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For Sale: 2 in Perko sea strainer , and STUFF

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 12, 2007
Back in FL and its time to empty my storage shed.,,,,

2 inch Perko bronze sea strainer $130Ea (pair)

Teak Grand Banks folding table mounted on air spring pedestal, heavy duty , photo on GB site $399.

Super fancy Euro Helm chair , new never installed about $2K at dealer $500 .

Pedestal fish chair with base for EZ removal , white aluminum. $100.

About 10 ft 1 inch wide HD 1/2 round bronze rub rail, $10.00 per ft.

3 Used Bronze opening ports 14.5 x 6.5 inside 18x10.25 outside $150 ea.

Pick up at my dock or drive on over to Ortona.

What is the max seat height for the helm chair?
With the seat cushion uncompressed the MAX height is 38-39 inches.

Lowering on the air spring it will go down 10 inches to 28-29 as a MIN.

I do not think the height could be changed by modifying the air spring.

Our current internet is slower than dial up , but I might be able to post a photo if you are interested.

call me,I dont usually go on the computer except 5-7am
I'll measure today but I think its going to be a few inches short.
I'll measure today but I think its going to be a few inches short.

Short is better than long.

A 6 inch plywood pad is a snap, cutting a hole in the PH floor would be a drag!
Going to have to pass. Thanks anyway.
SOLD ! the pair of 2 inch sea water strainers on their way UPS to CANADA.

The rest of the goodies are still for sale , will attempt again to post the Euro Seat , the item with the most interest.

My computer Guru (the bride sez) 3000x4000 is probably too large , so never gets sent.

Will shrink it somehow and attempt again tomorrow.
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please send me pictures of the seat also what color is it
Where is ortona? Interested in table. Photos? Dimensions?


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Nice helm chair . Do you have anymore bronze cleats like I bought from you before ? Do you have a picture of the bronze ports ? You know how I like that bronze .
Pack Mule , sorry you got the last of those beauties.
But I did save a 15 in for mid ship mounting close to the door , to run the Erie barge canal again.

The bronze ports are very heavy , the thru the hull portion flange is 2 inches deep .

Look like they are Ronstand .pattern , buy not sure

UPS will be a bear for them!

The helm chair is imported from Holland ,

Zwaardus mfg.
Ortona is in Florida , about 15 miles west of lake O.

The table photos can be seen on the Grand Banks for sale board , IAGBO :: Log in

I am not a member there and am not allowed to view the pictures/forums. Can you post pictures here or send them to me?
From the GB board,,,
I have what I am told an original GB TEAK table from the GB woody era.

It is just over 2 ft square , and flaps hinge open another 1 ft on either side to about 4ft x 2 ft.

When open the surface is white Formica inset in teak.

The table is mounted on a modern aluminum seat pedestal that goes up and down with an air spring , rotates 360 deg

The sea slide mechanisms have been modified to allow the table to slide with the touch of a lever.

I am putting a dinette into my coach and am undecided weather to build a table or install this , rescued from our last coach when it was sold.

It is splendid , and perhaps there is a GB owner that is looking to restore his pride and joy.

Located in CT till Nov , and could be brought to FL via I 95 after that.

Its is true a piece of art work , and history and priced as such $600. Complete , ready to bolt down.

Took measurements and the table is 25 1/2 inches square.
With both flaps open the size becomes 51 1/4 wide , one flap and its 38 1/2 wide

The pedestal is very robust and in the down position the table is 18 inches high in the up position 31 inches., an air spring assists when raising

The seat portion of the mount will allow the table top to slide from side to side ,and locks every half inch or so.

The table could be shipped as two pieces , the pedestal and the top ,


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nice chair but color wont work for me
The fancy Dutch helm chair has a deposit ,

so the last chair is an outside white aluminum fishing chair with cushions.


The foot rest is adjustable in height.

The Dutch chair was new and perfect , this is used , but perfectly useable .


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Curious; text description/price of GB table doesn't seem to match up w/photo; perhaps I missed something?
What is the Question?

The white formica insert is only seen when the table leafs are opened up.


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