been far smarter. Except for the part that there wasn't one. Done that is.
I keep having to get a fresh towel to catch the drool. Next spring would have been a perfect time to consider this boat - sell my house for the right price and get the remodel of the new house done only 40% over budget and get my wife excited about the idea.... A guy can dream. House goes on the market 8/15; maybe my stars will line up.

I love it! And SiestaKey is right, it starts with a dream.

You may wish to take note of the towel warmer in the amidships head. I know from personal experience that it is highly effective in dealing with damp towels :blush:
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Never saw a cleaner 42' or other Krogen, for that matter. Upon closer and more critical inspection, however, I believe I may have a cleaner top step than Stout does on the ladder to the boat deck.:popcorn:
Adjectives a plenty

I have been following watercraft of all kinds for years and I have to say that I can't think of another yacht for sale that has been better outfitted for design, safety, or presentation. Many many adjectives come to mind but simply stated you sir have put together one very sweet yacht.
Bump for a great yacht and an owner with vision.
Stout Now Priced for Quick Sale, come and get it!

Circumstance and other opportunity dictate extremely unsentimental pricing:

40% off 2015 survey valuation

Approximately $600,000 "invested" (I stopped counting)

$475,000 recent survey valuation (survey available on request)

Will sell for $285,000

Website: STOUT

Contact: Contact — STOUT
Absolutely beautiful boat. Looks like a great opportunity for someone. Unfortunately, it is about $85k and 1000 miles too far for me.

Good luck with the sale.
You have built without a doubt the finest k42 in existence... (sorry other k42 owners)
I would be proud to pull up at any dock anywhere in her
Good luck


Hollywood, you hit the nail on the head.

The detail and money for that detail that went into that boat is outstanding.

I'm not usually impressed, but this really impresses me.
I better stop now, KK42-148 still has to get a a few more miles.
Can someone give me an idea of what it would take to install air conditioning on this beauty? I'm thinking cost, appearance, and effectiveness. What a beautiful trawler!
Can someone give me an idea of what it would take to install air conditioning on this beauty? I'm thinking cost, appearance, and effectiveness. What a beautiful trawler!

Excluding the costs of the units (we installed 2-16000 BTU Dometic Vector Turbo systems), you're looking at ~60 hours of labor. Lena and I did the install ourselves and started from scratch. That included the glassing in of a platform, all the electrical, plumbing, ducts, grates and hardware installation. With the full on Florida heat, the 2 units will keep the boat at 74 degrees easily. At night we only run one unit and the temperature is easy to maintain.
Stout A/C

Can someone give me an idea of what it would take to install air conditioning on this beauty? I'm thinking cost, appearance, and effectiveness. What a beautiful trawler!

I'm glad to hear that two 16k a/c units work well for Larry M and Lena in the Florida heat, and self-installed at that! Very "cool"!

Being prone to overkill and never having summered in Florida, I had prepared for 3 future air conditioning units during the first major refit. The generator/inverter system is designed and sized to accommodate three a/c units and thus temperature zones; one for the pilothouse, one for the accommodations, and one for the salon and galley. Space is saved for the units allowing mounting well above the waterline, accessible vent and return locations are laid out, most electrical cables are pre-run, and the raw water intake seacock is already installed.

Not having actually installed air conditioning, it seems a pretty straightforward installation, all of which can be completed in the water. The job would entail installing a seawater pump and manifold connected to the existing seacock in the forward bilge, running 5/8" supply lines to each of the unit locations, and discharge lines from each of the units to new above-waterline discharge through-hull fittings. Then cut in and hook up the vents, hook up electrical, connect thermostats. You could use three of the existing thermostat locations for both the existing heat and the new a/c. Condensate drain lines could go overboard or to the forward bilge.

I estimate about $9,000 in parts, for three Flagship Marine a/c units and all installation materials. Flagship is in Stuart FL and would be able to confirm the recommended unit sizes based on the air volume and window glass area of each zone, accounting for your cruising area and expected conditions. (No connection to them BTW)

Of course Dometic/Cruisair is great too, I have three of their units in my motorcoach.

Feel free to give me a call at 310-801-6886 if I can answer any other questions.

Jay Becker
M/V Stout
PS - There is a lot of sales activity on Stout since I dumped the price, with a number of parties working on financing and/or coming up with cash. So I would encourage anyone interested in being her next owner to get in the game soon.
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