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For Sale: 2010 Custom Dutch Barge

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Nov 16, 2014
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Custom Dutch Barge
I built this four years ago. It's a modern V-hulled steel vessel. It is presently in Sarasota, FL at Marina Jack and is shown on my website:
Passage | Homepage
I have $850,000. invested and will sell for about $550,000.
That is one achingly (in that it will never be mine) beautiful vessel.
Thank you. That's so nice.
I really appreciate it.
WOW... That is a very cool vessel. Well done!
Thanks. And it looks like you are in the most beautiful place.
I built this four years ago. It's a modern V-hulled steel vessel. It is presently in Sarasota, FL at Marina Jack and is shown on my website:
Passage | Homepage
I have $850,000. invested and will sell for about $550,000.
That is one handsome vessel. Thanks for posting.
Beautiful boat! Heaps nicer than anything I saw in Amsterdam 2 weeks ago on the canals. Including an underdressed lady in a shopfront window.
Good luck with the sale!

Gorgeous boat!
That is a terrific boat. I had seen something about it somewhere and found it fascinating, but I did not know the connection to Patrician.
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That is truly an amazing vessel! Have always liked canal boats in theory, but was less than inpressed with the fit, finish, and fairness of the hull. Yours is truly a work of art!

Outstanding vessel! Love the twin stacks; "masculine indeed! Same engine as my 250 Dodge tow tractor! Outstanding engine!
Saw this boat at Marina Jack's a few weeks ago when we stayed there. It is absolutely gorgeous. Wondered what the interior looked like. Thats some serious joinery work there!
Saw this boat at Marina Jack's a few weeks ago when we stayed there. It is absolutely gorgeous. Wondered what the interior looked like. Thats some serious joinery work there!

Next time your at Marina Jacks look us up on G dock
Saw this boat at Marina Jack's a few weeks ago when we stayed there. It is absolutely gorgeous. Wondered what the interior looked like. Thats some serious joinery work there!
Thank you. We'll be back on board for the winter in about three weeks. Stop by and it'll be nice to show it to you and say hi.
Does anybody know how much I could get for a kidney? I have an extra one here, and it's just taking up valuable space. Maybe you'd consider a straight up trade?
Does anybody know how much I could get for a kidney? I have an extra one here, and it's just taking up valuable space. Maybe you'd consider a straight up trade?

Depends if it is one that Bill Gates could use I would think a great deal
Does anybody know how much I could get for a kidney? I have an extra one here, and it's just taking up valuable space. Maybe you'd consider a straight up trade?
Thanks...and that may end up being a good deal for me !
If you hear a shot in the next few minutes, it's just me......
Nice looking design and end result. What was the boat designed to do? WIth a three-foot draft, it would appear to be aimed at river/canal/protected coastal waters cruising. What was your intention when you set out to design and built it?
Nice looking design and end result. What was the boat designed to do? WIth a three-foot draft, it would appear to be aimed at river/canal/protected coastal waters cruising. What was your intention when you set out to design and built it?
We built in for Florida, so the prop, rudder, keel coolers, etc are protected. For lots of air, the pilothouse windows slide down to open and then there's the back deck, which is the best place if there are no bugs. The V-hull allows some offshore work, which we just did again coming from Mobile to Sarasota...but she does roll a little more than a deeper V, or with some form of stabilization. I don't want the cost and complexity of active stabilizers (on this boat) and flopper-stoppers increase the air draft for more bridge openings. So it's all a compromise.
I built this four years ago. It's a modern V-hulled steel vessel. It is presently in Sarasota, FL at Marina Jack and is shown on my website:
Passage | Homepage
I have $850,000. invested and will sell for about $550,000.

She is a beauty

and your 2 boats down from a real rockstar


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Say, Wayfairer, if you had intended to post a pic of the kidney, I think you've got a mixup in your photo album.
The second stack is a 12 kw Northern Lights genset on a Walter keel cooler.
Say, Wayfairer, if you had intended to post a pic of the kidney, I think you've got a mixup in your photo album.

Sadly, I lost all of my good kidney selfies when I let the blue smoke out of my old phone. I'm single at the moment, so I'm still looking for that special someone to help me take some snazzy new renal portraits.

Just curious...Did you reduce the size of the fuel tank(s) on board Passage to 300 gallons, and if so, why? Are the fuel tanks larger in the original Branson "Thomas 50" design?
No. The tanks are standard. With the smaller engines and speed limits of the European boats, they go forever. Even with my larger Cummins, I can probably go more than 1000 miles on a tank. I do have unused space in the bilge that could be more fuel, but if I were building it now, I'd use it for more blackwater storage.
Thanks...and that may end up being a good deal for me !

the phone does not do it justice passed you in the distance today

the picture does not her justice


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