Lusitania Torpedoed

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RT Firefly

Oct 21, 2007
100 years ago today.

Amazing that it was that long ago. My how time flies when you're having fun on TF.
Read up on some history. The sinking was the pivotal event that led to the US entry into WWl. This Wiki article is a fascinating brief history both of her construction and demise. Pay particular attention to the Conspiracy theories about half way down the page. She could do almost 27 knots in 1914.
Ms. BB. Well, in fact I DO recall what I was doing when I received word of her sinking. I was attending a dinner given by Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Miss Christabel Pankhurst. In fact Ms. BB the Pankhurst women were responsible for a number of YOUR civil rights. Look it up young lady.
Read up on some history. The sinking was the pivotal event that led to the US entry into WWl. This Wiki article is a fascinating brief history both of her construction and demise. Pay particular attention to the Conspiracy theories about half way down the page. She could do almost 27 knots in 1914.
RMS Lusitania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ms. BB. Well, in fact I DO recall what I was doing when I received word of her sinking. I was attending a dinner given by Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Miss Christabel Pankhurst. In fact Ms. BB the Pankhurst women were responsible for a number of YOUR civil rights. Look it up young lady.

Didn't know you were in Britain at that time. Emmeline was a wild and crazy woman. I'm wild and crazy but not an arsonist. Funny how sending her daughter to Australia was considered such severe punishment. Half of you likes what she accomplished, but the other half doesn't like some or her methods or how she treated others, including her own kids.

And as the Lusitania, typical with history, there's always the rest of the story. Date, time, place, event are never enough. You gotta believe some aspect of the conspiracy. It's like lying by omission kind of thing. Unless you believe Churchill was like 100% incompetent, you must believe even if he didn't set it all up, he did nothing to prevent it.

I knew parts of all this but hadn't read as much detail as you just led me to do.
Dead Wake by Erik Larson is a good read for anybody interested in this subject.
Dead Wake by Erik Larson is a good read for anybody interested in this subject.

One of the fascinating items from "Dead Wake" is that a couple of hundred passengers drowned because they put the newly issued life jackets on wrong and ended up upside down in the water. Seems no instructions were given before the sinking.
One of the fascinating items from "Dead Wake" is that a couple of hundred passengers drowned because they put the newly issued life jackets on wrong and ended up upside down in the water. Seems no instructions were given before the sinking.

What a way to go, drowned by a life jacket.
I never knew that a large portion of the deck crew, that would have been tasked with launching the lifeboats, was killed in the initial explosion.

I had also never considered the fact that a large part of the regular crack Cunard crew were off fighting the war, leaving a team of second string sailors to run the show.

I've sailed with a few makeshift crews like that, and it makes a huge difference.
100 Years

Ms. BB. Well, in fact I DO recall what I was doing when I received word of her sinking. I was attending a dinner given by Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Miss Christabel Pankhurst. In fact Ms. BB the Pankhurst women were responsible for a number of YOUR civil rights. Look it up young lady.

I had no idea you were well over 100 years old. Congratulations.

Mike F.
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