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For Sale: (SOLD:) 80lb Manson Supreme Anchor

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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Jan 27, 2013
I have an 80lb Manson Supreme anchor that came off my Grand Banks that I'd like to sell. It's about 4 years old, galvanized, and in near perfect shape. It worked great on our 47', 60,000lb boat, and I bought the same anchor (but 180bs) for my new boat. Will also include the stainless Suncore swivel. New the anchor costs about $850 and the swivel about $75. Asking $500 for the pair. Please contact me via private message on this forum.

Now that the boating season in the Northeast is starting to come into sight, I thought I'd give this for-sale a bump. This is a great 80lb Manson Supreme anchor available in the general Boston area. Contact via private message if interested.
I have the same anchor. It is awesome and has held in heavy winds. Good luck.

Cheers, Bill
Finally some pictures




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Does it have AIS and N2k connectivity? Also if it has AIS is it Class A or B?
I'm surprised nobody wants this anchor. Is it too small? The wrong kind? Not enough chain? Never mind the last question - you'll need to supply your own chain.

But seriously, it's a great anchor and should be securing a boat rather than decorating my yard.
TT, I have the 60 pound version and you are right, Great anchor at a reasonable price. Good luck with the sale.
The sixty apready pulls my bow down with 200 feet of 5/8 BBB...otherwise I would be all over that 80...just because it's double what is recommended....:D
The sixty apready pulls my bow down with 200 feet of 5/8 BBB...otherwise I would be all over that 80...just because it's double what is recommended....:D

200 ft of 5/8!? :eek: I wouldn't even need an anchor with that!
I'll have to try that. "Dear, the anchor is too big, so we need to get a bigger boat"
I'm supprised too.

It's quite likely the best anchor availible.
I see you have the rode attached to the lower hole and not the slot. Soon I'm going to be using my Supreme and I have faith in the slot if a shackle is used that won't slide under the shank but only down the slot on top. The shackle just needs to be small enough. I think several people on the forum have reported using the slot w great success. I should soon be among them.
I'm supprised too.

It's quite likely the best anchor availible.
I see you have the rode attached to the lower hole and not the slot. Soon I'm going to be using my Supreme and I have faith in the slot if a shackle is used that won't slide under the shank but only down the slot on top. The shackle just needs to be small enough. I think several people on the forum have reported using the slot w great success. I should soon be among them.

I really like having the option to shackle up either way. I generally use the fixed hole unless I know I'm anchoring on a rocky bottom. Then I use the slot so I have a built-in trip line.

And yes, they are great anchors. We used our new one (same anchor, but bigger for bigger boat) probably 100 times this summer and no dragging, even when I probably should have. We were generally in 60-100 feet of water and scope was seldom more than 3:1. At times we must have been on pure rock ledge because every time the boat would swing a little you could hear the chain dragging across the bottom. It sounded like Jacob Marley's chains dragging across cobble stones. But we never moved.
Thanks for the performance testimonial. Especially the 3-1 scope part. Few anchors perform really well at short scope so it's good to know what anchors do.

Was it sold to one of us?
Yes, it's still in the TF "family". It actually sold a while ago, but delivery didn't happen until today.

Re the 3:1 scope, keep in mind that that's in deep water with a lot of chain out. Probably 750lbs worth of chain alone. I wouldn't anchor 3:1 in shallower water, say 50' or less. Then I'd go for 5:1 or more if you have swing room.
Yes of course "if you have swinging room".
I am the new owner of twistedtree's Manson Supreme. Met him on the Mass Pike in Framingham on a Friday to pick it up. Mounted on our Defever 44 on Monday. Anchored out on that next Friday (10/9) in St. Michael's, MD harbor. It was immediately tested. Spent the night alone in the harbor with 20-30 knot north winds all night and a 2-foot chop in the harbor. Held fast with a 180-degree swing during the night. The anchor fits our bow pulpit perfectly. We are very happy owners of this anchor. Thanks twistedtree!


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Did you use the hole or the slot?
I used the hole. And Pau Hana, you have the insurance on our Defever.
That's great that it fit so well. I already knew it would hold well:) Glad it all worked out, and my wife is happy to have it out of the yard.
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